What does Sup Forums think of Common Filth?
Common Filth
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Before the literally who's come in, he's a youtube guy who thinks we actually believe in kek, tell me if you actually believe in meme magic.
He's a retarded anti-gay Christcuck. He should be worshipping Kek over his dead kike on a stick religion.
Love him.
He shines a mirror onto the alt-right in an effort to shape it to something better than just a racist version of more of the same
I like his old logo/font better though
Tumbleristas playlist is the most "oh shit my sides" thing i've ever followed on jewtube
And why do you like him? We have bigger problems to address in our country like immigration and the economy versus grown adult men consenting to otherwise safe sex in their bedroom.
Meant for
He's alright. He takes things very literally though. I've seen him pull a single quote from an anti-gay thread that I myself was in and be like "SEE! Sup Forums IS VERY FAGGOT ACCEPTING," nevermind the quote he pulled got mugged by like seven responses.
Because if your country changes from faggots who like immigration to faggots who don't like immigration you didn't actually move anywhere.
The evil from within is always worse than the external threats
>Because if your country changes from faggots who like immigration to faggots who don't like immigration you didn't actually move anywhere.
Ideally if you remove the jews, gay culture disappears on its own after it runs out of energy with no battery powering it.
I think most of the gay culture is promoted by the liberal media, if they stopped promoting it it'd stop growing
What's so evil about them? Last time I checked adults consenting to safe sex isn't wrong at all.
Isn't it their fault for consuming jewish propaganda? All the jews are doing is selling, whether it be degenerate shit or non degenerate shit is irrelevant. If millenials/gays are the ones who are buying their bullshit, isn't it their fault?
>Ideally if you remove the jews, gay culture disappears on its own
This is one thing I take major issue with. Its objectively false.
The jews have influenced enough liberals, progressives and shabbos goys that a lot more than jews would need removing.
You need to better yourself so those influenced can have another person to be influenced by. Somebody MUCH MUCH better
Sex isnt meant just for pleasure. And anal sex is the perverse version of what sex is actually for. You are taking an organ that creates life and stick it in the end of the digestion track meant for expelling waste.
You are effectively saying fuck biology i want to cum
>common kike
Hes not a jew
Or a spic
Or a faggot
My favourite part about CF is he takes things too seriously even when their memes and people yell at him about it
But then when he memes that hes mexican or jewish everybody takes him seriously
The Romans and the Greeks did it. Thought they were the highest, most accurate representation of what we as Europeans were capable of. They tolerated it in their society, and now all the sudden people want it banned? Fuck that, let them do what they want. Not like women nowadays are corrupt, money grubbing whores. They're more jewish than jews are.
HMMMMM... what happened to them after they started doing that?
His show is the best. If you disagree then you're probably a degenerate queer boy with a feminine penised ass to excavate.
All empires fall and collapse. Don't fuckin' tell me that buttsex caused the Roman empire to collapse. There were a ton of other factors.
>The Romans and the Greeks did it.
Don't argue that because our ancestors did it that its a good Idea.
Don't forget, the Americans also fought the nazis
The Swedes lost their faith and became secular socialists bent on suicide
The Russians went communist, guess communism is good now huh?
So hte Romans having buttsex doesn't necessarily make it ok in the slightest.
That doesn't mean buttsex wasn't one of them
>He's a retarded anti-gay
mutually exclusive, sir
Christcuck worshipping jew loving fuckhead. Worship Kek, fuck your God.
>invoking a meme frog god to defend your faggotry
guess getting digits means kek wants you to gangbang 5 guys than too.
Sounds like he's influenced by sluthate
>complains about buttsex destroying a country
One to talk, leaf.
My country is exhibit B after sweden.
Thats exactly the point
Love him, he started as a typical Sup Forumstard and then slowly ascended into batshit insantiy. I think trudging through the darkest parts of the internet really got to him. Now he believes everyone but him is sincere in what they say which has led to some funny misunderstandings.
this is the new fedora tier
he lives in fucking San Fran
understanding that, there is no way he could be any different
I'm thousands of miles away from the US and even I can only barely stand what a fucking degenerate, mongrelised mess the US is, must be so much worse at the heart of it