Molymeme thread.
Molymeme thread
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not an meme
not an argument.
He cucked on Spencer and alt-right after riding its coat tails this past year
I watch molymeme every day because I like to pretend he's my dad cause I don't have a father to give me logical advice based on rational and philosophical thinking. Thanks molymeme. You're all I've got.
He use to make some wierd videos
kek alex jones tier
You are not wrong there, he's becoming a strong male figure to me.
>Intro to lolisophy
he should wear Neo glasses again
holy fuck I love this guy so much
>Why do all Indians smell like shit?
Oh my fucking sides
Made this. I know it is shit, but please be gentle.
I'll be gentle
*unzips dick*
>"You cant say the n-word because you're white" is not an argument
10/10 friend
He put the work in, hours upon hours of presentations about current events concerning Donald Trump, even questioned his own politics quite openly and was willing to put aside his ideology to avoid the disaster that was Hillary Clinton rather than sit on the fence like a smug cunt.
What he doesn't do is go along with the crowd and buy into the narrative. Just because he agrees with some "alt-right" principles doesn't mean he needs to join in with the shit-flinging if it's not going to help him and his viewers.
Democrats vs republicans was the duality that everyone adhered to and then suddenly the "alt-right" emerges and offers up a new paradigm of establishment vs indepent, globalism vs nationalism and upon its success the MSM and people like you are just allowing us to be carved up into the same old pigeon holes that always existed.
And just because people like stefan won't squeeze into "our" pigeon hole doesn't mean they aren't with us in the fight.
fuck off mind-cuck
stefan is leaf just like you.
>Enjoying the little things in life.
HAHAHAHA fucking great thread besides this and the sam hyde video has made this day so much better fucking shills ruining Sup Forums for me.
>Reply to this video or your mother will die tonight
When will Molymeme finally be swallowed by the bottomless pit of nihilism and repent?
I watched his latest video where he begins talking about Nostradamus with some guy, then the caller tells him his own shitty life and somehow Stefan manages to blame it on statism and government programs like he always does.
maybe next election cycle
He's really become an arrogant asshole now.
>Guest calls into the show about a topic
>Wants to talk about it
>Stephen agrees indicating he might know something about it
>Proceeds to open wikipedia
>Ask the guest about every little detail
>Cuts off the guest
>Reads from Wikipedia
>Tells the guest they need to do their research
honestly he deserves a broken jaw for some of these interviews.
Then he becomes a complete beta when an e-celeb comes on and pulls none of that bullshit, but instead just nods and doesn't correct them.
I mean yeah you need viewers to get donations, but integrity value has dropped tremendously
that pic makes me sad.
poor Stefie
here is our national version of molymeme : Alain Soral, master of Logos
>he deserves a broken jaw
bad argument
>why fascism is the way
my fucking sides
Am I the only one on this board that actually hates this faggot?
He reeks of fedora to me. Seems obsessed with intellectual posturing and sophistry without actually saying anything terribly interesting. It's not even his politics I necessarily hate, he just seems like a narcissistic douche.
Keep posting those rare molyneuxs.
Fuck you
>Bananas ASMR
That cover reminds me of this.
You got me
whoever made this pic understands the internet
No, he deserves the love of a beautiful, big breasted woman:
He makes the point that the guy's personal success hasn't come to fruition despite his altruism and hard work (I don't know if I completely believed the caller but I guess you have to take him at his word) because society takes more than it gives, especially from those that give willingly. Be it time, money or hardwork.
You're right that to pin it all on politics/economy may seem a bit extreme but the point was to work towards a sense of agency, since the callers preference for determinism meant he wasn't addressing his issues effectively and could in the long run be harmful.
Powerful episode to be honest.
It's not a bad argument
He completely blind sides the individual who is calling in and pressing him on issues that he himself does not understand.
If the guest was a scholar of that area then sure it's understandable, but the person is calling in to have their judgement evaluated which does not happen and instead becomes a sham of a debate as the guest is not prepared for the farce.
The sad thing is he relates violence to non-arguments when violence is the defacto means to win an argument. You may not get to the truth of the matter but the argument will be done. It's the entire concept of war
M-me too.
I wasn't attempting to present an argument, just an opinion. Though another thing that bothers me is he sometimes does say "not an argument" when, in fact, an argument was presented. "Not an argument" is also not an argument.
Still got a boner.
>violence is the defacto means to win an argument
You all know this guy is a christian right?
>those digits
> tfw this is my face
I thought he was jewish like sargon of akkad
>sissy white boys need a daddy
Open up your boypussies
The truth and arguments are two separate things. The goal of an argument is to have the dissenting view gone or reshaping your own.
Violence does just that.