Is he dare I say it /ourguy/?
Is he dare I say it /ourguy/?
sounds like he needs to be hospitalized
>implying either of those things were good
Are democrats redpilled?
His comedy special "Soy sauce holocaust" is surprisingly alright
>is he dare i say it /ourguy/?
is this a meme now for starting threads
Deuce Bigalow was an excellent movie
Dude doesnt understand how much the parties have changed from the past.
Not until he makes Deuce Bigalow 3
Fuck me. RobSchneider was actually funny for once.
yea i'm sure rob schneider played a big role in freeing the slaves and giving women the right to vote
Parties haven't really changed at all since their foundation
And? They were still pissed under the party name Democrat.
Pretty much.
He's a half Jew so you tell me.
Are you being sarcastic?
Republicans still stand for for the same basic principles they always have, same with democrats. The parties haven't changed but the people have
Okay yeah I see what youre saying.
Fuck I miss old South Park
*record scratch
shouldnt it be the other way around?
Democrats used to hold the south politically, slave owners, all that stuff.
The dude's been lighting up twitter like a fucking arsonist in a matchstick factory.
Didn't even know he was republican till the other week.
Dont worry, they will be off the air in about 2 more years, the ratings on this one is fucking on the floor and viewers are very very pissed they keep skipping weeks when they have the ability to crank the shit out in a day. "Proved many times."
South Park is gonna end, Simpsons got about 5 more years left in them due to the IP value. Simpsons will go off the air, South Park will go online only episodes.
South park hasn't changed. it's you who got older.
The Simpsons is still on?
Aside from a lot of Standing Rock posting, his twitter isn't too bad
they haven't though, that's a myth.
Rob Schneider will never work in Hollywood again after this one.
I know what you're saying but they literally changed the format of the entire show.
The Republican Party hasn't changed much, aside from pandering to evangelicals starting in the 70s, but the Democrats have changed tremendously many times through history. It's a party that's lost its way and basically just whores for votes based on whatever flavor of the month issue people are bitching about. At least their name is entirely appropriate.
Parties didn't change
After having their homes burned down and their fields salted the Dems began migrating North and that was the biggest change.
Democrats were always rich cock mongolers/lap dogs and Republicans were always what's best for the people and tended to be the rich.
Democrats are still just as racist as they were back then but they use it to get votes now claiming that it's "Good racism"
Republicans are still the same, business first lower taxes, raise ya gun, and don't piss in the drinking water we all share.
The only thing people can cite for the parties changing is that the Ku Klux Klan became majority republican, but when that happened they also stopped lynching people and began the millenia old tradition of hating jews so yeah it was a far better thing
Oy Vey clearly he is having a mental episode.
duece laying down the bantz.
yeah, one year they are making episodes about the world not ending because a president is elected
the other they are making the world literaly end because of another one
Back in the day, Dems and Reps were both conservatives. Only Reps were Libertarian and Dems were AnCaps.
I don't know but his show "Real Rob" was fucking terrible.
>Rob pls leave.
Fuck yeah.
He's also anti-neurotoxin in vaccines.
You're naïve about south park's relationship with Comedy Central if you actually believe this.
Surprisingly enough, no. The Dems used to be the party of angry, working class, white men,
>The Dems used to be the party of angry, working class, white men,
>There were only working class white men allowed to vote
pick one
Yeah.. They told all the businessmen, merchants, cotton buyers, cattle buyers, basically business owners to fuck off when they showed up at the polls..