Trump: "They'll hunt you."
Sup Forums: "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me....because it's what needs to happen."
"Because sometimes the truth isn't good enough..."
>Steven Miller burns his hitler paraphernalia
" ...sometimes people deserve more."
>Steve Bannon deletes every Pepe image on his computer.
>Drags the "Alt-right" folder into the trash icon.
>Hits the "Delete" key.
" Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded."
>"This will permanently delete 1,488 files."
>Bannon smiles to himself
>Sup Forums hurries off. Limping into the shadows.
Barron: Wait, Sup Forums!! Why are they running, Dad?
Trump: Because we have to chase them.
>Barron looks at his father, confused.
Barron: "They didn't do anything wrong. They're a board of peace..."
>Trump solemnly watches as the MSM and shills barrage Sup Forums with relentless attacks. The sound of the talking heads becoming louder and more ferocious.
Trump: Because...
>Sup Forums evacuates between boards. Stumbling. Bleeding. They make it to the happening bunker...
Trump: "...They're the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. "
>Ramzpaul disavows the alt-right
"So, we'll hunt them,"
>Richard Spencer kills himself for being a faggot
"because they can take it."
"Because Sup Forums is not our hero."
"They're our silent guardians. "
"Our watchful protectors."
"Our Dark Knight."
>music hits