Ancap meme thread?
Ancap meme thread.
Ancap meme thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 user gets banned for posting the forbidden meme again
>Le epic state dicksucking bootlicker straw man banganza XDDDDDD
Kys, slaves of the state
> government
dalet this
>government satellite
Delet immediately
some oc
It could possibly belong to a foreign government. Notice how it says "a government's" not "the government's"
wheres the faggot with the your mom will die one, or the daughter being a coalburner, 25 in and none of that yet NOICE
How exactly would Anarcho-Capitalism work anyway?
Did the guy have it coming?
only democrats associate capitalism with anarchy
hope this helps
Try playing Rust sometime.
OC rate
The meme was made from OC template in another thread
I got you, senpai.
Orwell called out the marxists for intentionally altering language to limit the scope of peoples' thought.
The only way to protect yourself from this newspeak is to use words correctly.
Here are the original definitions of a few political terms:
"Left" refers to constitutionals (pic related)
"Right" refers to absolute monarchists (pic related)
"Liberal" refers to center-left groups such as paleoconservatives.
"Marxism", "Fasicism"/"Corporate Syndicalism", "Anarcho-Capitalism", and "National Socialism" are not ideologies that fit into the right/left spectrum. They must be each be considered seperately.
Rolling, I'd take any of them desu.
Excellent and a great opening to the meme.
Delet this
Does anyone have the CTR ball image
happens all the time
Very nice meme
Ancaps are closer to Kek then you ever will be.