Is it gay to have sex with feminine trannies?

Is it gay to have sex with feminine trannies?

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depends on the femininity of the penis


Yes, it would also be gay not too

>"Is it gay to have sex with men"

Tough one.
Better call Sherlock Holmes.

Only if you don't record it.

Probably. But if you keep them locked up in your basement then who is going to tell?

Intelligent trannies like Blair>dumbass women like lacey green


Lacey Green was a qt before she got fat. Would love to have been able to hate fuck her.

Having sex with being that has or had a penis is gay. So yes OP you are a fag take it to /lgbt with the other disgusting perverts.

>being THIS insecure in your masculinity
Low test faggots detected.
Having sex with trannies, traps and femboys isn't gay. It's "roman straight".
>he absolutely needs the vaginal jew to make him feel like a man

Yes. Sauce on the girl in your OP?

That's Blaire White.

The leaf knows what's up. What's more manly than dominating someone weaker than you?

I'm ok with it tho

Ask Milo:

>is it gay to have sex with men

Not fucking a dude for starters.