NeoGAF is ready to absolutely roast you at this year's thanksgiving dinner!
WATCH OUT Sup Forums!!!!!
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Wow what a gay
what a strong male
What is all this stuff I keep reading about Thanksgiving dinners being awkward due to political differences?
If they're your family you just shut the fuck up about that shit and hope the day goes as fast as it can, surely?
I hope they do this while someones recording
wish a nigga would
you pussies are deluded; you ain't gone do shit
TL;DR: What the fuck did he say?
he looka likaman
>One of the core tenants of liberalism is sensitivity and inclusiveness and tolerance
>Thinks he can make Sup Forumsacks feel bad
>What is all this stuff I keep reading about Thanksgiving dinners being awkward due to political differences?
Family is usually the only people its safe to talk politics with. Theoretically you are love each other so its just shit talking. No reason people can't keep it civil.
Regardless if it makes you uncomfortable or parts of your family are unreasonable then just keep it to polite conversation. Talk about the weather, or a new movie.
Why is this so difficult?
Liberals can't have political discussions with people that disagree with them without losing their shit.
Someones getting an ass whooping at thanksgiving.
The delusion here is incredible.
>They are used to having liberals try to reason with them..
This is what the left is always doing
>Trumpette: Well, I voted for him, but only because I think Ms. Clinton mishandled classified documents.
>NeoFAG: Oh, I'm sorry. I can't hear you when you have Trump's dick in your mouth.
>Trumpette: Wow, that's rude. Did the FBI not determine that she mishandled classified emails?
>NeoFAG: No, I am just being politically incorrect, you dumb hypocrite.
>Trumpette's Husband: Look dude, I think Clinton's dishonesty is a valid reason not to vote for her. And you don't have to use such vulgar language around the dinner table, especially with children around.
>NeoFAG: Man, you are whiter than my pair of New Balance.
>Husband: we're first cousins.
Yeah, this is great advice right here. I can't even fathom the amount of cringe that would follow.
Thanksgiving usually involves alcohol... And this sound like it was written by an angsty 16 year old.
Shit guys, my 30 year old cousin who lives with my uncle is going to call me A FUCKING WHITE MALE. Whatever will I do?
hoping his parents kick him out of the family with no food or drink
will he still grumble about the election when his stomach is grumbling?
Scream and chimp (quite literally) out at your Trump supporting relatives if they talk positive about Trump
>histrionic personality disorder: the post
>how to get punched
>are you going to cry like that bitch pat smith?
>you fucking dumb hypocrite
>do you need a safe space you fucking pussy?
Is this how liberals talk to their family at Thanksgiving? My aunt hates Trump and was a huge Hillary supporter. I would never say these things to her and I left her alone on election night to not make her feel any worse.
*pours drink on the floor*
>passive aggressiveness lost us the election
>lets double down
>They are used to having liberals try to reason with them..
It's cute how they think being manipulative is something they've only just started doing, and only as a fallback.
Pic related and ALWAYS relevant when dealing with the left.
>Used to having liberals reason with them
I wish
Just quickly browsing over this passive aggressive strategy for getting your teeth knocked in, it looks like this dumb ass has applied Rules for Radicals to Thanksgiving dinner with the family.
I hope every retarded leftist that uses these "tactics" gets their ass kicked and excommunicated from their family.
Is this some fag gaming forum? Why are they acting like CTR?
>Have you actually tried this method?
I hope the liberals win. The only time they will realise is when its at their doorsteps.
If anybody has ever seen the ending of Bridge on the River Kwai (pic related) they'll get what i mean
>I havent watched it
Dude helps the enemy build a bridge and then regrets it at the end when he suddenly realises hes been working/helping the enemy.
Imagine reddit but they vet before letting you join and put a big junior sticker on your profile until you prove you guzzle as much if not more semen as everyone else there
It's one of the worst forums ever. It's like they try to be wrong on absolutely everything on purpose.
Forgot pic
>d-dumb ass conspiracy theory
>a-america is n-not your safe space
>Go to your parents home for thanksgiving
>Call them a dumbass retard in every sentence
>Proceed to pour your drink on the floor while mocking them
Aka on how to get your parents to throw you out and never invite you again.
10/10, definitely written by someone with the brain capacity of a monkey's asshole.
>you have the right to defend yourself
>implying the average liberal knows how to fight
>implying the average liberal isn't some skinny fat nu-male
>implying the average liberal even wants to deal with physical confrontation
>look up laws on self defense in your state
>act like a douchebag
>alright you need to leave you're ruining thanksgiving
>pull out gun and shoot family member in their own house for asking you to leave
This is more serious than you might be thinking, guys.
Read between the lines. The petulant angry man childishness, with overt aggression, practically reducing the individual to "REEEEEing" in all but name?
The left is tapping into a version of Pepe that's just several evolutions away from the current one. It won't be long before they attempt to harness meme magic.
>liberal with a gun
i'd like to meme arrow one that says "like anyone over 16 would listen to this dumbass" but... we both know i'd be lying..
NeoGAF has started to say violence may be acceptable in reply to Republicans. All Republicans are racist, violent, etc...
It's a fucking joke honestly. As a Native American having them tell me that I'm racist against Native Americans is fucking hilarious. 90% of GAF is basement dwelling kids with no real grasp of life.
kek what a turbo autist
I actually kind of want to experience someone trying this on me
This is what happens when you paint someone like Hitler as the devil. They feel morally obligated to stop us.
They dont believe in God and Satan but they do believe in good and evil. They attribute all good events to their own luck and misfortune to God as it "was out of their control". Strange they still need a Devil... But Hitler fits the role nicely dosnt he?
>curse at the table
>get grounded
>have to apologize to grandma and aunt
>no new vidya this xmas
wtf i hate liberal tactics now
>constantly ending with insults
Doesn't that just cause a poster to seem triggered and then get piled on like blood in the water?
Huffpost tried this one ages ago
A mental gymnastics guide to arguing with conservative family members on Thanksgiving holiday.
>There is Benghazi again
It is totally not a big deal to blame the death of an ambassador on the American people! Why does American not understand this.
Whats the endgame, they are going to post those indisputable talking points and we are all going to accept that we are a homogeneous group of stupid, racist, sexist, and xenophobic assholes and go on a dick sucking spree to beg for forgiveness?
Yep. I can't even recall ever having a reasonable conversation with one of them that didn't result in personal attacks and smears. Empathy and showing compassion for opposing viewpoints my arse. I used to consider myself liberal growing up brainwashed by social engineering agendas but watching them argue was one of the things that red pulled me to reality. Ironically they cannot handle their own tactics so occasionally when they start in I just give it right back but take it to another level. Within reason of course and also deliberately trying to take advantage of the low self esteem which is a trademark of liberalism
What's the backup plan for when they respond with
>"But user, you're white"
Poorly thought-out propaganda, Jesus chased people specifically charging to change money and people selling doves (for sacrifice) out of specifically the temple. Because it was disrespectful to conduct earthly matters inside a temple. Doesn't mean he at any point said "DOOD TRADE IS EVUL LMAO"
>pushing back hard will throw them off because they won't be used to such visceral language coming from the liberal side
>"It is meant to make the opposition feel uncomfortable openly speaking their bigotry"
>def: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself
dunno, not being able to handle and consequently trying to silence someone else's opinion kinda seems like bigotry to me :^)
You can't be a bigot against bigots, shitlord! Check your privilege.
I would love to see these "tactics" in action. It seems like a great way to get your family to hate you and think you are a weirdo. They'll even turn off people that agree with them politically.
>pouring your fucking drink on the floor while calling someone a dipshit
>do you need a safe space from all the Muslims
Yes I do, fucking retard, they blow people up for breathing the wrong way, I'm not getting anywhere NEAR those hellspawns
The endgame of manipulation is control. People who contribute net-negatives to the economy use manipulative tactics and moral imperatives to obligate you to their service because they are incompetent and unmotivated. The only change to obfuscate this is that they won't say "I need your help" they'll say "I deserve your help" to invent moral debt.
But the reality is that anyone who needs to break workhorses can't carry their own burdens.
yeah, sounds like a great way to piss off the owner of the house, especially if the floor is carpeted
>pouring the host's possibly expensive provided drink onto their nice floors
talk about disrespectful
Do we need to post our gore folders for the 911th time?
The video shows Mike Brown paid for the cigars
Libshits are already excusing themselves for bringing slacktivism to the dinner table and having a meltdown. When everybody else is thoroughly offended and they storm out of dinner to smoke pot they can blame Trump instead of their lack of basic manners and tact during a family gathering.
Usually you can talk about these things, and it's common courtesy to drop the subject if someone gets too wound up over it. Instead I guarantee libtards will act like edgelords at the table for social media bragging rights.
Ohhh social media is gonna be the dessert of turkey day
Kek, it's him debating himself running through ridiculous scenarios in his head. I've been following this election for the better part of 2 years, anyone trying this shit will get btfo
I would pay to see someone humiliate himself like this without any irony.
I would pay a lot of money.
>Not an argument in the whole pathetic assortment.
How did a video game forum become an HQ for SJWs. These "people" should be culled.
>Most of my family has already moved to the south
>Grandparents got a divorce last month
>don't even talk to my welfare queen uncles
>my only plans is a small dinner with my aunt, who hates niggers as much as I do
Life is good
If my kid came to the table spouting the shit these fuckers do, I would beat them out of my front door.
You could just not talk about politics.
Or just say "We won the election is over shut the fuck up nobody cares."
I thought he realized he's been so obsessed with his bridge he kills one of his own to protect it.
>tfw my entire family is redpilled
People who generally have too much empty free time on their hands are usually the ones who cause trouble. You guys know the people I'm talking about.
Your grandmother who spends all day watching the news
Your housewife aunt who has an etsy shop while her husband is over in another country making absurd amounts of money
Your college aged cousins who are enrolled in a humanities course on student loans
Your drunkard relative who hasn't had a job in 7 years
These are the kinds of people who sit around all fucking day fantasizing about destroying their relatives in political debates at the dinner table. They're the ones who play out arguments in their heads and are usually the first ones to go home.
I know this because I've sat through it at least 4 times now.
But we're people with a bunch of time in our hands too user.
NeoGAF is fag central of the internet.
I guess that's what happens when all the mods are ban-happy liberals
did that nigger really just insult the mother of sean smith?
ok.......looks like its time to make a GAF account and befriend someone
im sure he will enjoy the crew from somethingawful getting their hands on this
you can literally shake
Who the fuck talks politics at Thanksgiving? Is this normal?
nooo not neoFAG
>say something both autistic and condescending then pour out your drink like a wasteful shit
they think this makes us look bad
I like how bringing up facts was never a part of the tactics
>deplorables are used to having liberals try and reson with them
Hey dad, i think this is weird also and have noticed a trend of a Americans preparing themselves for the hard conversations around thanksgiving
tip jej
let's play: is it autism?
be a cunt to anyone who disagrees with your snowflake bullshit
i.e. no change
What hard hitting arguments he has on that list there. I guess #Imwithher now.
>Deplorables are used to having liberals trying to reason with them,
Holy crap how deluded can you be?
>"Here let me pour one out for those POOR 'OL PERSECUTED CONSERVATIVES" (then literally pour your drink onto the floor mockingly)
I unironically wish I could have someone like this at my thanksgiving dinner. This shit would be hilarious.
i am trying to imagine the smug faggotry of the NeoGAF OP. Did he think he was effective, or did his family just drop it and he took that as a win because he went full aspie?
Who creates a gameplan on how to fucking ruin thanksgiving?
Rare india flag pepe.
These insults are on par with what a 12 year old could come up with. If someone said these to me I would feel more amused than offended.
Also, I read this more closely, and I hope I got it wrong, but this guy seems to be encouraging you to say these things at family gatherings. Because everyone loves the guy who starts talking about politics on those.
mind if I save?
as a blablabla no one cares, you have to go back
These faggots think the last of us was a great game. I'm not too concerned about their opinions.