The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitors, up with the stars;
While we rally round the flag, boys, we rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
This picture triggers Southfags
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daily reminder the south won 75% of the battles and inflicted drastically higher casualties than the north. city stickers can't fight for shit.
>all those battles the north lost despite superior numbers
You can't fault the North for utilizing Zerg tactics.
Sherman never saw a real battle on that war. What a loser.
Our Dixie forever! She's never at a loss!
Down with the eagle and up with the cross
We'll rally 'round the bonny flag, rally once again,
Shout, shout the battle cry of Freedom!
You still lost though you fucking inbred hick. Shouldn't have fired the first shot against an army that could easily outnumber you.
Jackson was seriously an autist. How can someone be such a weirdo?
>United States
>Won't let states leave
Well it appeared to be the only thing that worked for them.
Lincoln should've just put a random private in charge of the union army, it'd have fared better.
The US got started as a confederation of 13 states that thought of themselves as being sovereign.
For an army that was severely outnumbered, starving, navally-blockaded and fighting for independence, the Confederate Army fucking brutalised the Yankees and almost had the war won at Gettysburg, if only Stonewall Jackson were alive that day.
>lose war
>no, we really won because we won more battle and stuff
i don't think so tim
>North imports 400k Africans for slave labor
>South buys Africans at market prices
>North gets butthurt that slavery is so productive
>North creates existential conditions which fracture the country
>South secedes to preserve righteous political and economic order that is entirely within bounds of Federal constitution
>North unwilling to admit it went too far
If you loved them so much then why didn't you Yanks take them? Pic very related.
Damn straight.
They would have won if your people had recognized and supported the CSA, Nigel.
And this picture triggered Sherman.
Considering most White Southerners are of British descent and Louisiana was French clay for so long, one of us should have jumped in to help the CSA.
They would be talking about the "Second War of Independence" in schools if things went differently.
Leftists who oppose this
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
Daily reminder that backing the South is the bluepill. The ethnic homogeneity of the North was better and stopping the spread of slavery was a good thing for white America.
He a bitch. That's why he would later hide under the white robes of the KKK.
It's thanks to the South that we have a ton of blacks and spics.
First, due to their love affair with slavery. Secondly, it was the South that pushed for war with Mexico in order to expand slavery west. Of course, the Southerners would have ruled these areas under an apartheid system, but they should have known that this wouldn't last forever.
Thanks a lot, South.
Daily reminder if you are related to a Confederate or celebrate them you support traitors and terrorists who shouldn't have been forgiven but hanged like the dogs they are.
You can't realistically blame just the south for spics. The southwest was nowhere near as hispanic as it is today. That's basically the fault of the immigration act of 1965.
Most spics came here illegally. What would this have to do with the immigration act of 65?
Y'all yankees think you're somethin shoutin' over the internet. Why won't you come on down here and we'll show you some good ol southern manners.
>be stonewall jackson
>get shot by one of your own soldiers
>d-dixie forever
I doubt most did. A ton of hispanics moved here legally because that immigration law basically opened the floodgates.
>southernfags still this booty blasted over losing the civil war
“That devil Forrest must be hunted down and killed if it costs ten thousand lives and bankrupts the federal treasury.” -Sherman
Forrest had 29 horses shot from under him, killed or seriously wounded at least thirty enemy soldiers in hand-to-hand combat, and had been himself wounded four times and lived. Yeah definitely sounds like a bitch to me. Also his KKK involvement was minimal and he was the one who called for it to be disbanded not to mention the original Klan was nothing like the later Klans whatsoever. The later Klans are based around a fucking movie instead of the original. For example you mention the white robes which was not part of the Klan Forrest would've been a part of but the later Klan founded in 1915 by a guy who was just a nerd for forming clubs.
Because we mostly fought on your controlled territory you white trash, all your invasions failed miserably. We burned you fuckers and should've burned down the whole south while we were at it, you faggots are no better than niggers.
I praise Sherman every day for burning down Atlanta and those Godless hicks. Overtime I go to Georgia I whistle Sherman's March to the Sea.
Wew lad. Did a rebel kill one of your ancestors or something?
Sherman was the Dirlewanger of his time.
He was weaponised autism incarnate. Disliked on a personal level by many of his soldiers, but damn if he couldn't win battles. Probably would have turned the tide at Gettysburg.
Nah, my ancestors didn't come until about the 1870's from Germany. I just hate trash and the south is full of all kinds of it.
As a Southerner, I can respect Sherman for acknowledging the grisly nature of war and doing what he thought would help his side.
But Grant was an idiot commander who ordered his men to charge into enemy fire because he knew the Union, with its larger army, could get away with it. He had no regard for the lives of his soldiers and deserves nothing but scorn.
>First, due to their love affair with slavery. Secondly, it was the South that pushed for war with Mexico in order to expand slavery west. Of course, the Southerners would have ruled these areas under an apartheid system, but they should have known that this wouldn't last forever.
The U.S. was fighting against a dictator with Mexico in Santa Anna. The land they took was not populated much with Mexicans but with many Indians, More have come in over time. It wasn't always as Mexican but still Mexican.
If the North got what they wanted without a Southern push in influence, the U.S. would have banned alcohol earlier than the XX century, installed the Federal Reserve earlier, and never expanded past the Appalachian mountains. And then twenty years after stagnation, be sphered by a greater power like Great Britain or France and be forced to resign in mediocrity.
Southern Influence (Manifest Destiny) made America the greatest.
>Be so terrified of confederate soldiers you literally run away to go fight widows and railroads instead
top kek y'all
Still mad he didn't burn the south to the ground.
Sherman did nothing wrong.
Sounds like a pretty cool dude but also
>Killing your brother for some damn niggers
You disgust me more than usual op
It was democrats (aka the south) that were responsible for prohibition and the federal reserve. Republicans generally supported gold-backed currency.
This. I hope every southerner felt terror as he scorched his way to the sea. I hope they cried and bawled as they realized their future and life were destroyed.
So you enjoy the killing of your Southern brothers? Wow, nice to know.
Can't wait until non-whites destroy you Northern traitors, I'll laugh.
Where are my Dixie brethren at?
Wasn't about niggers, was about the fact you guys were filthy traitors.
>Daily reminder hillary won the popular vote
Tennessee reporting in. ( Middle, not those faggy easterners)
The unAmerican fucks that tried to destroy the US are not my brothers.
The South also mostly voted for Trump while the North mostly voted for Hillary.
Treason is a capital crime in the Constitution, maybe trash like you should read it.
Everything factual triggers your southfags though, this picture is nothing special.
I can't understand you. Take the nigger cock out of your mouth for a second.
What's it like to live in a region of the country where Blacks are like 40-60% of the population. Outside of the South, we keep our Blacks in containment neighborhoods, but there's very few outside of them.
this All Sherman did was refurbish bellum se ipsum alet into the United States. Nothing but a glorified pillager for realizing and using the most base and disgusting of mankind's strategies.
He just helped (not even single handily, as many Americans claim) diminish the 19th century romanticism of the revelry of war.
>illegal alien votes count
You know it's a miracle of rigging and immigrant voters that she got nearly as close as she did to Trump, but she STILL lost
>when you can't keep up with the retreating Confederates so you decide to ruin their morale even further by burning their fields and destroying their homes
stay mad, loser :^)
Southerner here. With family that fought in the Civil War and Revolutionary War.
Sherman doesn't trigger me at all. Dude was damn decent actually. I read his biography and in his later years, men that once served under him that we're going through rough times would stop by his house for help. Sherman would answer the door, feed them, and let them stay and clean up.
Damn decent.
>fared better
They won the war. I think that's fairing pretty well
Okay so not only do you hate state rights, but you yanks had such a nigger fetish that you had to come rescue them too.
Lincoln wasn't even going to abolish slavery at first, but your trash decided to play tough and secede and that was your guys' punishment. Bunch of traitors, that's all the south is.
fuck off nigger, east tennessee is based
its no coincidence that almost all of the old confederacy went for trump, northerners will always be cucks
Nothing in the Constitution bans legal secession from the union. Fort Sumter also only happened because Lincoln denied the requests to leave land owned by the Confederacy and the Confederacy STILL warned Union troops beforehand so no one would die during the bombardment.
The midwest is solidly republican and the rust belt is now red so not really.
The main divide nowadays is urban/rural.
During the great shift, don't use terms like Democrat and Republican over time. It gets confusing.
>le party flipped meme
The midwest has been republican territory over 100 years faggot.
the dixie fags were the ones that were so obsessed with niggers that they wanted to keep them as their property to do with them as they please
don't forget you were the faggots that shipped them into the country to begin with
Southfags, you can at least admit that this crossdresser was a total loser, right?
Nothing explicitly, but the Articles of Confederation were pretty much where they were basically independent countries working together, whereas a constitution is generally for one country and all of the states at the time did sign it.
>not wanting to keep subhuman trash controlled
how are those nigger infested cities working out yankee fag?
Lincoln only "abolished" slavery in the South where he had no control anyway and he was going to send all of them back to Africa before getting assassinated. Lincoln also heavily respected the Southern cause and pretty much didn't punish any of them after the war was over.
Probably should've honestly, I'm more mad about the south being traitorous and untrustworthy.
No, it hasn't.
Fine. Rural Indiana is comfy
Sherman was a fucking retard and a shit tier general. The fact that yankees tout this faggot around like he was some sort of badass war hero is a testament to how ill-informed they are of the whole affair. Sherman is literally responsible for more deaths of Union soldiers than he is Confederate soldiers. The Confederacy owes all the traction it ever gained during the war to the incompetence of Union pussies like Sherman.
You faggots wanted to suck on Union dick so much, you tried to pull a West Virginia. UT is the only good thing you guys have these days.
Aside from lopsided elections with democrat landslides, they are traditionally republican, yes.
>nigger infested cities
at least they stay in their containment zones in the north, unlike pic related :)
>Refusing to engage in battle because you believe the enemy you outnumber ridiculously has more men than you
>when you do engage in battle you literally throw thousands of lives away because you can and disregard all strategy
>faring well
Really makes me think
he was the first modern General. Stay mad dixie
Sherman did everything right
Sherman was brilliant, total war is the best way to win a war. Killing enemies wins battles, breaking their spirit wins wars.
they would still be on plantations tho
At least we have people, fuckin yank
my ancestors were from east tennessee and fought for the confederacy so fuck off. and the only reason alot of people were pro union was because they were constantly getting fucked over by the planter class in middle tennessee
>Aside from what completely destroys my very broad point, I am right, yes.
Same could be said of the Vietnam war
Virginia here, Sherman was a decent man who did his job. He fought war and ended the war sooner and that was what he was there to do.
Sherman was a faggot pussy any of the Confederate generals from Bouregard to Lee could have kicked the shit out of that papist manlet in a battle. He killed women and freed niggers to rape people. Complete pussy.
>W-w-we really won even though we lost.
You sound like you voted for Hillary.
Or think America beat Vietnam
Honor in war is absolutely retarded. The purpose of war is to destroy your enemy both physically and mentally. The only rule of war should be that there are no others.
>MY ancestors weren't anti-confederate therefore the entire eastern Tennessee wasn't anti confederate
I wish we could start another civil war just so we could recreate that glorious campaign.
We slaughtered them!
Every single man, woman, and child was either burned alive in their own home or raped by Yankee soldiers.
They didn't have a chance! They were toast(literally).