>Illegal for people under the age of 18 to use the internet
Illegal for people under the age of 18 to use the internet
this is now a spiderman thread
>tfw you will never impregnate that cat
This is cutest cat picture on the internet. Nice.
full uncensored internet 100% legal for minors.
their computers can't have audio/video capture hardware.
They should have read only access.
i don't think anyone should be connected to the internet right now in its current form.
its a fucking mess!
also they get 56k to discourage multimedia
i don't think you should have the 1st amendment
fuck off faggot
this is the kind of shit op is talking about
I don't need the 1st amendment.
especially with today's context.
pissed and shit on like a burning flag.
thats expression not speech
no difference
your brain will censor for you regardless.
or you know, people can be actually fucking parents and watch their kids or if they cant be trust not hand them a computer.
Start with yourself.
This right here, you don't need the government to raise your children.
I value the opinions and content of children more than the autistic.
in all my days I have never seen this meme on this board.
here you have it folks.
the dumbing down of america happening right before your very eyes.
I would be great if it were possbile to enforce such a law without breaking anonymity. Which it is not.
Just make being under 18 illegal in general. Send babies to prison and let them out when they're of age.
>Illegal for people under the age of 18 to use the internet
I would make an intranet controlled by the goverment censoring and permitting the info, and only certain people would be allowed to use Internet like scientists, researchers and so.
in reality each internet would need to use different hardware or there would be crossover
so now you're monitoring for stolen hardware from local community colleges
Like I needed more reasons to be ashamed of being British, a faggot like you comes along
When I was under 18 I was using the internet to learn as much about the world as possible since I had noting else to do.
Agree 100% but it's impossible to implement therefore it's a useless idea.
>being this shitty of a parent
Raise your own kids you fucking degenerate.
Oh, I member!
It's illegal for people under 18 to shitpost on Sup Forums but you still managed to make this thread
Fucking Finns
You have to be 18 to view porn
Companies would lose a ton of money on stupid shit like gaiaonline and league of legends skins
If I had a kid they would not use a device or watch tv until rather late, preferably after they had started to comprehend abstractions. Y'all niggas need Eric Sloane's old-time meatspace activities for kids. Eric Sloane was basically the "good" unabomber, talking up the nineteenth century folkways and not sending explosives through the mail and suchlike.