This is the climate change 'debate' in a nutshell
This is the climate change 'debate' in a nutshell
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I am really proud of this image.
I just blew you deniers out of the water.
Climate change is fact, I'm glad Trump is adjusting his tone - that was my only issue with him.
Can the other two produce empirical evidence to support their case? Otherwise id get my money back from visiting those doctors lel
>I wonder who pays for climate scientists studies and what their motives might be for paying it the post
Missing the part where the 98 are funded by the anti-smoking lobby.
Missing the part where people who refused to take the money had their careers ruined.
>You visit 100 doctors. 2 say you have cancer, but they are not sure what is causing it. The other 98, who just received $100,000 checks from the nicotine patch industry, both say you have cancer, and that smoking is causing it.
>Would you stop smoking?
There, fixed your shitty analogy for you.
This is some real shit-tier logic.
Fucking BOOM.
Never thought of it like this. Amazing.
So what? Most people agree with you. If you lot would just stop consuming the problem would be solved.
But somehow it's always the other guy who's at fault.
yep. Canadians will deny this.
There are more immediate negative effects of putting an excess amount of pollutants into the atmosphere than some vague doomsday.
98 slave owners say there is absolutely nothing wrong with slavery, because they purchased the man fair and square.
2 slave owners say that they are uncomfortable with the idea, but do it anyways because their slaves seem alright with it, and they treat them fairly.
Would you stop owning slaves?
If I already have cancer why I stop smoking?
its the 98 doctors who are paid 1000000$ by the government, you stupid fuck
stop believing jewish hoaxes
yeah, doesnt sound like bullshit at all
>you must follow Al Gore's shitty carbon tax credit program which will be devastating to economies to the point of near collapse
How can the people trying to change a system that's been around for generations and is incredibly wealthy to the point of having a huge say in foreign policy have more money than those entrenched interests themselves?
Or is Big Oil too morally upright to pay scientists to speak the apparent truth, even though it has both the means and moral high ground?
The great thing about being a celebrity scientist is that you don't actually have to do any science.
''people who dont believe in global warming should be sent to jaill'' - bill the kike
The other 98 doctors can make millions of dollars convincing people that not only should they stop smoking, but they should spend tons of money retrofitting their house, car and life with "Green Smoke".
The green smoke is actually just as harmful, but it's green.
>they anthropogenic climate change believers aren't bought
Nice meme.
Really make you think?
wtf i hate cigarettes now
Protip: most smokers with terminal lung cancer don't stop smoking.
You visit 200 doctors. 98 say you have cancer, and that eating GMOs is causing it. The other 102 say you have cancer, and they aren't sure what's causing it. A fucking kike conducts a literature review and deliberately omits 100 of the 102 opinions saying they're not sure, then claims 98% are totally sure GMOs cause cancer and oy vey shouldn't we ban GMOs!?
THAT is the climate change debate in a nutshell.
You already have cancer and will die you stupid retard who cares already
Leftists who oppose this
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
Once again the immense, corrupt "greenies" of vast economic power have paid off not only every scientist and intern who produced every one of some 300 scientific articles but also all the peer reviewers! Wow!
Too bad the mom and pop oil companies are so poor and deprived they can't even protest or defend themselves!
Thanks for defending the oil companies, you bastion of purity and truth you.
While I absolutely abhor smoking and actually think it:s a cancer on human quality of life, arguments like this actually upset me because of how retarded the following the crowd mentality is presented as the right answer.
lol, subjective debates about morality are not the same as objective, empirical scientific evidence.
>climate change is a jewish hoax
haha, not even worth arguing with idiots like you. Everything is one giant jewish conspiracy.
You realize that if you said this shit in public, you would be laughed at?
No it isn't, since if you smoke you only fuck yourself unless someone blows smoke into your face (in which case feel free to sock them) and it's your decision for *you* to make, while what you want to do to combat "climate change" is to make everything in my life more expensive and force people to abide by tyrannical arbitrary rule sets.
They're not even remotely similar circumstances.
>Al Gore's shitty carbon tax credit program
It was actually from Heritage, but fuck your ignorant self anyway.
>saged and hidden
>implying you can stop climate change
>implying it's even a big deal
Why are there so many replies in this thread, as if there was a debate to be had?
Are you stupid? There is no debate. Climate change is real and is caused by humans.
Even Exxon knew about climate change, 40 years ago.
That is why they shifted their strategy from 'deny climate change is happening' to 'climate change is happening, but we don't know why'
>Deniers are literally repeating, often word for word, propaganda paid for by the fossil fuel industry, FOR FREE. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Except quitting smoking is much easier than quitting oil. Also nobody really knows for sure when global warming will even effect us in a meaningful way.
>Being so dumb that you take the words of scientists as Gospel.
Humanity once believed reality was deterministic then new experimentation blew that out if the fucking water.
Faggots argue about if climate change is real or not.
While that is completely pointless.
The real point is that a believe in climate change enforces scientific endevour to find new powerful clean energy source.
And whoever gets this first in the global game, will win the next turn.
So basically, anybody that isn't supporting climate change theory without knowing likes to suck a shitton of shitskin oil smeared cock.
But better Trump who still can change his mind on this, than hillary who would have kept the climate change front running to please the masses while using arab money to sabotage the search for that new energy source.
it already has affected us. Just because you personally arent affected, doesnt mean it isnt affecting anyone.
You do realize that there is a world outside you and your anime right?
>massive extinctions
>more extreme weather
yea nothing is happening because youre still able to watch that episode of naruto
>massive extinctions
>more extreme weather
What and where?
You visit 100 prosecutors. 98 say that niggers commit most of the violent crimes in the country. The other 2, who each receive $100,000 in funding from the Southern Poverty Law Center, are themselves niggers who say you're a cracker and that whitey is responsible for all bad shit.
Would you reach for that second piece of fried chicken?
>forgets that global warming scientists were messing with numbers to made it seem worse than it was and got caught
>forgets that global warming scientists had to turn around from the arctic because of too much ice last year (that they said would be gone by now)
Not saying that climate change isn't real, nature dies it all the time. Remember the ice age? But why do people keep listening to these "scientists" that are consistently wrong or making shit up?
>already have cancer
>stop smoking
There is nothing wrong an anti smoking lobby, even Hitler hated smoking, literally nobody likes it.
where did I imply that?
I am arguing that it is safe to trust the data. No one is taking someone's word for it.
by the way exxon mobile is aware that climate change is happening
How do you explain that?
You do realize that deniers are spouting exactly what fossil fuel lobbyists pay people to say? that climate change is happening but we dont know why.
It used to be that they would deny that climate change is even happening, but they had to change their propaganda as the science became clearer and clearer.
i want you to explain why exxon mobile admits to climate change if it is not real. Really, explain that.
I am pretty sure you will just ignore it, because it really destroys any arugment you have.
How do I know they received checks from the tobacco companies?
According to the literal WHO, smoking tobacco is projected to kill 500 million in 25 years, and 1+ billion in a century.
Absolutely huge strain on our health system. Especially limiting real socialized health care.
Why does no ever one talk about this gigadeath industry, this while shitting their pants over similar death tolls from Climate Change?
Wasn't your pol/s guy Mike Pence a tobacco shill?
species are going extinct right now at an alarming rate
>Since the 1970s, droughts have become longer and more extreme worldwide, particularly in the tropics and subtropics.
>Global warming is making hot days hotter, rainfall and flooding heavier, hurricanes stronger and droughts more severe. This intensification of weather and climate extremes will be the most visible impact of global warming in our everyday lives. It is also causing dangerous changes to the landscape of our world, adding stress to wildlife species and their habitat.
But never mind the evidence. I am sure it's all part of one big jewish conspiracy
>Climate change
Exactly. Nothing man made about it though, and even if there was, China should go first.
Literally just ignore all libtards until China is 1:1 with the USA
the problems from climate change have barely just started. they will get worse and worse.
they also affect everybody, including non humans. basically all wild life.
poeple don't care about smoking because smokers choose to smoke
You have to point out that the 98's paychecks only come if they say smoking is the cause of the cancer. Otherwise their funding is cut.
>holocene extinction
>having absolutely anything to do with climate change
>Since the 1970s, droughts have become longer and more extreme worldwide
What does this have to do with climate change? We've been dumping shit into the air for far longer than that.
>Global warming is making hot days hotter, rainfall and flooding heavier
>linking to a propaganda website
Yeah whatever dude. I remember everyone predicting that we would get raped by hurricanes, but that never happened.
can you explain why exxon mobile admitted to knowing about climate change if it isnt real?
No, you can't. Youll ignore this post
>Shilling this hard
Shouldn't you have made a new post by now? Nobody except your own pussy group gives two shits about the "endangered double dick tree shrew" special snowflake species that would have died out on its own anyway.
How did the Ice from the Ice Age go away? Was that man made?
I debunked your George Soros World Bank UN Scam
The problem is that they have to turn a profit; the Environmentalism Industry has billions to throw around for no other purpose, and plenty of useful idiots to provide a constant stream of funding.
explain why exxon mobile admitted to knowing about climate change if it isnt real
They knew about it because it's real. Our effect on it is vastly over stated though.
I wouldn't stop smoking because I already have lung cancer and will likely die soon.
We do still have a chance on global warming though, so good point just bad analogy.
> we cant possibly know how to change such a complex system, its hubris to suggest we have any real effect
> we should look into alternatives like geoengineering
on the same token it's going to be preytty funny when anti emissions schemes block the release of sulfur compounds which have a cooling effect, suddenly temperature fucking skyrockets, these idiots realise it's not the overall CO2 and warmth levels, it's how FAST it changes, which overwhelms slower feedbacks, when then cause singularities in a chaotic dynamic system, leading to totally unpredictable situation.
Unpredictability on that level = can't plan = can't have an economy. And so we deindustrialize anyway. The anarcho-primitivists are playing the long game with you denialcucks.
None of that refutes my points faggot. I'm not denying climate change. I'm denying the apocalyptic alarmism.
Science is the new religion. People don't understand what the fuck they're talking about and parrot shit dogmatically.
based on?
dude, you're right. It's all one gigantic jewish conspiracy. Congrats on figuring it out with nothing but som anime, popcorn, andsomesilrwear
I like to see the climate change debate more as:
>Why are people replying to my thread?
Don't worry OP, this isn't something you need to get used to.
lol. you are retarded.
I was genuinely on board with the global warming thing, I truly was. I was born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s and "global warming" was one of the most frequent terms in politics and the popular media. I remember watching Predator 2 made in 1990 and the movie was basically predicting that by 1997 Los Angeles will have Sahara-tier temperatures. I remember Al Gore saying in the late 90s that we're royally fucked within 10 years. It literally never happened.
Then after a few years of the temperatures fluctuating weirdly but no hotocaust occuring, they started saying "climate change" instead of "global warming" for some reason. Nobody says "global warming" nowadays. Then I discovered articles dating back to the 80s and even early 70s saying the same mantra, "if we don't do anything within the next few years, we are FUCKED!" The same panic mode for decades.
Now I'm not saying I'm a complete denier, nor am I implying that movies and news are the same thing as scientific community, but the urgent panic we've been experiencing in the past few decades turned out to be completely unwarranted.
No because I'm addicted to fossil fuels...
it's not climate change, it's the man made part people have a problem with. Failing to address that just makes you look fucking retarded
>all computer models and predictions have proven to be flat outwrong
>no standards for falsifiability and fails all standards of scienctific rigor
>sustained by a cult of belief that borders on religion
>memes and anecdotes in liu of evidence
>it's just like this other science thing I swear!
Well I'm convinced
Not only is this wrong, but we need to push back against the tobacco thing, which is being officially remembered as a victory for Edward Bernays and proof of totalitarianism. Read Jacob Sullum's book For Your Own Good.
Why? We punched a hole in the ozone layer with chlorofluorocarbons, and the sulfur compounds released around WW2 (iirc) caused a cool period.
The MSM is garbage sensationalist shit with EVERY science, also everything. Science reporting even in NEw Scientist etc is dismal as fuck. Its a joke. These media pieces of shit need to be held responsible for the general rejection of reasonable AGW theory. Liberal elites who run these publications always blame the poor dumb idiots rather than themselves tho when people reject their endless lies, then wonder why people stop believing when they come with the real deal.
Same with anti-vax, if you look at what parents of autism kids went thru for decades with the establishment, and all the other Pharma genuine fuckery that happens. Its perfectly understandable theyd reject that shit. Yet liberal elites immediately want to go authoritarian about it with contempt, rather than fixing their own predatory institutions that cause people to look at alternatives and reject their narratives. Surprise surprise.
sorry but saving this planet isn't worth the tax hikes, eat shit. hope you drown when your entire city is underwater. faggot hippie.
A doctor wouldn't be able to say with any certainty what caused your cancer.
It's the inverse. 98 doctors are funded entirely by Big Government and they want us to believe they can predict a global climate trend when they can't predict local climate trends or even economic trends (and economics has been around 100x longer than climate science).
The 98 (((doctors))) also put you on anti-biotics that weaken your immune system and want you to get flu shots. Also burger, go talk with China about climate change, hugging a tree here wont save shit
>global warming is real ?
>only viable solution is to nuke china and india
>kikes propose carbon taxes and green energy subsidies in the US????
it's the other way around you jew
Every doctor that tells you you dont have cancer is arrested and called "cancer deniers".
The same people that spread rape hoaxes and argues there are 55 different genders now are saying you have cancer and if you dont do what they say immediately you're going to die and if you don't do what they say you're going to prison.
>Calls himself a Scientist
>Only has a Bachelors in Engineering
If so then that means I am more of a Scientist since I have a Bachelors in Applied Science.
Dude if the doctors have been telling you you have cancer id actually suggest getting that looked at.
Quitting once you already have cancer? Really makes me think
Hopefully Trump will try and stop climate change so we can preserve the earth for future (white non jew) generations.
Whether it exists or not isn't a political issue, it's a scientific issue and I don't care to debate it because I'm not a climatologist. The political issue is what to do about it, policy-wise, and the left's solutions of "green alternatives" and carbon taxes are ridiculous. They're unfeasible, wouldn't help the problem, and would economically injure millions, even billions, of people. The right doesn't really have any policy proposals, they just fight what the left is proposing, which is good enough for me. If you want real policy solutions, start promoting nuclear and research into fusion.
>muh climate change
the earth will be fine, people need to stop preaching that we're destroying the earth, because we aren't. We very well might be jeopardizing our own futures here, but the earth will continue to exist as it always has.
>is 64 billion years old
>used to be a giant ball of fire
>had an ice age
>we are alive during a time when the last of the ice caps are melting
I'm guessing we're gonna get heavy wind next.
How come Mars is heating up and at the same rate as the Earth is global is real?
My professor was one of the "98% of scientists" even though he never actually agreed. Really makes you think!
>millions of years ago 7000ppm CO2
>lush jungle planet
>today 400ppm CO2
Remember when DDT was environmentally deadly? But it wasn't
Remember when there was a hole in ozone layer? But there wasn't
Remember when pesticides were environmentally deadly?
But weren't
Remember when the food pyramid said carbs should be the biggest part of your diet? But they shouldn't
Remember when a single child policy was the solution to overpopulation in China?
But it wasn't
Remember when the mosquito population exploded along with Malaria and Zika because they couldn't use DDT?
Remember when people starved because they couldn't use pesticides to protect their crops?
Remember the forced abortions and infanticide in China?
Its not as simple as "quitting smoking" for fucks sake, this shit has serious consequences that affect real people.
yes let's meme Gen5+ and Fusion reactors into existence. Can actually make it into weapon non proliferation as there'd be no legit need for the uranium refinement or whatever right ? That's my only concern is proliferation, I know thorium is meant to safeguard against that.
I've already infiltrated state Greens parties haha. Gonna start shilling for atoms.
No, my pic related is climate change in a nutshell.
You have to believe that a statistical model can accurate predict the future, 20,30,40,50 years out no less, and that the result is due to a change in x1 while everything else is held constant.
If you think this predicts the future, then you believe in climate change.
Don't forget giant farting monsters.
I know climate changes are real but since it will not affect me I dont really give a shit
Over rapid rate of change + complex system = loss of balance of equilibrium process = Singularities which change the whole game up. I hope you realise the end game of not doing anything is literally deindustrialization right
>saves a .jpg as a .png
you are the cancer
Farts are mostly Methane so why didn't the planet overheat then?