Did we just cuck ourselves?
>Trump Anti Net Neutrality
Did we just cuck ourselves?
>Trump Anti Net Neutrality
So Netflix can put more bogus holohoax """documentaries""" up? Fuck them I hope they go bankrupt.
You could've prevented this.
You're anti net neutrality?
Why? Because of Netflix?
Richard Spencer and all those NEETs sperging out on Saturday was probably the most compelling argument against a free and open internet that i have ever seen
I'm willing to abandon the principles of net neutrality just to end the travesty that is the alt-right
Not really
Hillary supports TPP, and would probably push for SOPA 2 and whatever bullshit cyberbullying bill gets pushed by the dems
We were fucked either way
Don't care about it, so if it fucks Netflix that's just a bonus. The internet was a mistake.
>The internet was a mistake.
Chelsea cliton will be next in line
I've always been against net neutrality. It's anti competitive
Are you mentally crippled?
>Net Neutrality: the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.
So preventing the ISP jews from blocking whatever the fuck they want is someone anti-competitive? To those websites that they are blocking not need to compete or something bro? Or is ISP dick so far up your ass you can't see that?
>Implying state controlled internet is a good thing
>Implying free markets are evil
you guys really don't get it, do you?
Agreed. What this really means is that the people that actually control the lines can charge more and cut bandwidth to certain sites.
If you are really that butt blasted over it then start your own fucking company and compete with these fuckers.
The Tower of Babel is destined to fall
Free markets don't work nigger. Especially for the internet. I'm not saying I want it to be under government control, but letting ISP's have their way would be a death sentence to usable internet. I want Lolbertarians to leave.
I've never been clear on this
Is Net Neutrality allowing ISPs to throttle connections or not doing that?
>conflating the internet with the world wide web
>oy vey, CEO Goldstein needs his 100th yacht, you need to pay us all an arbitrary extra sum of money or we'll throttle all connections to your site
Net neutrality prevents throttling.
Yeah let me just save up a few billion dollars for the infrastructure. Fucking idiot.
>Free markets don't work
>Google Fiber
Pick one, niggger
Only the start.
The racial, social, and political division in the U.S. is so great, Trump will turn the country into a dystopian nightmare of corruption and hatred.
Get ready to hand in your guns and children's future, dipshits.
>hey goy, want to buy our basic internet package with Facebook and Youtube for only $50 a month?
>with only $20 more you can also purchase additional access to CNN, NBA.com and blacked.com
>Sup Forums, TRS, Wikileaks and other icky right wing content will be restricted, we don't condone hate speech
Honestly if this happens then we're proper fucked.
>the existence of one decent option in very limited areas means decades of abuse by ISP's is somehow nullified
Free market doesn't work because people are shit. Especially the greedy kikes that run those corporations. Competition gives us little breathes of fresh air, but when things start to level out companies start scumming shit up again. I bet you're one of those people that think we should repeal the FDA. Enjoy your human corpse meat, faggot.
the internet needs to be shut down to save mankind
If you ever needed a reason why lolbergtarians belong in the gas chamber, there it is.
Don't worry Sup Forums, this based hippy grandma will force a recount so we don't have to worry about scary Drumpf.
Net neutrality is government ownership of the internet. Thank god Trump is against it. The term "Net Neutrality" is a misnomer and a euphemism intended to fool leftists and normies into believing it's a good thing.
"Net Neutrality" = The government hands out internet provision contracts to a whopping three companies for the entire country.
You should be too.
America's internet problem is a noncompetitive last mile, not a law dictated from the center.
Look into cable franchise agreements to see how local governments sell their people out.
>Did we just cuck ourselves?
Yeah we fucked up with Trump. He is going to purge the useful idiots.
nowhere in that article does it say trump supports it.
stop posting about jewish media.
Net neutrality is retarded.
Trump is against Net neutrality
Hillary was for the TPP
We were fucked either way.
>Look into cable franchise agreements to see how local governments sell their people out.
This is overstated. The competitors dont bother going into those places because the customer base they figure they could steal is too low to offset the cost of infrastructure.
Not really -- the provider that's there found it profitable.
The trouble is that the franchise holder can carry cable + internet, while the insurgent can only counter with internet due to the terms of the franchise agreement.
You faggots are retarded.
This is your future if you are against net neutrality. Paying for website "packages" like cable television, and anything (((they))) don't like will be censored.
>Taking guns away
Net neutrality means the govt controling the internet to force "neutrality" once the govt's definition of neutrality changes we get fucked.
The real solution isn't govt "net neutrality", its more competition, if Trump makes it possible for more ISPs to exist in every city, we win.
We need to put the core aspects of Net Neutrality into law, and not just in policy.
No blocking, no throttling. That's it.
Then we start stripping other regulations away to encourage competition in the market. The rest will work its way out.
I really want to bang Jill Stein.
ITT: people that have never worked in IT and have no idea what the fuck they're yammering about.
This is good news.
Wrong. You need to look up what a common carrier is.
Neutrality is just that, being neutral. Without it, we are guaranteed to have traffic to websites (((they))) don't like throttled or completely cut off, giving jews complete control.
Just wait until affirmative action is applied to net neutrality.
Good news if you want to pay for separate website "packages" each month like cable television.
Good news if you're a dirty fucking jew who doesn't want to provide access to anything close to right-wing.
Ideally this would work but we dont have free markets so these isolated "market solutions" don't actually amount to that. Thats the trick Cato, Heritage and shit pull. Incremental steps without full free market they know its just going to be subverted by the system that exists and not actually piecemeal build a real free market.
End of net neutrality means censorship simple as that. If you scared of govt regulation just push for minimal regulation. Kick the dems out of the last state legislature and start making constitutional amendments to ensure any such regulation is ONLY to protect freedom.
This story is ridiculous, Trump isn't the president, Obama has been a attacking the internet for 8 years.
>net neutrality
>calls me retarded
>reiterates my point that free markets don't work because of things like "packages" and censorship
hmm, really makes u think
What i mean by this is yeah you have Free Press now. In a capitalist society. Shouldn't regulate it right, 1st amendment. Except its owned by 6 jews.
Hillary was a diehard supporter of Net Neutrality. iirc she wanted it regulated as a utility
>The internet was a mistake.
>regulation is bad
>in a geographic monopoly
have fun paying $150 a month for decent service
>Being for net neutrality
It's like non of you actually have networking knowledge or understand the costs associated with upkeep of high demand networks. If Netflix wants to be 75% of the data flowing through an ISP's network and cause that ISP to devote 2-3x as much to their infrastructure, Netflix should have to pay for that. Not all ISP's are huge. Rural ISP's have been getting fucked by Netflix and video streaming.
Net neutrality is stupid, let the market fix it retards
>in a geographic monopoly
You can have net neutrality but just saying, NN is like gause on a wound, its going to get infected. In the end, as long as people only have 1 or 2 ISP's to choose from, we're fucked in the long term.
You're fucking retarded.
Business would just be forced to cover infrastructure costs that they are using up instead of everyone else.
Well obviously you did before the election. You choose to support someone based on your ego not control. You already knew he was open to influence and had no principles. You basically elected the world's biggest shill. You should be proud/pol/
Yeah she was a diehard supporter of whatever ADA's collated focus group dot matrix print out of targeted upper middle class families in swing counties decided to care about.
Yeah I'm the idiot. Why the fuck would it be only 1 person doing this? You would just have to get enough people to help fund it, say about 10,000 people with maybe a $1,000 buy in.
>netflix and facebook actually having to pay for running their business instead of every one else
Startups are fucked if net neutrality fails.
There's the FCC, state laws, and local govts protecting the monopolies. It makes it so expensive nobody can start up a new ISP anymore except in the most internet deprived areas.
Cities often charge huge fees for right of way for the lines.
>who runs most big cities
Its clusterfuck.
Do what we always have done against some bill we didn't like?
Hillary was for the TPP, so there was no winning here.
You still pay for your internet the same way faglord. Then if you wanted to use other services like youtube you'd pay fucking google, not the goddamn ISP you stupid cunt.
Well maybe they should have improved their infrastructure and stop jewing us.
Time-Warner makes a 97% profit margin on their high speed internet services. 97-fucking-percent. Don't cry to me about poor ISP's.
The government is the reason that these companies have so much power.
Truth, I wouldn't trust that bitch to not subvert net neutrality either. She'd definitely try the fill their filthy palms with scrilla somehow
>giving up getting cucked by ISP monopolies in exchange for getting cucked by government sponsored ISP monopolies
Net neutralityfags are are like the greenfags that want more government power to stop oil companies who abuse government power to block the alternative energy sources. Useful idiots.
It's not going to happen. You are going to get EATEN ALIVE by competition. No one will invest. That's why you're an idiot.
>give money to ISP for services they don't provide
Or rather throttle all equally regardless of where the packet is coming from/going to
At every turn the world has fucked me
1. Most of the infrastructure is already in place
2. They operate with 97% profit margin.
3. Fuck you
4. kys
stop feeding the fucking jews idiot
Go away, CTR. Just looking at the article sources in that screencap is enough to realize it's bullshit.
>anti net neutrality
Good. The internet has turned us all into Eunuchs and taking it away would benefit society massively.
The left establishment, reddit, Google, etc, support net neutrality. I definitely want to side with those guys, instead of the free market!
Net Neutrality is bad.
redpill yourself on net neutrality please
This worries the Sup Forums
a lot.
The average profit margin in telecommunications is 11% roughly. I can't speak for the huge corporations being given blowjobs by the government,i only have experience in small company ISP's.
It's not feasible simply because you cannot filter encrypted traffic.
Y'all niggas don't know shit.
The FCC is an independent agency. That means that its board does not serve at the pleasure of the President, unlike executive agencies.
Basically, under administrative law, the FCC can do whatever the fuck it wants. It does not answer to the President. It only answers to Congress. This is unless the vast majority of federal agencies. The FCC is a special case (along with the FTC, SEC, FINRA, NLRB, and Fed).
Isn't this common knowledge?
Meant to write, "This is UNLIKE the vast majority of federal agencies."
Most agencies do answer to the President, in the sense that their heads serve at his pleasure.
You fags realize the net neutrality bill is why ISPs are data capping and charging a premium for extra use....
you are the new feeding the real - the biggest beneficiary of net neutrality, ie google and facebook.
Also the article is completely... I don't think there is even a word for it, all they is compare how much somebody pays for cable vs how much is the infrastructure cost (yep just flat infrastructure cost, no salary, no taxes no nothing). OH AND LOOK ONE NUMBER IS 8% OF THE OTHER NUMBER
Anti net neutrality vs tpp. No brainer.
No, retard, it's literally the opposite of that.
No, you retard, it's literally the exact opposite of that.
A lot of ISPs agree to local monopolies, non-compete areas, and price fixing.
No cuck, it's the government saying ISPs can't control content or access.
Free markets would work fine; nobody would throttle or restrict access or they'd lose all their customers to the ones who don't.
The problem is that ISPs have been allowed to create and maintain local monopolies, which is the opposite of free market.
Jesus you're fucking stupid. ISPs can paywall whatever the fuck they want without NN. They already do this exact fucking thing outside of the US, and most of these paywalled sites or packages aren't getting paid a cut for it.
You do realize that's the exact opposite of NN, right?
>Uses the internet primarily to get elected
>Immediately tries axing the principles of the internet.
Are you regretting your decision, yet?
currently big networks neet up physically somewhere major and carry traffic addressed to each other for free , nothing to do with net neutraility, but now they want to force that , so youtube sending 99% of the traffic and recieving 1% is allwoed to stay peering.
net neutraility is what we don't have right now, it would force resitrctions on carriers and help out google, youtube, netflix
i can get 10Gbit peering with lonap for £300/$300 a month which is just admin and mainentance so basically free
Fuck off, he just doesn't know anybetter and he's trying to return favors to his jewish friends.
We just need to let him know that we're not a fan.
Ment to say: you are the new feeding the real jew, just go so pissed off this retard is citing huffpo as a source.
Also they don't even calculate the number correctly according to their false methodology it's not 97%
Revenue: 75+44+34=153
Infrastrucute COST ONLY: 33.5+1.5+9=44
Profit margin (153-44)/153 = 71%
of course this number of 71% is bullshit because we didn't factor in salary, taxes etc.
Except we do have it right now. That's why you aren't billed extra for the sites you visit.
yeah is messed ot up, my point is youtube , google, netflix get to swamp networks whereas they should be being charged extra. at the moment all subscribers are paying the cost of delivering youtube for example.
>No, you retard, it's literally the exact opposite of that.
No you're the retard, only one who benefits from net neutrality is google, facebook and a bunch of other video-streaming services.
>No cuck, it's the government saying ISPs can't control content or access.
This show's you are completely clueless. Net neutrality means the ISPs can't throttle or slow down traffic on certain high demand service (youtube, netflix etc.) meaning they don't get to charge those services more.
>The problem is that ISPs have been allowed to create and maintain local monopolies, which is the opposite of free market.
Net neutrality doesn't do anything to help or hinder ISP monopolies so I have no idea what this has to do with anything. It does help other monopolies like facebook and google though.
>Jesus you're fucking stupid. ISPs can paywall whatever the fuck they want without NN. They already do this exact fucking thing outside of the US, and most of these paywalled sites or packages aren't getting paid a cut for it.
Aaand? ISPs are going to get money needed to cover costs of youtube, facebook or google from somewhere. If they couldn't, then they would stop providing internet services to those websites. If they can't charge google and youtube more, guess who are they going to charge? That's right, you!
>Lolbertarian ideologues are willing to fight to the death for this.
Hope you boys aren't living at home, because no sane working adult is going to pay for this shit.
You realize that this has literally nothing to do with that, right?
You realize that the reason why any ISP that isn't Comcast does that is because the other ISP's won't build the infrastructure needed to accommodate their customers, right?
>believing the media is right about anything.