Dakota Access Pipeline

What's the red pill on this?

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leftist faggots getting BTFO by the state they worship

Gibsmedat Injuns complaining now that there's money involved on a Treaty that's been broken by Us for about 150 or so years thanks to Homesteaders.

Fuck those savages. They deserve to be conquested

oil company wants to put a shitty oil pipeline that is near guaranteed to leak in the near future over sacred indian burial grounds AND mississippi river water

governor said no and indians are doing actually peaceful protest

king nigger sent in national guard with rubber bullets to put down the "uprising" and the media is spamming trump bullshit to cover it up

Warren buffet was going to lose over a billion a year if the pipeline was built and they stopped using his BNSF railroad. He raked the muck so well, everyone has no idea he had his fingers in it

The redpill is the protesters aren't even the fucking locals

The actual tribe that lives there is tired of all the fucking idiots showing up from all over the country and bringing chaos to their community

All the protestors are fucking leftists from all over the US and even abroad plus native activists from other states.

You mean besides the autistic neckbeards on Sup Forums.


>guaranteed to leak

Is there a reason its guaranteed?

They are building a pipeline NEXT TO AN EXISTING PIPELINE

but this one...this ones a problem for some reason

Only decent reason would be environmental terrorists willing to cut the nose to spite the face


A real leftist doesn't worship the government, any real leftist is a revolutionary. Those SJWs are fucking cuck faggots. I'm a communist and always carry an AK with me.

Cuz Soros said so

Leftists who oppose this

Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian in an obvious land grab.

This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.

Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.

If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.

its a staged hoax

pure (((media))) creation not reality, just like with everything

There is a treaty.
The pipeline is a trespass.

Obama is a dickhole who is too retarded to deal with this effectively because he's a retard.



pipelines have been put in thousands of peoples' back yards already whats the big fuckin deal bitch

I hope they fight to the death.



Indians didn't get paid for land because they didn't sell it apparently. They gave permission, but didn't get paid like the rest of the tribes because they fucked up somehow, and now are pissed they cant get as much money as they wanted

>Indians only actually concerned with fire water, not actual water.

Oversight is immense. Most spills are due to the job being so boring, people just play Pokemon sun and Moon and the entire system fucks up

giving them anything was a mistake.

The redpill is that the pipeline is almost completely a net positive for the country.

The protestors are being used by two groups.

One group wants the pipeline built but in a different spot so they can get money from it.

The other group wants the project stopped because they will lose a lot of money when it's built. (Rail and trucking)

>peaceful protest
>throwing rocks
>hitting people with sticks that are just trying to get by them
>torching cars
>setting up propane tank IEDs and blowing themselves up

only if you're pushing a narrative

That the pipeline runs parallel to 2 existing pipelines and as well as overhead electric transmission lines with massive towers. It's an established utility corridor.

>people protesting wearing red communist bandanas.

I think i've got everything i need, thanks.

>t. dribbling howling liberal tabbing between huffpo, reddit, and pol


arrest her for treason now since she is attempting to undermine national security by denying us access to energy. Fuck all these faggots mow them all down.

Real communists like me would be packing a lot of weapons. They're just cuck SJWs is all.

>private land
>hundreds of rivers, lakes, estuaries, etc. are crossed every day by oil trains
>rate of failure for trains is 4-17x more often than pipelines
>asked natives to contribute in discussions
>natives refused to
>natives claimed burial grounds
>natives claimed heritage lands
>natives claimed land up river is theirs
>company changes where the pipeline is
>ensure natives get 0 payout
>protests ensue

To add
>389 Cultural Survey meetings held for the public by the USACE.
>180 filings were made by environmental, and civic groups in three states.
>9 meetings between Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SRST) and USACE.
>2 comments are filed with the USACE by SRST (01-08-16 and 03-23-16).
>7 meetings proposed by USACE to adress the 2 comments by SRST.
>0 meetings attended by Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

In the years leading up to construction, the USACE, DA LLC, and the State Historical Society gave them opportunity to voice any concern they had. They didn't get involved. They didn't do anything until they saw bulldozers.



Given this particular company's history, probably will leak.

It's time to go Christopher Columbus on their red asses.

those are rabid leftists not injuns

injuns at worst stand around and yell at them

See, I agree that it shouldn't be built for that reason.
But the Indian welfare queens aren't protesting for that reason. They are protesting because it's considered sacred land to their backwards beliefs, and they think because it's sacred they are entitled to have a say even though they had the option to purchase the land but spent it on casinos and booze instead. And no, it isn't peaceful protest. They are trespassing and destroying property. So fuck these people, they make me want to see it built now.

>see I agree that it shouldn't be built for this reason
I was talking about it leaking into the river and contaminating drinking water, btw. I don't give a shit about their sacred land.


The pipeline doesn't even cross Indian land. The protestors are a joke.


Hippiefags got the Savages to protest the pipeline so that they can fill the anti-fossil fuel qouta. They want all the pipelines to be shut down because the feared of the venufication of their earth thanks to Industrialization and commercialization of just about everything. This have less to do about the injuns, and more to do about the environmental socialist agenda that the hippies have for Merica.

If its built it saves 10 million dollars a day.

the indians want the pipeline