This is what a conservative paradise looks like

This is what a conservative paradise looks like.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is what a liberal paradise looks like.



somebody post the Cruztown edit.


>Group of individuals flee to a place where they can escape the domain of big government and live by their own delusional backwards bullshit
>Not righty

nothing more conservative than a communist society, right?

If those are all liberals then yes.

jim jones was a commie

That's a scrapyard you idiot.

*babies crying*
>it's just bitter, they don't like the taste, it's not hurting them
*tape recorded over some weird music*

Try again
>group of batshit insane race mixing hippies
>mindlessly follow a cult of personality that tells them to hate the government
>crazy leader tells the batshit insane congregation that the white US government is going to kill them because they accept minorities
>they kill themselves as a result

You cannot possibly get more left wing than this. This is exactly the type of deranged leftist delusion that caused Hillary supporters to cry because they legitimately think Trump is Hilter reincarnated come to electrocute the gays.

forgot video
this is audio of the suicide. you can hear the kids being force-fed poison

Jones was a communist.

>Group of communists

>Literally call themselves communists
Try again.

Our failing American education system at work everyone.

You can't even recognize communism anymore.


They were literally the SJWs of their time you fucking imbecile.

Here's the thing. What they did at Jonestown is the pinnacle of modern day American conservatism. It doesn't matter what classical conservatism is. Because American conservatives aren't classical conservatives. They're fruits that want their contained safe space local governance states where they can enforce their own restrictive doctrines based on deep-seated repression of their own issues.

Fits that Mike Pence is VP.

Jim Jones here hanging out with totally conservative friend Jerry Brown.

lol faggot

listen to this audio and say that again

>committing mass suicide is a conservative act!


>900 dead impoverished communists
>conservative paradise

Yeah, that's about right.



If only they had guns to defend themselves, firing at kebab is better than not firing and getting gunned down.

>I get to define conservatives



26 minutes in is when the fun starts, lads


welcome back mate


hate i missed this bernie rally