Gun store owners 'seeing up to four times as many black and minority customers'

Gun store owners 'seeing up to four times as many black and minority customers'

Red-blooded Americans practicing their God given right to bear arms!

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If history is any indication this will lead to republicans lobbying for more gun control lol

that was democrats, dumb nigger.

they will just end up killing more blacks then whites anyway

They don't cite any sources besides "gun store owners say". More fake news sage.

I live in Chicago. After concealed carry passed I hustled to get certified as a trainer, mainly to get my permit early and take advantage of the rush. I still do some basic pistol and carry classes. Since the election I've gotten a number of calls from black churches and LGBT groups asking about private group rates or if I'm willing to run classes just for their org. Other trainers I know are encountering something similar. Theres gonna be a lot of cash changing hands over the next four years.

Gun sales go up no matter what, if Hillary won the same thing would happen.

>niggers smart enough to pass the stringent gun control regulations where they live

It's ok. Most are a terrible shot. Most.

>Sambo rambo in dallas
>A kebab massacres fags in orlando
>Niggers riot when black officers kill criminal blacks because racism

jfc what a total inversion of reality. Some shitty swastikas in new york city and somehow they're afraid.

Good. Niggers will shoot each other up more, giving us exactly what we want without firing a single round.

>Red-blooded Americans practicing their God given right to bear arms!
It's about time...

>nigs try to buy guns
>fail background checks
What's the problem?

"Why come dees gats ain't got no sights on da sides?

If hillcunt won, you'd never find .22, powder, primers, or stripped lowers in stock. I'm stacking it deep for the next few years at least. Reeee


>Gov. Ronald Reagan
Lurk moar in history class

Watch out, you'll trigger the stormfags.



>tfw you get 4 more years to procrastinate setting up a gun trust and buying a few suppressors in thr name of that so you can easily transfer them without having to pay a tax stamp every time
Its not that I can't afford it all right now, but it requires me to actually call a lawyer... Do some suppressor companies do that for you as an incentive for you to buy from them? A friend of mine did all that and he said the suppressor company did all that shit for him, he just had to fill out the paperwork.

wtf i love black qt 3.14s now

I think that's what you wanted to happen but aren't getting the result you want....

it would be hilarious if the left tried to fight background checks because they "disproportionately affect people of color"

i no ryt?

>Gun store owners 'seeing up to four times as many black and minority customers'
great, when they own guns they move to the right cause they learn the left is full of shit, especially gun-grabbers

Way to go black people, wish I could do it too

The motivation is retarded tho

> (OP)
>they will just end up killing more blacks then whites anyway
^also this

I'm actually pleasantly surprised.

God Bless Those Americans!

Honestly, it's about fucking time.

The irony is palpable, however, that for the last thirty years Conservatives were a bunch of fucking ignorant savages for wanting to protect themselves from an out of control government.

Now all the sudden liberals fear an out of control government and are arming the fuck up.

Welcome to the fucking party, liberals. It's about God damned time you joined us.


>Californian Republican
>Basically just Californian progressives who want lower taxes

You mean proven wrong?

You learn some fucking history there, shitstain.

What was the antigun bill attached to that Reagan signed?


Race war wouldn't be fun without a challenge

This is worrying, the right to bear arms should be a privilege held by the aristocracy or in this case white men.

Looks like we're gearing up for a commie revolution


>thinking niggers need to legally buy guns to get them
They still dont know how to shoot them

Silencershop will do every thing for you.

They will kill each other more with them than they will whites

Not always a bad thing

>commie revolution

nu/pol/ just thinks it's them exercising their right to bear arms. they like to apply white thinking to brown people because they think we're all the same.


I remember sitting on my parents couch in 2004 and watching the bill that was supposed to renew the 1994 AWB get sunk on CSPAN

I remember jumping for joy and being so excited that I could put an actual collapsible stock and flash hider on my "post-ban" AR15 now.

Last year I finally bought a real collapsible stock for it. Still no flash hider, just a brake that looks like one.



this bitch has been spunked by Danny D so many times.

I want to race mix now. wtf...

I don't believe it.
I live in Austin, TX and went to a CHL class two weeks ago. There were only 2 asians, 2 spics and 1 guy of unknown race out of 30 people.

I also went to a local gun show after that and as usual, about 90% of people I saw there were white.
Bought myself a sick t-shirt there


liberals went from being vehemently against guns to stockpiling arms

what conviction

I want that shirt
I also bought this one online

bullshit, Just NBC trying to rile people up and talk shit about Trump. Niggers cant afford to buy new guns.

They called and told you they were gays huh?
>things that didnt happen

Good. If they fool around, they will be skylined and get caught sooner. If they take it seriously, they will become true Americans and our political allies. The real motive of gun control is the spiritual aspect of firearms ownership. To be a leftoid you must see societal problems as math problems, where all the data is known, to be permanently solved with one clever government program. That is obliterated as soon as you learn the basic or Cooper safety rules, which are all about controlling for unknowns.

the day of the rope is upon US and all whites must die or becomes slaves to blacks

my sister got good trigger respect for her weapon..we walk among you and you will not have time to react until its to late...reparation or dead

non-whites buying guns leads straight to redpilling

Dumb niggers getting firearm felony's and losing their voting rights inbound!

Lefties are always terrified when their zombies wake up and share something in common with conservatives.

For some reason it only triggers basement commies who pose for pictures with their dads SKS and scream about workers rights. wonder why that is


Keep guns in the hands of whites only.


Don't worry bro, felons can't buy guns.

The jigs buying guns at actual stores typically aren't the problem. It's the dealers and gang bangers that but them off the street that do most of the shootings.

Good, (((redpilled civic nationalist))) here who likes that the browns are getting on the gun train

So much for the pro gun argument. You mooks have just armed the coons to the teeth,

The more the better, after all they will end up using them on themselves, the guns will be taken by law enforcement and melted. The gun companies make a profit, a welfare rat dies, and another one is off the streets for murder.

Good. That way they can't say that minorities don't deserve to protect themselves


There's nothing to worry about this buying pattern.
This is normal people doing normal people things
(arming themselves to the teeth to defend against the bogeyman.)

Says the leaf, shut the fuck up pretentious stormfag.

The article was unable to cite a single recent case of a white person attacking a minority, although they did mention a case of vigilante violence in 1912 (wtf?).

Minorities are buying guns to protect themselves from other minorities rioting about BLM and Trump's election.

Shame on the dishonest media.

Have you never met a gay?

time to get my FFL and start selling Hi Points to nigs

First, I got these calls through word of mouth, I kinda knew who was rolling on in. Second, when an org with "genderqueer" in their name calls you looking for a group rate you kinda know. Third, all three of the gay groups that have called me have specifically asked about how LGBT friendly the range we'd end up at will be.

This is Chicago we're talking about, the gays don't hide, they advertise and queen it up.

>libs and minorities complain Trump is Hitler
> Trump elected
> minorities and libs start buying more guns

Seems like more trouble on the horizon to me.

What's the best gun to kill whitey?

If true. It doesn't say how many actually passed the background check and finally purchased a weapon.
The minorities that own firearms will more than likely use them in a domestic violence incident than anything else combined.