>Trump losing by over 2 MILLION VOTES now
>evidence of election hacking confirmed by FBI
>More and more electors are changing their votes to Hillary
Tick tock, drumpfkins.
>Trump losing by over 2 MILLION VOTES now
>evidence of election hacking confirmed by FBI
>More and more electors are changing their votes to Hillary
Tick tock, drumpfkins.
Other urls found in this thread:
> lol stupid drumpfkins the election can't be rigged
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white "people"
honestly I'm glad at this point he's losing the popular vote
it only makes the victory sweeter and the tears saltier
It wasn't a leave said it i dont believe it.
>'boohoohoo le soros is going to hack everything :(((( we won't accept the results because boogeymen!!!!11'
>'Ha! That's democracy for you! Bigger number!'
Where is the proof about the electors?
>>evidence of election hacking confirmed by FBI
Wasn't the FBI. Just a fag with a PhD from Berkeley and two of his friends. Even Nate silver says it wasn't rigged, and nobody would love it to have been rigged more than Silver so he can keep his Always Right maymay
>its only rigging when republicans do it
you jews are really enjoying those russian proxies right now aren't you?
You sad,pathetic little creature. Still in denial and grasping at the last straws that you think makes you relevant.
Let me tell you some you delusional fucktard,it's ogre. The freaks are banished again into the shadows where they belong. The alt-left made their noose,and now they are hanging from it and they are STILL spouting retarded bullshit.
It's fucking glorious. Keep babbling douchebag.
>two million votes
>in a country of over 315mil people
>in states where hillary already won
If liberals don't like how we run things, they can move to somewhere like Venezuela or China.
Pretty much this is happening now.
When we said the media was rigged in her favor and potential illegal votes they laughed at us. Now cause the narrative is it's happening to them they flip shit.
>Sup Forums imploding over the Spencer fiasco
>Alt right completely delegitimized
>everyone is already jumping boat, even on Sup Forums
>Trump disavowing stormweenies
>Trump already flipflopping on all promises
>Getting blown the fuck out in the popular vote
>Evidence of voter fraud in Drumpf's favor is emerging
Get the rope ready /poltards, I predict a lot of you will commit suicide before Christmas
>saged and hidden
What a queer flag.How much do you love the cock?
What a queer flag. I bet you REALLY love the cock.
subtract voter fraud and non citizen votes
Woops he wins popular vote
lmao triggered stormweenie.
at this point trump is the president-elect
it's over
hillary is not doing the work it takes to run a government right now
have you seen any source on secret meetings going on while she builds her cabinet list?
has she shown any indication that she has plans to contest the results?
she conceded its over
trump is meeting and speaking with world leaders and the markets are up with the news
to change course now would be to toy with the full faith and credit of the united states
Our feckless president, Obama, is raising his drink for a toast somewhere. John Kerry is posing for a photograph. Hillary is throwing a lamp.
Meanwhile, Obama's "sons" are marauding.
America voted Trump. Top down, we need justice against these imbeciles.
And, as far as the 100,000 Syrians that Obama and the Democrats want to allow to immigrate, we say no.
Obama has a legacy: I hate America and everything it stands for.
Good thing that America elected Trump to undo all this Democrat nonsense.
Trump's first Executive Order should say, "Every Executive Order passed by that shit-stain Obama is hereby null and void."
How can someone have 2 million more votes and not be president?
How the fuck does democracy work in US.
ahahahha Drumpf morons think its over. Friendly reminder to the racist scum here that this is all part of our plan, have Hillary lose the EC vote, but win the Popular vote causing her supporters to start major protests in every major city. On top of this Hillary already gave her concession speech as to appear good with both sides, and then come December when the EC make a historic decision and change their votes to Clinton everyone will be stunned and shocked making the election of the First Female President in history that much more historic. Laugh now Drumpfters but this is 100% possible and it WILL happen. You really thought you beat us and the globalists who control this world LMAO you are even dumber than we thought.
>How to start Civil War 101
They are going to regret it if they elect someone else other than Donald Trump.
Because youre a dumb fucking leaf that needs to be raked.
If they always went with population nr, cities like ny and la would decide everything for the whole rest of the country... they are a republic not a 100% democracy. Fucking leafs man
We are a federal republic, not a direct democracy.
A union of states, not a nation of individuals.
The individual, popular vote counts on a state level. On a national level, the states vote. Each state has a number of electors, based on the state's population. Every state gets a minimum of 3 votes.
This acts as a check and balance of power to prevent any single state or from dictating the result of every election cycle.
>"And to the REPUBLIC, for which it stands"
People propagate this "democracy" meme to make themselves feel better.
>muh popular vote
republicans have been saying there is evidence of voter fraud since before AND after the election. they think at least 3 million votes, yet politifact fact checks that as being false. the democrats will NOT follow up on this, because they know there was voter fraud, and it wasn't drumpf. they will let it fester on leftist echo chambers that russia hacked the vote, and drumpf rigged it because it feeds the left and keeps them occupied. they will never pursue this issue because they are guilty of voter fraud, trump won in such a massive landslide that their fraud still wasn't enough.
there are 3 stories of voter machines totally random errors some how switching peoples trump votes to hillary. so yes voter fraud happened. will the democrats pursue it , no. why? because it was the dnc, not the kgb.
>evidence of election hacking confirmed by FBI
>getting 3 million illegal voters in Commieland
>forget that popular vote doesn't matter
>threaten to leave, burn down your own downtown
>actually secede
>stuck in a country with Mexishits
>country collapses because lol no water
ultimate timeline here goys
Click bang traitor
Nice source faggot.
>drumpf might win popular vote
>but it doesn't matter, Hillary will win the electoral with a landslide
Yeah Hillary did fantastic in areas with zero voter fraud protection.
Why do we let DC vote in presidential elections again?
>based on state population
Why are the Electoral College's smuggest defenders also the most clueless?
Republicans did away with the Jefferson model in 1929 when they capped the House of Reps. If the EC were based on population states like NY and CA would have quadruple the number of electors they have now and probably more.
Wyoming, for instance, has 1/40 the population of New York but 1/8 the electoral votes. Population clearly does not even enter this equation.
because the people unfortunate enough to be born there are still citizens regardless of the debate over DC being a city a state or exiting at all
we all knew the biggot would lose.
thank god, now we can build a better world together!
Hillary conceded because she knows that she lost, despite her rigging. So what will we find out?
>Illegals voting?
>rigged electronic voting machines?
>voter fraud by the Dems?
I recently was told by a libtard that the (((media))) was on trumps side and that he rigged votes. Liberals are throwing temper tantrums because they didn't get their way. They can bitch and moan all they want but he won fair and square, enjoy the Trump Train faggots because there's no brakes!
Obama said himself that the election is not rigged and he even told you to stop whining.
>Number of Representatives based on state population
>Electors based on number of Representatives + senators
It was a simplified explanation
>that gif
I love the Midwest.
It doesn't matter because it's the states that vote for the president. That's how electoral colleges work.
Unfortunately, no electors are changing. A few electors from states which HILLARY won said they will not vote for Trump. And, popular vote means nothing. Day of the rope scheduled for 1/21. I can hardly wait to see you kicking and gasping with your eyes and nose bleeding and shit running down your legs as you die. Tick tock, indeed.
It's six electors from states voting Dem anyway. It's nothing.