trump promised us justice vs clinton
why did he lie to us?
trump promised us justice vs clinton
why did he lie to us?
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Term limits and claiming down on future lobbyist corruption, making it harder within the bounds of the system, is far far far more effective and important than claiming a single scalp.
Also, reconciliation is best for a fragile and divided America right now, and he's promised to put America first.
for right now he has to play nice until he is in office. Right now she could be pulling all kinds of fuckery.
Leftists who oppose this
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
>Implying Congress will vote to put limits on their own jobs
Because he was a populist conman who successfully played on white peoples' fear of becoming marginalized in american society
Not the job of the President to prosecute. It's the job of the FBI, AG, Justice Dept., etc. I don't care so much about the emails as long as the CF investigation continues.
It's time for healing, OP
Come heal with us
Because the CTR staffers were too dumb to realize Sup Forums would keep anti-Hillary memes they paid for flowing while the anti-Trump ones perpetually die off
Because Lord Cheeto is a liar and an opportunist.
He didn't. There are several ongoing investigations, for much more incriminating shit than e-mails.
He's trying to build a cabinet. He doesn't need to go out of his way to get a special prosecutor with some executive order cluster fuck of a deal for a woman and an organization that hasn't evaded justice.
Please stop posting these fucking useless threads.
>"As President of the United States, I, Donald J. Trump will issue a full investigation of Clinton's record"
>Hillary hears this
>Flees to one of her donor countries immediately
What would be gained by this, fellow leaf?
You realize if he still attacked hillary king nigger would pardon her right? It's best he attacks her when he's in office.
If he gets enough popular support behind it it's not impossible. Lobbying restrictions at the very least are both positive and most importantly realistic.
He may be a con man but I think he actually wants to do a good job because he wants everyone to like him. We won't get even half of what he promised but maybe that will be enough. As long as what we get is more than just tax cuts for richfags.
Friendly reminder that your broken proxy is still on.
>the Clinton family's name gets tainted for life
>Chelsea Clinton; Hillary's last hope to be a president gets destroyed
>Hillary gets her face plastered on every 3 letter institution hit list
>Clinton family becomes an international criminal
This would make Sup Forums furiously masturbate into igniting itself unto the next life senpai
He's not even officially president yet, that's in January member?
Because he is playing by the ((((""""rules"""")))), you cucked thanksgibme motherbugah!
Less white people voted for him than for Romney.
Trump is not president yet and he's currently depressed because of this. Perhaps once he gets into office his depression will go away and he won't maybe commit suicide.
i member
Its a tactic. When she try to destabilize the trump government, he will push the "investigate Clinton foundation fraud" button, and she already know that.
No retard. I voted for Trump, I'm just being realistic. The tax breaks will easily pass, but the wall was the promise. And the Republicans now have a change to determine if they're on the nationalist or globalist side. They're really the only ones that can do what Trump promised. We gave them Congress to shift things up.
But I don't have high hopes for that.
The President does not control the justice system. The Clinton investigation is still ongoing. By distancing himself from the process Trump is actually being politically savvy. Acting like he is Judge Dredd wouldn't do him any favours.
Because it isn't the God-Emperor's job to decide to prosecute, its his appointed servant, Jeff "Everyone should follow the law" Sessions. If Obama doesn't pardon Hillary, Sessions will see to it she is prosecuted, and the left know this. So, its up to Obama. He can screw the Clintons and not pardon her, or have her, Bill, and Chelsea owe him for every second they spend outside jail from now on. I wonder--- what will Obama do, since he was so asshurt about Bill Clinton being such a racist to him back in 2008. Or, maybe the question should be: just how much blackmail material does the Clintons have on Obama? The leaked emails showed he knowingly sent classified material to Clinton and tried circumscribing the law that requires all of his correspondence, both paper and electronic, to be copied for the public and Congress.
Trump is a con man.
He lied his way into the White House and you republicans were stupid enough to believe him.
He's been exploiting poor people for his entire life.
That is wasted effort when there is a wall to rapid build.