If this post is CTR shill are we all perma blue pilled?
>they have the script ready
nobody really cares about that shit, is 50% lols, 30% math, 20% superstition
regardless of what is posted you know that post will be a shit storm
this get belongs to us
itl be a fucking leaf i guarentee
It's probably going to get stickied.
Fucking Kek.
You know it's gonna be a fucking leaf.
It always fucking is.
I just hope it's AI gf tier and not a shill-post.
not to undermine shitposting, but things are done, no amount of shilling is un-presidenting trump, and since he is lighting up, normies are relaxing and actually liking him.
90% + view trump with hope.
say goodbye to your thread, commies
I kinda hope it is something meaningful so people pay attention
Hillary will win.
Men will be forced into becoming traps, all men with dicks bugger than 7 1/2 inches will be forced to fuck traps and women.
Women will rule the world and men will be forced into caves with all the weed ,vidya, and poon he can get.
Nice ID, didn't notice it.
9/11 will be confirmed as an inside job
immediately discard post
Sup Forums has always been the greatest blue pill on the internet, for the ones taking it seriously anyway.
Not a better suicide prevention medicine existence though; just blame others for your issues.
Been thinking about this, they probably want to charge it with a "hurr pizzagate isn't real" related idea
Shills have been hot on this shit. You think they would be smarter than to come here with that bullshit.
was where is was at.
While 99999999 will have meaning, it won't be as powerful as the 7s
If the 999999999 or 100000000000 get is about Dick Spencer, I'm going to fucking kill myself.
CTR will lose