We will accept you with open arms. Embrace the Constitution and Liberty, abandon the toxic Alt-Right Nazi ideology.
Come back to Libertarianism Sup Forums
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Fuck the constitution, the Articles of Confederation are far superior
I never left senpai.
A lot of us are still here. The population of Sup Forums has grown exponentially. Fucking stormfags, man..
I would have voted for based ron 10/10 times over trump if he got the nomination.
But alas, he or someone with his opinions will never, ever get the nomination for a major party in this country. Everyone is too addicted to gibmedats to ever vote for someone like Ron.
I have no doubt in my mind that Trump will just end up being another big government "conservative" who will possibly increase our debt levels even greater than Obama did.
I voted for him though, because Johnson is a fucking wacko, and I wanted to see the butthurt Trump winning would cause.
So far so good
Implying pol libertarians arent secret nazis
I'm a libertarian but I voted for Trump, since he has a better chance of preserving libertarian values than Johnson did. Johnson was just a globalist shill who supported mass immigration.
I am libertarian but also a race realist, if you have open borders say goodbye to any hopes of libertarian principles, since all the immigrants will just vote for more government control and handouts
Libertarianism also requires a high IQ population who respects the NAP and can understand it intellectually. Once again you have to be a race realist to understand that not all human populations will be able to do this.
So I suppose I am like a libertarian nationalist.
Libertarians are retarded,
Why tho? Let the wound bleed freely now and we won't have to purify the blood in the system so badly; most of the crap will have washed out just waiting to be cleaned up.
we helped Trump happen, we can make this guy happen, if we shill enough, and kek wills it, we could put him in office somewhere
Ron Paul is the only right choice
I never left. I was never the alt-Right these people profess. I was always just sick of the left.
I'm practically a Republican now. Libertarians have destroyed their name near entirely this election, when it should have flourished. That fucking conference and putting up Johnson, who seemed fine in 2012, alongside Weld made no sense. It seems entirely against what 90% of people that self-identify as Libertarian (Even if only as a means of defusing a situation) want. They fucked up hard.
Please kill yourself quickly, get banned, and never come back.
I think I'm in the same boat.
It's kind of like how scandinavian countries were so successful under socialism, when basically everyone was a native and knew how to function in society.
Obviously now that the flood gates are open, their system will fail. I think the same holds true for a libertarian society.
If everyone held similar values I think more open borders could at least be considered. Obviously not fully open borders. But at the moment, the majority of the people we let in demand gibmedats and basically want to turn our country into whatever shithole they came from
I'm sorry I was so anit hilliary that I became pro trump even though I voter for Rand Paul in the primaries. He's my number one and always will be. Trump is becoming what I feared he would. Another puppet.
NAP only applies to civilized people with principles. Borders are nessecary.
Fix either of these and maybe I'll consider it.
The Alt-Right is Libertarian.
Kys faggot enjoy being raped forever by niggers in hell
Had the libertarian party nominated ANYONE but Gary Johnson, I would still be a libertarian.
This mindset makes no sense. The libertarian party of the US does not own the ideology of libertarianism. There were tons of libertarians who didn't even vote for Gary Johnson.
fuck off kek
Even Jared Taylor is on board with libertarians like Hans Herman Hoppe
Everyone says Sup Forums was more libertarian a few years ago, and I think it may have been, but I don't remember people ever being in favor of open borders, or being any less racist.
This idea that libertarians are all egalitarians is a weird one, that definitely wasn't the perception a few years ago.
libertarianism is about freedom of the individual, it doesnt necessarily means open borders, allowing mexicans to come over your country to vote democrat sounds like smothering freedom in favor of special interest
>and basically want to turn our country into whatever shithole they came from
Most immigrants want gibmedats on some level, but it's only the sandies who want to destroy the societies they emigrate to.
Oh ffs
I don't even blame them for wanting gibmedats. If western society didn't give out that money so freely they wouldn't flock here as much as they do.
If they had to actually work for a living like the immigrants did 100 years ago the number of people coming over would drop considerably.
>forced immigration is not liberty or democracy...it only serves government and big business at the expense of the middle class which is mostly white.
the stormweenies have increased alot but they will die out when all their chink woman reject them
Too little, too late. I'm a white nationalist and there is no return.
what is a libertarian, some label to group people under ? who are they, what do they stand for, lot's of people calling themselves libertarians ? Eat shit, mises
Fuck you
But who builds the sewer system and maintains it?
I'll come back to Libertarianism once the non-whites are deported
Fuck you, and your almost quads.
state or private enterprise ?
left or right ?
>muh free trade
>muh immigration
>muh egalite
No, fuck you, and fuck Jews
Sorry, still not abailable for open borders and mass third world migration.
Libertarianism was a meme, OP
I never fall for it. Even I'm listening good nigger music youtube.com
Full Libertarian
We need a libertarian general
Libertarianism is fine, but it fails to quantify culture and race into the equation. When you have a completely meritocratic system, (((those))) that can play the system the best are able to shape the minds of the younger generation.
Plato discussed this in The Republic, and I'm pretty sure it's not a hard concept to grasp. When you control the media, you control the culture, you control the youth.
This is why I have no patience for libertarians, we can speak about the free market after whites stop becoming a minority.
It will never ever happen. A libertarian General is even less likely than a libertarian head of state.
Which is practically impossible to begin with.
>t. libertarian
I'm willing to listen. Explain to me what it means to be a libertarian.
They did it to themselves desu
I uh, think he meant the other kind of general.
Lack of white brotherhood and camaraderie will kill us even quicker dude. It's like feminist women, they need to be brought back to the light.
Well if it takes an artificial means to continue the race, it should just die already.
Like a general thread? I thought he was talking about a military general.
Voulunterist. Non aggression principle. Property rights.
thats what was said about trump, we will show you
Very true
Rand Paul will be president.
You are me
Yeah, i was refering to a thread, you took things too far m8
Not risking that shit
"Artificial" is forcing millions of non-whites into the country.
"Artificial" is promoting interracial dating as some sort of fuck you to the establishment
Fuck out of here, nothing is natural about our current situation.
Rand 2024
Why do you suppose that happens? It's because of "natural" feelings.
there aren't enough libertarian threads to warrant a libertarian general
What the fuck are you doing in this board, cuck?
A few years ago we would've gassed fags like you...
You're inferior. The sooner you accept it the sooner we can all get on with letting Jamal cum inside white vaginas.
Daily reminder libertarians are open borders and would not resist if a billion Africans moved to the US
That's because natsocs are very noisy so no one wants to make threads about libertarianism, we need to fight them
You know you just radicalize people further with this shit, right?
America has been fucked since it's very inception.
White will never rise up. The time for that has long past.
Pretty sure Ron Paul was against open borders.
I'm pretty sure even the most ardent libertarians are against open borders if the host country has a welfare state.
The happy medium for Sup Forums is Hoppe Libertarianism, don't know why more people don't embrace it.
To protect you anons.
Your welcome.
Oh they are getting brighter.. damm you
This, libertarianism + dark enlightenment + helicopters is the only choice.
>I'll shitpost to protect you from another shitpost.
TFW you wish you lived in Hoppe's world of privately-owned classically-liberal microstates with a traditional waifu and family
Is this show still on TV? I've literally never heard of it before.
Also will Ann ever kiss me?