New media tactic is pretty advanced

>Get some idiots to say a bunch of pro white and pro Hitler shit.
>Lambast them in public and make Trump repeatedly denounce them for being Alt-Right
>Claim Sup Forums is Alt-right and have their shills come here and constantly tell us that our God Emperor has denounced us and the alt right is "finished"

Only one problem though. Sup Forums isn't "alt-right".

why did you post a picture of an indian street?

It's not new. It's known as controlled opposition.

alt-right is just a retarded name the MSM came up with and some people even more retarded decided to latch onto to be "counter culture"

new? theyve been doin this shit all year

Yeah they did a pretty good job with Richard Spencer.

I don't know what country you are from but I hope it is in a geographical location where America fights it's next proxy war. I hope your home burns with such an intensity it reminds you of Asuka and you weep.

for you

It's so blatantly obvious now though. Richard Spencer was clearly deployed so that they could paint all of this mysterious alt-right group as hitler worshiping neo nazis and then force trump to disavow this group. Then they claim Sup Forums is alt-right so it's like Trump has disavowed us.

It's clear they want us against him. I guess we really did influence his campaign a lot, this is evidence of how much they fear us.

As*ka is a literal piece of excrement and your next proxy war is going to be another civil war fought on your own soil

Enjoy going to hell, maybe you can find your godess of fecal matter in there

whats even more impressive

>lump EVERYONE you don't like into the alt-right
>if you are an alt-right member you support hitler
>if you are not an alt-right member you don't support the right

0.02 Ayanami have been deposited into your cloning facility.

They really did double down hard on identity politics and "everyone who disagrees with us is a racist" politics after losing this election. Have the left become so cucked they want to guarantee they continue losing elections across the nation?

>implying im a reifag

rei is barely a nocth above crap: the waifu

suck a dick, rei is bei.

Not really, the only way character assassination works is when your opposition accepts the label you give them. This is what actual identity politics is about.

Tbh I only like Asuka because she's the protagonist

My grandma used the world 'alt-right' recently.

What the fuck is going on.

You have excellent taste, waifu thread?


An even better success is the pizzagate stuff, which is pretty clearly just revenge from the big hair fag. Y'all dumbasses jumped right on board with it too.


Not even new

but this is false, she goes against most of the themes and ideas of the show.

In fact this is why people like her so much because shes so 'Different" and "energetic" in comparison.

she's red oni and rei is blue oni

>this is why people like her so much
no, its becaause they have shit tier in waifus

theyre probably into scat and floortiles too

Show us your waifu then, if you are such a patrician.