Why do they do this in America? Do criminals really think they can get THAT much money from a fast food restaurant of all places which makes it worth the risk?
I've never seen anything like this in my life.
Why do they do this in America? Do criminals really think they can get THAT much money from a fast food restaurant of all places which makes it worth the risk?
I've never seen anything like this in my life.
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It's to keep the employees in.
Similar to how chimps need to be behind glass panels at at a zoo.
This is only done in black neighbor hoods I live in a very white ares even our banks don't dividers
niggers, man. they are fucking animals, what are you going to do?
But I thought there wasn't any connection between race and crime. Here even our Flips and Muslims are relatively well-behaved.
So, what's the difference in the US?
>worth the risk?
You think negro crime is calculated?
They don't think they can get that much money from a fast food restaurant. They don't think at all. They do it on an impulse. These criminals have poor impulse control. It's literally a brain dysfunction.
Violent criminals don't perform actions that are efficient because they are mentally ill.
Yeah man, it's the spooks over here. They're total animals. It's not enough they live off our sweat, they have to rob us and sell drugs to our kids too.
That's not America, that's "the ghetto."
We have niggers.
>So, what's the difference in the US?
Our Black "culture"
Niggers will kill someone for $5
Impoverished persons of African-American heritage feel as if royalty by possessing a pair of $80 shoes and it is impossible to obtain through means of free healthcare and government food rations. A clever person of African-American descent knows that the shoe store is guarded by a marksman with a shotgun and has laid waste to several of his brethren; however, the WewuzburgnzNKangz has greenbacks used as currency by the marksman for his valuable shoes: this leads the man of African-American heritage to enter the WewuzburgzNshiite and shank a nigga for his shoes.
>But I thought there wasn't any connection between race and crime.
you thought wrong. niggers make up 13% of US population and commit well over 50% of violent crime
nogs obviously
yeah you dont live with niggers
reminder all blacks are niggers
They just rob because they have to. They're not thinking about money, or getting away with it; it's just in their genetic code that they MUST be violent against someone or something every day. If they can get some free food out of it, all the better, but they HAVE to hurt someone.
it's not only to protect the place from getting robbed, it's to protect the staff from nogs that would jump the counter and go after them for ridiculously stupid shit like being out of chicken nuggets
They can get enough to buy drugs
Probably a dindu thing.
They're dumb as fuck, they suck even at being criminals.
They would murder someone for 20 dollars if the oportunity appears.
>brain dysfunction
More like their mothers drank and used narcotics while pregnant.
Then a fucked up early childhood development.
>by age 4-5 the kid is fucked for life
its bulletproof glass incase of niggers
no fucking refills? Are you fucking kidding me? Bull fucking shit this is in america what the fuck
Remember Singapore, America is a black country now. Whites makes up only 56% of the population and that is dropping quickly.
By 2030 that number will be below 40%.
Remember when replying to an American, there's a 50% chance he isn't white
Niggers aren't filipinos and muslims
They're niggers
I don't even think niggers understand niggers
Niggers are like wild animals
It's always someone else's fault.
Nogs. Between some buying one drink to share for their family of 5, and the "crafty" ones who pour the drink into big jugs for later, it's easier to just ban it all.
Upper neighborhoods allow refills.
Living amongst Africans was a mistake
Apex/Sudanese are going to make retail stores in Melbourne have to look like this soon
this is so fucking depressing.
Germany once took over the whole continent, now they are committing cultural suicide.
USA once brought nogs for the cheep labor force, now they are on a fast track to hand the country to the shitskins.
Why now?! Why in our fucking lifetimes, huh?
desu the Sudanese aren't inherently bad. I don't know much about whats going on in Melbourne but I have a Sudanese friend here in Brisbane and he's a real cool guy. He grew up in bloody Cairns so he was isolated from all those gangs that they let roam free in the liberal paradise of Melbourne.
Dude works ridiculous amount of hours and wants to go back to Sudan to fix shit up when he gets his civil eng degree
Nobody said criminals are smart
>No refills
Literally kikes
I'm a burger and I've never seen this
Then again, I never go to McDonalds
When surrounded by niggers, you must become a jew.
>Why do they do this in America?
I've literally never seen this EVER in a area that doesn't have them
Niggers will rob anywhere
Nogs will pull a gun on you to get their chicken nugget fix when their food stamps run out. Those dividers are bulletproof, meant to avoid such situations.
Is this shit like common? I've never seen one of these at a fast food place
Looks like a bank
>we have non blacks and have no problem
>why do you have a problems with blacks
because they're black. they are not like the rest of us. They have the highest crime rate of any rate no matter what country you go to
you really only see it in areas where nigs are concentrated
some of these so call fast food places have over 3-10 thousands on hand in most black neighborhoods
Congratulations. You do not live in Detroit
No refills? WTF is that shit!
how come rareflags always say based stuff?
or Chicago
>I've never seen one of these at a fast food place
Every gas station/fast food place in St. Louis has them.
Well, the "enriched" areas anyway.
more like FUCK YOU
jesus christ
Because when you're posting off of a dial up modem you choose your words wisely
You're expecting too much from low IQ non Whites.
Niggers in America will shoot you in the face for a pair of used shoes. So yes, the few hundred dollars worth of money in a McDonalds is worth the death penalty for.
What is this?
Two fast foods got robbed yesterday. Same guy same city. 200 bucks is a gold mine for a jig with no job. Fuck nigs will kill for Air Jordans.
They can get enough to buy some crack and malt liquor. Niggers don't think very far ahead.
That's the ghetto for you
Not even free refills are save from dinduism
Holy shit... move out from under the rock
>Why do they do this in America?
you only see this level of security in the niggest of niggerdom. normal restaurants don't have this shit.
>Do criminals really think they can get THAT much money from a fast food restaurant of all places which makes it worth the risk?
no, but niggers don't think. a single nig-nog who decides to rob the store for $100 dollars with a gun presents a risk to the store that's far higher than what's in the register -- as soon as he get's trigger happy and shoots the shaniqua behind the counter, the company is going to be facing a negligent security suit, a worker's comp claim, possibly a wrongful death claim, a hazmat cleanup cost (because blood), and several other costly things.
so, in a high nigger region, it's simply cheaper to put up glass than it is to deal with the headache of your reformed-nigger burger slaves getting shot.
>What is this?
Areas with high concentrations of blacks.
Almost every white castle in Queens NY is like this :(
Move out of the suburbs. This is what pretty much every store in "darker" areas of cities look like.
They arent exclusive to black neighborhoods either. There are multiple bulletproof fast food places in West Garfield Park in Chicago, which is 99% Mexican
>On any Drinks
>Thank you
Why is the manage thanking customers for his refusal to offer refills?
burger king in coon town
>Why now?! Why in our fucking lifetimes, huh?
Because you are letting them you dumb fuck.
It's so they don't get shot if a nigger gets short changed 1 chicken nugget
Never seen anything like that, but I've heard of it on Sup Forums
where do they do this?
read it as "thank you for your compliance" or "thanks for not asking because we posted this sign already you dumb nigger".
Motherfuckers will walk in there with an empty keg and refill it...
Jordans are so 10 years ago. Its all about the Yeezees now
watch your filthy, jewish mouth kike
niggers will literally murder you for a pizza.
This is only in shitholes. I have literally never seen anything like this besides at a bank.
Anywhere African americans make up more than 50% of the clientele
If they can get 20 bucks they are gonna do it.
We have to put them in because niggers won't behave.
What are you going to do about it Goyim stop us? It's too fucking late for you.
Yes, people die of the money in a fast food till.
Just had a robber killed in pizza hut a few days ago.
It's harder to rob a bank
Fast food places only keep a small amount of cash in the register but enough for a nig to get by for a while. Meaning the employees won't play hero and the police won't try too hard looking for them
OP needs some serious education on niggers and nigger activities.
Shit like this is why i always laugh to myself when foreign posters on this board talk about moving to America. Yeah fucking right. You couldn't handle it. I don't even say that to seem cool or something its just that living here is a whole different ballgame. Go to a certain part of any american city and the stores will all look like that. Sometimes they have a buzzer to let you in. Yet you foreigners think its abnormal. You wouldnt last a week here. You stick out like a sore thumb walking down the street and youd get fucking jumped. So stick to making fun of us over the internet, pussies, because you couldnt survive here.
i've literally never seen this in any store and I live in fucking new jersey
This only occurs when you have a heavy nigger population
And Mexicans. Mexicans are just as violent and criminally minded as niggers. Look no further than the west side of Chicago.
You know all these camps on our soil that you are so fond of visiting?
Maybe we open them up for some real holo experience, just for you greatest ally.
Nigger neighborhoods. Before long, all neighborhoods. Liberals love pics like this; it's evidence their policies are creating the problems that will allow them to buy votes.
Liberal progressivism is a disease.
Sadly it's true though.
Too many nog chillins playing their cracked GTA games.
I lived in the Bronx and they have google glass in every other place,
Damn, bad ass.
Only in shitty culturally enriched cities infested with niggers is this the norm.