Fuck reddit

The reddit admins can literally put childporn into your history rip any credibility the site had np.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5ekdy9/the_admins_are_suffering_from_low_energy_have/dad5sf1/#header

Other urls found in this thread:


So that's why they banned pizzagate

they are child rapists themselves


They were even unmuting people on /r/pizzagate i.imgur.com/oTyHCwS.png

literally who gives a shit?

You do, now reply to this post because you care so much.


Yep just as I thought, ignore this stupid cuck

>not wanting to use this evidence to put reddit down

Reddit threads are so hard to read. That site layout is fucking rubbish. Also they have their own meme lingo, it's like trying to read a foreign language forum.

Wish I could make an eloquent comment but I can't figure anything out right now.

We can thank the reddit and kikebook fags for all the current infighting.

well this sets a precedent. if no legal action is taken against the admins since its a crime to even be in possession of it or view it in america and the company is based in america.

then every one can frame any one using illegal imagery. ima start sending random emails out to people i dont know but have seen the screen names before and dont like

Well there, next time an /r/politics mod bans you, just appeal and say that a reddit admin "had a long day" and fucked with your comment to look like trolling.

>We can thank the reddit and kikebook fags for all the current infighting.
No that's the new re-energized CTR


>new re-energized CTR

Someone summarize wtf is going on.

Chester the Molester confirmed.

Let's do this

>Using plebbit

U deserve it

what a time to be alive

time for reddit to go the same way as digg

No, it's not just CTR. I've been saying for a while now that these new blood Trump supporters on reddit and such will end up turning on us, claiming that this is THEIR movement. Trying to subvert the values we hold dear, into just another cuckbertarian party.

Lol if you think Donny would be president without The_Donald.

It's time to go back, leaf.

Who is spez?

>checks flag

heh, almost got me there 6/10

Steve Huffman, CEO of reddit. He's also the creator of it.

WTF? he should fucking resign immediately!

reddit creator literally doing the worst thing you could imagine

He didn't post child porn, that's the OP making a hyperbole. He changed every mention of his username "/u/spez" in a thread to names of moderators of "/r/The_Donald"

You have to go back.

the jews didnt really deserve the holocaust

You guys don't think the single largest Trump fanclub in the world, that he himself even posted on, had any influence on the election whatsoever? It was cited by MSM dozens of times in 2016, members of his team posted there and certainly perused there, and they were right alongside us with the podesta emails. The_Donald was Sup Forumss gateway to the world, bringing stories and footage that the MSM didn't want to cover to light to some normies.


> leddit



> leddit
> credible

Wouldn't it be a shame if I called the authorities on your Plebbit ass?


The_Donald just wanted to be TrumpGen-Lite. They water down anything that's too uncomfortable for their normie userbase. I never said that DIDN'T effect the election. Just because we won the elector doesn't mean we have to soften up. In fact, now is the time to turn things up a notch. The fact that all these new kids who are just hopping on a bandwagon are a big part of the Trump support is worrying. It tells me that our hard earned power will be in the hands of such inexperienced little children. It's possible that the establishment either foresaw a Trump victory or WANTED it and to subvert it. They likely decided it would be safer for them try and use Trump's victory to sedate the angry masses that have been fed up with their globalist kikery. Subversion via reddit and facebook would be their best bet. Look where we are now?

Reminder we don't want you redditors here

Fuck off to voat or some other site, just not here