Julian Assange has not been seen alive in public or on video since October 4, 2016. Has he finally been silenced by the US government? Or is he relocating to another place of refuge?
Julian Assange is potentially missing
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I reckon Hillary's finally gone and done it. Real shame desu, he was pretty cool.
Apparently Julian had a set of "dead man switches" in the case of him going missing/harmed. Recently those dead man switches have been set off.
He is definitely not there for sure. If this was a movie I would say he escaped but you know what happened.
Has everyone forgotten the todd and clare connection to DNC already?
This mothafuckas dead. Otherwise he'd still be plugging that stupid fucking book every 10 minutes on Twitter.
Assange is alive and fucking your mom you SHILL
Dude we all know he's dead just give up already
I am really hoping he hasn't been compromised and or killed. We still need him.
So they knew they had emails proving the Clinton Foundation were involved in a child abuse ring, and yet they chose to hold them back until after the election? Even though they were desperate to ensure Hillary was not elected? I agree that the circumstances around Assange are very suspicious at the moment, but I don't buy this LARPers story for one minute.
Assange is fine I talked with him through email the other day. This is fucking nothing once again.
Who is that between Hillary and Podesta?
Does this remind anyone else of the ending choice in Deus Ex?
The whole world needs him, for he was one of the few that helped provide some sort of balance in this dark world. guaranteed he's silenced and under strict gag orders, at the absolute least. His death is a likely possibility.
Good, everyone stop with this shite, he said Assange is fine!!
If in the idea that he is infact dead and that wiki leaks has been compromised, then how could his fail safe switches be activated.
Marina abramovic. Supposedly "performance artist". Google her.
It's fake
exposing the child abuse ring/confirming pizzagate would affect much more than the CF. Many leaders in our government and in other prominent nations would be at risk of being exposed. This would literally turn the world upside-down.
I wouldn't be surprised if the groups that were involved in the raid knew how to prevent the deadman switches going off from the get-go.
This Sorceress is the secret final boss we must destroy mark my words.
what if this is a false flag to make people stop submitting leaks?
CIA please go.
London-anons should file missing person reports at their local constabulary.
Not only he wasn't using a secure tripcode, he also sounds forced as hell. For some reason he made a very verbose post when anyone could have simply said "I was just pretending to be retarded", also that would make his claim more consistent since it would imply he knew chan culture. It seems he doesn't.
>implying cracking that shit wouldn't be easier than stealing candies from autistic kids
>'twas merely a joke, I am just a pathological liar. Please spare me
>implying it wasn't posted by CIA
>implying cripplechan wasn't compromised
>implying that proves anything
Not saying he wasn't a LARPer, though.
Anyway, raising militancy and making people paranoid as hell is always good, regardless of truth.
The state is the enemy and if we don't keep a very fucking close eye on them, everyone gets fucked in the ass.
I think the kremlin zapped him.
>The whole world needs him, for he was one of the few that helped provide some sort of balance in this dark world. guaranteed he's silenced and under strict gag orders, at the absolute least. His death is a likely possibility.
See attached.
Why wait to expose it then? Surely if they've made the decision to turn the world upside-down by releasing the information, the timing becomes relatively unimportant.
8 and chan put together counts as spam, thanks to moot and GG/cuckenning time.
>why wait
As you said, timing is very important. If he didn't release really late in the race, the MSM would have time and enough news cycles to make people forget about it.
My sister keeps texting me over and over about clinton and that pizza ping pong place over and over. It's all your fault. She doesn't even know what Sup Forums is. It's getting really old and I'm wondering if she's losing it.
The [censored]chan ban is retarded and goes against the very principles this site was founded upon.
I also believe there was at least some truth in it. I mean, would anyone say "check my username" anywhere else? We all know what a fucking trip is, there's no way a Sup Forums diaspora wouldn't know about trips, it's like suddenly stating the water is wet. Too forced.
Also he denied more than 5 times in a single fucking post. It's actually very creepy. So creepy I can't help but think the poster, whoever it was, actively tried to make it sound creepy.
There's also the possibility this was a very elaborate ruse, though.
Any proof that wikileaks posting pattern has changed? I've been reading their twitter account, and there is a lot of shady shit being uncovered right now.
To make people forget that the Clinton Foundation is directly involved in child trafficking? That would be pretty hard to slide, even for the media.
could be missinformation
I dunno, I see this as a way to get the information out the most effective way possible when considering all factors, outcomes, and who will be affected.
like letting water flow out the faucet in a gentile/controlled amount into a pan, instead of going full blast and having the water crash onto the pan, therefore spraying everywhere and making a mess.
If I were WL, I'd be careful on how I would drop this bomb. I would have done it to where it would encourage the people to stand up for what's right, while mitigating unneeded collateral damage. To encourage change in the least violent way possible.
yeah, totally fake. so fake that wikileaks had to address it twice. because LARPing thread on an anonymous chinese cartoon imageboard is a very serious threat to their trustworthiness, they just couldn't ignore it. they had to disprove it. repeatedly.