tfw Keith has figured out how to oust Trump using the 25th amendment
tfw its OVER for trump
Redpill yourself in 10 minutes and you will see that Trump is finished
tfw Keith has figured out how to oust Trump using the 25th amendment
tfw its OVER for trump
Redpill yourself in 10 minutes and you will see that Trump is finished
Other urls found in this thread:
>Watch me video
fak uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Keith is the greatest media personality of our generation
Open your mind and watch the video. Fucker
>saged and hidden
fak uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
What a stupid ignorant moron. He doesn't even understand the constitution.
can you elaborate?
Origin of why Keith Olbermann is the 'Bathtub Boy'
To get to the real origin story, start 4:57 and 'he' and 'him' is Keith.
Olby really is an unstable personality
I think its hilarious that you fucks think you have a chance.
>Impeach Trump
>President Pence
He's not thinking this one through
this is so mind-bogglingly reddit
>Keith (((Olbermann)))
make gays oppressed again!
this is going to be worse than the birth certificate shit with Obama isnt it
>Keith faggotman
No, just no. This guy is the biggest delusional cuck on the planet.
I have never seen such a mass collapse of so many people into infantile hysteria in all my life. How did these people function in society before this. The irony that Trump's acceptance of the results or lack there of was the biggest shock of the campaign (apart from him saying mean things) and now these spoilt, degenerate, media zombies are clutching at the dust from slithers of stands of the last straw to try and "end their nightmare" has shown just how far beyond recovery multiple generations have been corrupted.
BTFO murrica, how will you ever recover?
Fuck off back to reddiт
literally (((who)))?
This picture is true for every Hillary voter
He looks increasingly nervous.
At least he's not a jew or employed by a jew.
How have these retarded dinosaur mags even survived? Time and Newsweek outlived anything approaching usefulness over a decade ago and I don't even see old people reading them. Surely by now the advertisers have realized that it's just wasting money buying space on the sites and magazines.
No, nobody likes Clinton even the Dems. Trump is a cult for some people.
Oh just 2/3s majority in both houses, both with republican majority. Easy peasy.
Nigga, they try to seem sensational as compensation for not actually being intellectual. Anyone genuinely not dumb and ignorant will not be concerned about these jokes. Remember, intellectual education - something as old as the tradition of education itself - is hardly dented by the regressive leftist thrashing. Have some faith in the truth, my friend. It's what we have that they only know how to make it seem like they have.
Good, maybe the war will finally kick off then
More retarded wishing and pipe dreams from the mentally defective left, I see.
Gonna make those tears in January even sweeter once Trump takes office and they have to lose all over again.
>hey guys I really don't like Trump so let's pretend he's crazy so we can remove him
>because it's LE CURRENT WEEKDAY
>I'm totally not the crazy one guise, we can do it, fuck democracy
Fuck off he is a hypocrite and I know that from watching one video alone.
Fucking reddit newfag
Why do leftists want Pence to be president so much?
The Twenty-fifth amendment has nothing to do with impeachment. It's for if the President slips into a coma or some shit, with the intent that once he recovers, he resumes his job.
I never thought id thank a leaf for their post.
Keep it up maple nigger
My comment on the video
Upvote those Sup Forums comments newfags
Why didn't this fat faggot kike asslicker do this to Bush if it's not bullshit??
i like this.
Can't stand this guy.
The fuck is wrong with his voice its like he is speaking with cotton balls in his mouth.
President Mike "Homo medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence
is that his real name?
why is this fat retard on GQ youtube channel?
fuck you
No it's Mike "tase the rainbow" Pence
Let them have Mike "The Electric" Pence. It would be even better tbqhfam
I watched it to the end. Pretty interesting, even if salty as fuck. The justification he provides that it's Democratic that, "oh, the British do it all the time!" is hugely disingenuous. We don't elect a Prime Minister the same way the USA elects a President. The leader of whichever party has enough MPs backing - usually the ones in their party, although coalitions are possible - forms the government based on the MPs we elect, and if that Prime Minister loses backing, a new government can be formed. In the USA, you literally voted for Donald Trump, and to screw him over on a technically would be a betrayal. Saltier than the food at an all you can eat buffet, desu.
His definition of the word "unable" is so broad as to mean absolutely nothing. One is not "unable" to be president because of social media use or because the people that didn't vote for him don't like him.
And if such a declaration were to occur without justification ("We only need to declare that we find him unable; we don't need to believe it or provide evidence") then that would be an absolute mockery of the rule of law and the most hollow victory imaginable. I'd seriously expect massive violence in the streets following such a legalistic coup d'etat.
Based trips
If they impeach Trump, Pence becomes president. The ultimate life insurance.
>I'd seriously expect massive violence in the streets following such a legalistic coup d'etat.
I wouldn't join in because I don't want to be permanently labelled racist.
this fucking guy can't hold down a job.
>expecting us to believe this
>the resistance
>with keith olbermann
how have they convinced themselves that they are not the establishment? this country needs chemo
Did okay besides that. Now anyone that actually reads this can just write you off as an obsessed Sup Forums troll.
Are you stupid? He's implying that a lot of republicans don't like Trump
Enjoy having Mike "shock the gay away" Pence as prez
we can't win the race war without you, user
why the hell did he have to drag us into his little tantrum?
So basically advert the results of a democratic election without consent of the governed. Enjoy your civil war if you're suicidal enough to try it.
It would produce far more lolz against the sjw shitstains.
>Hillary isn't a cult for some people
boy you must not know old ladies and black people from NYC
God liberals are so bad at accepting defeat. They really are the "every child gets a trophy" generation. They're in such denial and depression, this is embarrassing
>lose the Mandate of Heaven
>try to retake it through trickery
How to start a civil war 101
isnt gq a fashion thingy?
how die olbermann end up there doing his thing
Let me get this straight...the easiest way to get rid of Donald Trump is to have:
>his own VP declare him unfit
>the majority of his own cabinet to declare him unfit
>the Republican leader of the senate declare him unfit
>the Republican speaker of the house declare him unfit
Then, when said not-insane president declares that he is, indeed, not insane, you further require:
>a 2/3rds majority of the Republican congress to declare him unfit
>within 4 days
Welp, it sounds like Trump is toast.
>America is currently one of the most divided countries in the world, with racial and political tensions leading to riots and protests over the past few years
>the people that voted for Trump have the guns and the anger to use them after 8 years of this bullshit
>"hey guys lets trick our way back into the white house, there is no way that this powder keg can explode"
Do it faggot. If Trump cant be president at least let me watch the US of A burn
This cuck was so sure that America would reject Trump that something inside him must have snapped.
Doesn't this only apply to sitting Presidents?
god hes so old and worn out at this point its sad
I hope this rapist gets castrated .
>Olby really is an unstable personality
Part of the comedy of watching olbermann anymore is he is so ridiculously NOT self aware that he is. All of the megalomania and other shit he accuses Trump of is clearly true of himself. Restless leg syndrome motherfucker.
It's Mike "270 Electoral Volts" Pence
it would deffer to the VP and pence doesnt mind the idea of electro shocking fags. not sure if liberals consider that a step up from trump
any ways congress deals with impeaching not some faggy anchorman. red holds congress
I hate watching Keith Olbermann masturbate.
Impeachment process originates in congress, then it goes to a indictment hearing, then a trial, then maybe an impeachment.
>republican congress
This video is outright hilarious. His entire plan is to get a congressional super majority (and yes you need a SUPER majority, not a majority to actually make this stick) when the Democrats don't even have a MAJORITY to face him, all for the purpose of getting Mike Pence into the presidential office over Trump. The man has clearly lost his fucking mind thinking that a few tweets somehow makes Trump clearly insane, and he's even more deluded if he thinks it's in the Democrats interest to put Mike "Shock and awe yeah!" Pence into the drivers seat.
Don't worry. There will be blood if they try to unseat Trump.
What do you think all these militias are for?
Keith is literally just throwing shit at a wall and hoping somehow some significant portion of it sticks.
praise be to KEK
I like how he says resist peace at the end.
Best one yet
Mike "electrocute the fruit" Pence
>trump middle name is John
I didnt know that
Praise Kek!
Here's hoping you stay salty keith
fucking faggot
Then ofc you have to win the court case when Trump challenges this and fires his cabinet, and says they have no grounds since he's healthy & mentally fit.
Keked (but did not check).
keith for president!
Yea? This provision is irrelevant then, it's even harder to use than a standard impeachment except being faster and there is no way Pence and a majority of the cabinet will topple Trump.
This. Olbermann gets fired at least twice a year
This is the post of truth.
I just want you to know, user, that I laughed my fucking ass off reading this. I think it all the time now too
You mean president "the establishment controls me" pence, youre thinking of the wrong angle of people who actually have the power to impeach trump
how is it legal for him to make a video like that?
if this was the 1940s, he would be thrown in a dungeon for treason against the state
it amazes me dozens of liberal media presenters haven't been sent to Guantanamo yet
i hate this guy and his cringey videos
Keith is the gestalt formation of /r9k/, tumblr, and a jar of piss. This spastic faggot couldn't even hack it on ESPN or MSNBC and ended up on a fucking GQ
This fucker is like an angrier version of Bill O'Reiley back when he was still insane. The only difference is that he's just spouting leftist drivel this time. The left is caving in on itself
Things like this are great. Let the liberals get their hopes up again. "muh electoral college, muh impeachment". Let them genuinely think that they can prevent Trump from taking office. Let them think they've been saved.
And then in January their hopes will be crushed all over again. I want to see these people completely broken and demoralized.