99999999 will decide the future of Sup Forums
99999999 will decide the future of Sup Forums
Italians are white
what about 1000000000
it will tell us what to do
Kek is with us.
kek shall smite the normies with a great flood
Praise kek for life!
France will rule the world again.
the leafs shall revolt against turdo
"Trump will be impeached"
We'll have to wait a few decades for that one.
KEK Will vanish after tonight, his work here is done
State flags praise kek
your mum shall be gangraped as you and your famiy watches then you will be burnt to death
Kek will make Canada great again
It's here already?
As soon as we get to 99999990 mods need to ban leaf IPs
It will be a leaf post
It almost certainly will be a shitty leaf post
next week ill shall die in a plane crash
We rise together!
Leafs, you'd better not fuck this up again.
When you're the centre of hate in a place of hate, kek can't help but respect our perseverance to funpost!
>tfw universe is a simulation
>god is real but none of this is
meme it lads this is the final redpill
my mum shall give birth to messiah
kek demands that 33 electors go faithless and bring in clinton as president
When did leaves began to get a bad rep?
get for Kek
get for Pepe
Around the time the election started, so like a year ago
I can feel it's power growing.
my scratchcard shall have the winning 100,000
> pol will fall and be forgotten in a cucked liberal globalist future
The Left will inherit the world.
kek is a cuck
I see great times ahead
oh look at you
All men will be forced to breed with traps
Check em
Trump will win in 2020.
Get. Oh wait, it's too fucking early, sit down faggots.
The spanish empire will be back
ireland shall be united
Ireland leaves the EU
i fear this more and more
Romania will become white
Thos board becomes pro-communist
We gunna have so much fun
>99999999 will decide the future of Sup Forums
We are still winning!
The Madman hasn't lied.
The devil will conquer earth in 2019
crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of the women
trump will become the greatest president ever
Sup Forums will abandon Trump and the alt-right and join the emerging leftist counter culture.
It's going to be a shitpost
Our next target should be the illuminati/true rulling class.
George Soros Must Die
It would be hilarious if it's from /mlp/
Things will constantly change, what feels strange will feel normal
Moot will be next president after Trump's 8 years
praise kek
stone cold austin shall get gangraped to death
sargon of akkad shall become a nazi
One billion dollars please
I just hope some shill doesn't get it.
Argentina will win the World Cup in 2018
merkel will an hero when the adf win
It will tell us the future in the future. What's your opinion on 100000000?
Gas the leafs rake war now
I'm expecting both the gets to be fucking leafs
They need to be stopped
>Winning anything with Missi
>inb4 Olympics
Liverpool will win the eagle
we will keeping fighting after the death and shitposting beyond the reality.
Oy vey shut it down
I'll steal it with the worst shitpost imaginable
whatcha gonna do cucks?
the neet shall inherit the earth
if Sup Forums was as popular as Sup Forums this shitty get would had happen weeks agos
keep fighting mates
kek will descend into our realm
canada will nuke japan!
If it was Sup Forums the get would be a shitty trannypost
It's not even close to 99...
You Sauron ravaged fuck.
Kill all leafs, checkum
wtf no one checking my trips
A ethno state for whites.
I really hope cirno gets the 99999999 get
This tbhfam. Getting sick of roboleafs ruining our most epic gets, and Kek offerings, with their autism.
Sup Forums will realize that Trump lied to them about everything and commit collective suicide.
They will follow Yeshua and Torah
I hope the Saudi government fall, along with the other Gulf monarchies. Fuck them and their crazy little theocracies.
Keep fighting brothers, and bless
richard spencer is the real alt right leader
Nice digits
Only 2 more 9s needed. It will be a reality in the New Earth.
Jesus followed Torah, and all who have Him living in them "ought walk just as He did."
Why do you have a problem with this?
will should an hero pepe and make wojack are mascot