Has anyone here actually personally had a problem with multiculturalism/immigration/non-whites?
Has anyone here actually personally had a problem with multiculturalism/immigration/non-whites?
An unemployed shitshit cupped my gfs breast when I went to take a piss and she went to grab another beer for us. I saw her slap him and push just as I came out of the bathroom and our group ended up beating the shit out of him and his shitskin friend before they got taken away by the cops. we didn't press charges tho.
this happened in river falls wisconsin
Yeah they're dumb as fuck and don't speak English that's a problem
I dislike a lot of white people too for the same reasons but they're cucked for being savages unlike brown people
Anybody who is still on the fence about ethnonationalism needs to stop and think about how wonderful their country could be if it were all white. Even immigration from low crime groups like Asians and Pajeets destroys group cohesion and creates a low-trust society with a weak sense of identity. It invariably leads to social atomization and the decline of traditional values as the increasingly isolated population falls to hedonism and becomes easier to rule over.
Even when you make exceptions for those rare individuals who display promise, you weaken the group identity and thus make it more vulnerable to subversion.
"Western values" is simply a dogwhistle for the words that it is currently socially unacceptable to speak. Ethnonationalism is the natural state of all people.
Yes, that's the whole point of my nation
spics are so loud and obnoxious, even the snobby ones.
t autist
My city is 25% white thanks to illegal immigration. These illegals caused a 20-40% population spike of """"white"""" illegal hispanics.
that's terrible, i'm so sorry
I'm not saying that I disagree with the arguments for ethno-nationalism, just that I've personally never had a problem with niggers/muslims before in fact I've only ever been in fights with lower class whites.
Part of my argument is that in a society with no nigs/kebabs, it's less likely that you'd get into a fight with those lower class whites. Studies have shown that dindus in racially integrated schools perform just as badly as normal, while the whites perform significantly worse than they otherwise would (but still better than the nogs). Immigration is dragging our lower class down to the lowest common denominator. In a racially homogeneous society, they would be held to a higher standard and community supports would not be so eroded.
Immigration doesn't just import bad hombres to our shores, but actually makes our own people worse.
My gf and I got robbed by a nigger in Miami.
The nigger worked at the hotel as a handyman we were at. He unlocked our room and stole about $7000 worth of shit. He got caught red-handed on security camera. And when he turned up to work the next day, the cops we all waiting for him.
Travel insurance covered it all. The hotel also refunded us as an apology, and the cops arrested the guy while we were there. The cuffed him, and he went out yelling "I AINT DO NUTHIN MAYNE"
Got an email from the Miami police about four months later saying he was convicted and jailed and has a history of theft.
Was threatened that I'd be thrown into a canal by an Algerian, with his buddy waiting in the wings to (presumably) shank me, if I got the upper hand.
Had to intervene during a chimp out, when a gang of five were battering one local (can't believe how passively whites stood by to watch one of their own being enriched).
Was inches away from a seriously bloody bottle fight between yardies.
Was credit card frauded 130euro by koran singing Moroccan cabbie.
Have had positive interactions with multicultures too, so iss all gooood, senpai yuh feel meh?
no. it bothers me when stores hire employees who can barely speak english but i don't see that anymore ever since i gave up fast food.
I remember playing football with 3 other guys, 2 of which were black, and suggesting we have black vs white teams. I don't see what the big deal is. I used to say boys vs girls with girls all the time and they just giggled. Then I had sex later with them later on in my imagination. Some people are just messed up, I guess,
No, just some blacks that steal, get violent and work ethic. I've met some nice black people too.
You rich piece of shit I got chinks throwing metal around like poo all day long outside my window
I've lived in an all-white society (flag relsted) before ethnonational and all that, and it was probably more dangerous than it is now, that it has been enriched (not that we've been completely over run just yet, and also, times were a bit different two decades ago). See my above comments for interactions with non-whites who've gotten cheekier, once they've got serious numbers in an area.
I've never lived in an immigrant-heavy area, so I've never had issues with immigrants, and most of the first gen foreigners I know aren't bad people. Of course, most of the first gen foreigners I know are east asians, and not muslims...
I have had violent issues with blacks, though.
I am from sweden, and, yes.
Last summer some melanin rich gentlemen tried to push me onto the tracks on the subway no one even tried to help me there were at least a dozen witnesses.
About a year ago another shaved gorilla tried to steal my backpack but ran off when I pulled my knife.
The store I work in was robbed by a drugged up negro last spring, the police caught him when he pulled the same shit at a liquor store a few days later.
I've met civilized blacks and Ive got lifelong friends who are black but there is a huge portion of them that need a serious gassing
No but I I've had a lot of problems with white people though
All the time.
Maybe it's because you yourself is muslim.
Big problems. From violent Albanians coming here with their crime, to shitskin Poos filling our bus stations and hospital lines, to gypsies disregarding every possible law in the book and feeling entitled to special treatment. Mind you, that was before the rapefugees. Minorities are shit.
Yes of course.
I was straight A's athletic, faster than all the black kids. Perfectly designed human, planned on joining air force & wanted to be astronaut.
That was my dream until I was shot in drive-by from 4 niggers.
You can't join the air force with a body full of reconstructed bones.
Sucks you only get one life to live. If it wasn't for non-whites I would've made it to space.....
Was just shopping for a dress shirt at Express when 3 smelly Somalis came in, which caused me to leave.
I'm what you would consider non white. I have had problems with all kinds of people but most people have been fine.
I'm white
I was offered drugs by Somalis once which is the extent of my interactions with them but they were civil
The Somalis we have are looked down on by even our niggers.
Was he an immigrant? It doesn't sound like a multiculturalism problem.
Lots of refugee camps around here and a lot of problems in them.
Rape-related ofcourse.