Why do Neo Nazis Look like Degenerates

I mean come on it's obvious. They look like 60 iq monkeys without jobs. The type of people that everybody hates because they take the last piece of cake and probably smells too. Was dense af throughout all of high school, and suddenly feels he is special because he is "white" and has a lot of freetime, or works as a mechanic.

They are all "that" guy.

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Because they are literally worse than niggers

JIDF already got caught red handed posting the politics strawpoll and yet Fascist+NatSoc beat almost all the other categories combined. I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how our borders were opened largely by desert rats, how the lawsuits that opened abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes, I could even lay out the hundreds of crooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that every time someone in this thread sees societal/political rot ask yourself, and do some digging if necessary, to see if a certain sunken eyed inbred chosen tribe is behind it.

Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone that takes it as one simply cannot ever stop seeing the (((coincidences)))


More of these inbred retards. No wonder neonazis have a certain kind,... uhm... "reputation".

I don't know.

This scares the Jew.

This is one more reason why the inbred tribe is flooding our board lately. They're shitting themselves, and rightfully so.

>That guy with the Hitler 'stache


>I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish

Some people in a revolution was jewish. So what. Some people in some revolutions were white, some were chinese and some were indians.

>affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA

Wanting minorities to catch up with white people is a bad thing somehow? The result may be bad. But the intention was objectively good in my opinion. Showing empathy to people who have been historically threaded upon is a sweet gesture.

> I could even lay out the hundreds of crooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with

You know thousands if not millions work in that business. There are black pornstars too. So what? You are fucking retarded.

>see if a certain sunken eyed inbred chosen tribe is behind it.

Tfw a sunken inbred tribe who are apparently untermenschen are ruling the world even though they are like 2 million out of 7 billion on this planet. You guys are fucking delusional.

Well the Jews really are trying to subvert us, so I don't blame them. Honestly if you look at history, everything great was made by white people so I don't understand what the world expects it's going to do without us.



Those are our grunts just like Soros has his grunts.

If I had to bet on them in a fight my money's on the redpilled punks.

>American entertainment
>Literary masterpieces
>classical music
>Video games
>Modern batteries
>The Volkswagen Beetle
>The Cat scan
And i could go on. All Jewish inventions that have shaped modern society. With only a couple million jews in the world.

You guys on Pol are known as the retards of Sup Forums for a good reason.


They are legit white niggers including the WE WUZ meme it's hilarious that they think their shit movement is ever going anywhere in America or Canada. It's true far right governments are taking hold in Europe but they will be nothing like Nazi Germany that shit is never coming back. yea

Mostly because they don't dress well

I'm an avid National Socialist and I personally despite "Neo Nazis."

They are literally violent racists who latch onto our ideology. They are Übermensch, and not representative of National Socialism.

Übermensch means super human. Just for the record.

The future is Islamic fascism world wide. All our western freedoms are being eroded and compromised in the name of economics, Islam will occupy the minds of the poor and the common and the rich and powerful will not believe it but they will pay lip service to it.

I think you meant Untermensch

a successful person would never want to be seen supporting a white nationalist group, it would be suicide for their social status and careers.

now degenerates have nothing to lose, so they being ostracized by society isn't as great of a concern for them. the shitty attire and stupid haircuts is just them embracing their identity as a type of coping mechanism.


Yeah my bad. I meant Untermensch.

Every army needs expendable fodder.

Guy with the beer looks normal except the clothes


If it walks like a degenerate and quacks like a degenerate, it's probably a degenerate.

Whenever you see fags shilling this hard, you know they aren't from Sup Forums. Just a reminder to all you newfags

This is what more nationalist groups need to emulate. Those look like actual, respectable political protests as opposed to degenerate skinheads.


This is whay I've been thinking. I'm hoping it will at least bring us a strong culture to replace our spineless modern liberalism.

He wasn't wrong.

Retarded inbred gringos want to preserve their retarded gene pool

>tfw I shave my head because I work in a filthy steel mill, and people associate me with these faggots.

I wonder what the whatever you say part was about.

Why would anyone be a bro nazi? If you're into that and are from Germany then you should be working the fourth Reich. If anywhere else you should be building white nationalism and all that for your own country. An American who thinks he is a nazi is a traitor in my book

They think saying "we're nazis" and dressing like a punk rock band while yelling at niggers makes them national socialists
>real nazis wear 3 piece suits, made right here in the USofA

>average hispanic iq
>not far below white average

obligatory meme version

>real nazis
Fucking cringe

Smart gentiles are too busy making money and raising a family.

lol hey lets all play hitler dress up

/all nazis on pol

Not when they are inferior subhumans pretending to be us and besmirching the NatSoc name. Normies see these guys and assume they are representative of everyone in NatSoc.

We don't "need" a violent militaristic wing. The idea of NatSoc is to be a natural uprising of the people, focused around inspiring leaders for people to rally around.

It's not meant to start with subhumans waving our flags and beating up innocent people because of the colour of their skin.

NatSoc is about uplifting white Volk and making us proud of our accomplishemnts, communities and culture, and uniting to improve them.

NatSoc isn't necessarily white supremacist, we consider white people to be great, of course, but we want other peoples to follow our example in their OWN countries, instead of leeching off our success.

it's all larping
why would you copy german-style nationalism socialism
it wouldn't work nowadays, and you only look like an edgy autistic retard
we need a new nationalist movement better suited to our own unique conditions, as does every other country
i believe dr. pierce spoke about this quite a bit

They are retarded beacuse of their shallow genetic pool.
Hispanics are retarded beacuse they don't want to learn
There is a difference

They are low-iq untermensch

A non-degenerate non-subhuman sensible national socialist keeps their beliefs private outside of Sup Forums, dresses respectfully, does not violate their body with tattoos, and does not interact with controlled-opposition groups like the KKK and skinhead groups

im not a shill, shithead im just answering the question that OP posed.

you've got to behave like the blue pilled fucks if you want to get anywhere in society, only the degenerates with nothing to lose are willing to be seen publically.

i'd personally support the neo nazis, but i wouldn't be seen near them

>taking the last piece of cake

You gotta be quicker than that'

Nothin' personnel kid...
*teleports behind you*


fucking this

>They look like 60 iq monkeys without jobs.
because they are 60 iq monkeys without jobs

The one in the middle looks like a women. However is what we should work towards

That's because alt-right/nazi retards are cowards and know they are in the wrong.


Because they aren't smart enough to hide their power levels.



Well said

American neo-nazis are the scum of the earth. Its like being a russian neo-nazi, there is no point in following that ideology unless you're a special snowflake who needs to be edgy.

The nazis fucked up and are done now. Make your own political party that isn't socialist or fascist and stop following a foreign idea that your grandfathers and fellow americans fought to end.

Road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Look better then American protestors. Post your pic. I bet you look like a 170 lb cunt or a fat sloth.

Being a mechanic is redpilled.
There is something good in taking a broken machine and making it work again.

Anyway, the problem with many neo-nazis is that they watched too much Hollywood WWII movies, and are now larping.
Ignore them, they don't care about politics.

All ideologies have them

Iirc it was someone saying he probably doesn't look just like Hitler so he posted the pic to prove he did

Clean and orderly. That's how NatSocs are supposed to be

Jesus. I've just been on another thread telling the stormfags they're being retarded for going full fash.
Now we've got Danes going full cuck. Jews are a tiny tiny minority. They are over-represented in positions of authority and influence in most western countries (except Denmark, funnily enough). Many of them strongly advocate immigration into the west, but tellingly, not into Israel. Me, I put it down to a mostly subconscious cultural thing; they've learnt to survive and prosper in communities across the globe. But if you don't see a pattern there, some big fucking coincidence, then you've got the brain of a pigeon.
Or maybe you're trolling the stormfags?


The only thing I'm doing outside of pol is slowly redpilling my family, but by bit. So far I have all of them hating refugees and muslims and understanding the cost of mass immigration from non-European countries. They are also mildly educated on race relations and some of them could be considered "racist."

Some of them have been directly exposed to muslim barbarism through their work in social care and supporting at-risk girls. They witnessed our own government covering up muslim grooming themselves.

My next step is to slowly introduce them to neutral WW2 documentaries that show the brutality of bolshevism and life in Weimar republic germany VS National Socialist Germany.

From there they will realize that NatSoc isn't evil and the truth will slowly set in without me ever telling them what to believe.

Realizing the truth for yourself is thre true redpill.

They are mexican tier subhuman trash


Socialism is a failure fucking retz


Come back when you understand the difference between National Socialism and Marxist Socialism.

Racists are generally subhuman in both looks and behavior. The Aryan Ideal is a Leftist one.

Quick question. Is the nordic model of economy the closest thing we have to a fascist corporatist economy today? I know that places like Sweden may be terribly un-nationalistic and defenseless, but their economy is pretty close to the fascist model right?

This. Fucking historical re-enactment.
Frankly, it doesn't even matter whether and/or by how much the holocaust was inflated or fabricated. It might be interesting, it might even give you insights, but banging on about it has virtually no upside. Any new nationalist movements should be able to stand on their own merits.

>sensible national socialist
so antisemetism is sensible?

and who cares if you have tattoos nowadays?

>we here at Sup Forums are all nazis

I want to hang you, my man.

Nearly all of them are the trash of society.

They have nothing to be proud of as an individual because they have achieved nothing in their lives, not even a college degree. Hence they seek pride in the achievements of others (their race) to uplift their self-esteem.

Losers want to fit in with the winners.
No matter what, people with virtue signal.

"neo-nazis" are edgy autists
nationalists is where it's at

>Calls others inferior subhumans
>Posts anime

You've got a long way to go, friend

>nu males and balding uneducated betas
>scaring anyone

Because they are degenerates