>gets 2,000,000 more votes than the other candidate
I voted for Trump and even I know how wrong this is.
>gets 2,000,000 more votes than the other candidate
I voted for Trump and even I know how wrong this is.
Other urls found in this thread:
I want CTR to leave.
> lose at chess
> win at checkers
Its not wrong. The founders knew this would happen and accepted it.
Wait for the Stein recount, trust me, we'll be saying Madame president.
If you read some postmortem descriptions of the campaign, it becomes understandable how this is possible.
The Trump campaign played the game much better, which is kind of shocking considering how little they had.
>lose at chess
>b-but i have more pieces on the board.
>Gary Johnson playing Uno
Trump won 30 states. It would only be fair that he becomes president. Rallying the urban vote is worthless where they have polling places inside of Burger King. People in Nebraska need to drive 50 miles to vote sometimes.
-3million illegals
+ if they had no EC both of them would have changed their strategies
Ok, buddy.
Do a nationwide recount, but we filter out the illegals' votes.
>MI, PA, and WI deeper in Trump territory
>California becomes red
Seems fair.
>inb4 before horricane Salt v.2.0
What is this electoral college I keep hearing about. What kind of degree can I get from there?
>>gets 2,000,000 more votes than the other candidate
That would be an issue if we had a national election for President. We don't. We have 501 state/district elections, to select electors according to the rules in each state and DC.
This is something that has been explained to you before, in high school, and both candidates clearly understood the rules.
An analogy -- Hillary had 3 aces and 2 kings, Trump had 3 deuces and an ace.
You: Hillary should have won! She had the best hand.
Me: They were playing blackjack. Not my fault if you didn't know that.
It makes absolute sense as long as American federalism is alive. If states themselves lose their role as legislative entities, sure, then you could go for a popular vote, but as of now, the states fulfil a certain role within the union, thus electoral college.
Read The Federalist Papers.
Oh for fucks sake can these posts stop. The electoral college is set up to give smaller states more representation. Same reason why we have the senate.
Obviously that's too hard for dumbfucks like you to figure out.
Geography > People
1 Wyoming vote = 3.5 California votes
>wins a majority of the states
What is the problem again?
>trupm says the elction is rigged and he may not accept result
>trump wins by a handful of votes
>democrats politely ask for a simple recount of the votes just to make sure
>republicans go full out screaming rage and refuse to even consider it
Yeah man totally. All three of those states are going to goto Hillary after the recountAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The only people who say stupid shit like this are people who don't understand how US elections work. It's not one big election, it's 51 different elections so that the states can come to an agreement on who will lead. Hillary lost a large majority of those 51 elections. Just because she racked up a shitload of votes in California (and you can check the numbers. She LITERALLY only won the popular vote because of California), doesn't mean she should get to represent all 50 states, because a majority of the states went for Trump.
It's like if an NFL team loses 14 out of 16 games, but scores the most points in the league while doing it. That team isn't going to make the playoffs, because they still lost a large majority of their competitions.
>check flag
Isn't ctr still paying for proxies over there? Where's the eternally asspained Serb proxy? He didn't kill himself did he?
3 milions illegals
what did he mean by this
Your whole gerrymandered as fuck system is a joke.
there's nothing wrong about it
if you don't know what the electoral college is and why it exists
It's really retarded. I can see why people might twirl their noses at the electoral college but it kind of seems hollow as fuck that they only bring up the issues with a republic democracy when their candidate loses.
I'm fucking anti-drumpf as fuck but this is really pissing me off. But hey, I guess it's just lefty populism wanting to feel like on the "right side" having the most support or something. Like they somehow need to quench the fear they've built up around Trump winning so the only way to cope is to say they still won somehow. Like jesus fucking christ.
I guess most people are just waiting for him to take office and start fucking something up before the real opposition starts so lets hope it has some more substance.
Tell that to the Democrats since they do it more than the Republicans.
But Obama said you cant rig the election and Hillary said she would accept the results....
Probably due to manipulation. Hillary should get a recount
That's beside the point but it's also wrong.
>politely ask
>implying that every liberal rag isn't screaming murder.
You cant rig a election -Obama
stein recount is just a bernie-style money grab by jilldog
she knows recount won't show anything, because michigan is a paper only state.
>he doesn't realize how brilliant the EC is
Educate yourself my man. The Founding Fathers were a hell of a lot smarter than you, and they didn't create it for the sole reason of "muh transportation"
So you hate the idea of a Republic then.
Are you like Obama? He was literally complaining last week that small states get two Senators.
Fuck off if you seek to destroy the Republic.
y-yes my fellow trump voter, i share your concern, we should just accept the results of popular vote
Idiot; the democrats haven't asked for shit.
Libtards before election: will you accept the results? Will you speak against the riots when you lose?
You're a faggot.
kys CTR
That's right Hillary made such a big deal about trump having to accept the results at the debate, so fuck her and fuck you no recount Big Don is President.
No evidence of illegals voting. Its just fake news coming from conservicucks
>HILLARY: What the fuck is the Electoral College?
>HILLARY: I should be queen already.
>election rules dictate the aim of the game is to get 270 electoral colleges
>Trump and Clinton's campaign strategies are based entirely on this principle
Both Trump and Clinton would have fought the campaign completely differently had the rules been different.
That's hilarious
The Democrats were going to use amnesty to pad their votes so no Republican would ever win again. All the huge states that went blue like Ca, IL, NY? No voter ID. Illegal immigrants there can already vote if they feel like it.
Why would small states consent to be governed by a California - New York axis?
Why is it wrong? Hillary would have lost if we were using the popular vote, because Trump would have campaigned in densely populated states.
What you want is a bait and switch.
So if faithless electors elect Clinton as president, you would support it, knowing it is a constitutional and intended result?
Butthurt libtards
No m8 its simple logic when you get registered to vote automatically when you get a license in CA
Well make it illegal then.
Oh the Democrats don't want to because they'd get fucked when they can't gerrymander.
I hold no allegiance with Republicans, I only voted Trump because hes Trump, fuck that party. But it really tosses my salad when Democrats or left leaning people bitch about Republicans gerrymandering. I remember Jon Leibowitz having a few segments on that back when I was a good goy and actually watched that show. Totally had me convinced the Republicans are evil cheaters and Democrats are innocent bois who dindu nuffin.
perfect anology. thank you.
Why should overpopulated coastal libtarded cities people decide thee fate of the nation
>how wrong this is
Then you failed social studies in middle school. The amount of people surprised by how the system works this cycle has been astounding. As if any of it is new/secret and not how it's run for a hundred years.
Winner takes all is unfair bc the democratic votes in red/hellish states get lost and conservicuck votes in blue states get lost as well.
That aint right.
>hits with 20
yeah those burned down cities politely desagree with you
Actually the Democrats & Clinton campaign have declined recount/audit multiple times now despite media begging them to.
It's likely that it would erode her popular vote lead or possibly eliminate it once illegal immigrant and ineligible or dead voters are found. Could even possibly flip the vote in Virginia to Trump once felons who voted illegally are removed.
The truth is they don't want a vote audit because it may reveal their fraud.
It's called the electoral collage and it's fine
We've had it since 1787
Obama tells illegals they can get away with voting.
Trump didn't win by a "handful" he won by thousands of votes and the Democrats aren't asking, they're whining like petulant children who didn't get their way and their grounds for a vote recount is bullshit because in the case of Michigan, we don't use electronic voting so the accusation that voting machines were "malfunctioning" is fucking hilarious.
What part of "4D chess" don't you understand?
Greg philips is an unreliable source and he is strongly anti hillary. He is a lying piece of shit.
Take away the non-voter ID states and what is the popular vote count?
>+3milllion illegal aliens voted
They've done recounts in the states that were close. All these extra votes for Hillary that are coming in are almost exclusively from the West Coast, specifically California, whose electoral votes already went to Hillary. She could win every single vote in California and it would not change the results of the election one bit despite her having a 10 million vote lead
It's a good thing California doesn't get to decide who the president will be. According to fucking CNN:
Trump: 62,139,188
Clinton: 63,964,956
Trump Without California: 58,298,054
Clinton Without California: 56,734,257
And now to be fair we'll take away Trump's biggest state
Trump Without California and Texas: 53,616,464
Clinton Without California and Texas: 52,866,441
Take away both of their biggest states and Trump still wins, fuck off.
''I voted for Trump and even I know how wrong this is.''
You want to know what was wrong?
Your father diddn't wore a condom and you came to the world.
It is cause you are a fucking moron who doesn't understand how it works.
Imagine if we had to elect a world government.
If it was one man one vote, China and India would decide the world's fate and most countries on earth would have virtually no say.
I know this is shocking and totally insane, but think of the United States of America as collection of 50 automonomous States . If it was one man one vote then California would decide who is president every 4 years.
Michigan used voting machines imbecile. Look it up
I'll leave this here Barrak is #notmypresident REEEEEEEEEE
There aren't enough to make that change.
Its not fine. Its biased against small shit states where brothers fuck their sisters.
I fucking LIVE in Michigan you stupid waffle and we don't use voting machines, we use fucking paper ballots.
You are CTR, please kill yourself. Sincerely -Sup Forums
>I voted for Trump and even I know how wrong this is
Sure you did CTR.
>implying faithless electors have ever been a big thing
>implying the founding fathers didn't know it wasn't going to ever be serious
So much this
Michigander here, we use both: paper ballots are scanned by machines, then warehoused forever and subject to FOIA requests. The entire state uses this system. Any time Hillary wants to show the world that she was cheating and still lost, as well as eat a huge labor and fee cost, we are waiting.
>every election from obongo to Reagan had been conducted under the electoral college system
>suddenly not valid anymore
Go and stay go. If there was no electoral college you could have the vote for the entire country decided in a handful of cities. Literally cuts several demographics right off the election map
subtract voter fraud and non citizen votes
>Trump wins 30/50 states
Fuck the popular vote, especially when they come out with these figures 2 weeks later.
Oh, do you now laddie?
Obama doesnt say illegals should vote. He says they wont get deported if they would vote.
Do u know what nuance means. Does your conservirard thick skull comprehends that?
It's because the democrap party is filled with racists.
They hate white people with a passion.
Trump exposed them for the racists they really are.
Where does the 3 million number come from??
Trump actually has gone on record as not liking the electoral college before, guess you lot should have listened to him.
But here's the thing-they KNEW this could happen. It's happened a number of times before. It last happened just a little over a decade ago. They had, when Obama was first elected, every chance to try to change the rules but they didn't, I think because they felt the rules gave them an advantage in some ways.
Personally, I want instant runoff voting so that third parties would actually start to matter a little bit in this country.
>giving a fuck about southern poor redneck welfare states
Pick one friendo
>Hate white people
>First black president ever