I don't get it. Virtually all nationalist movements in history have had a huge problem with homosexuality. Why? I don't see why acceptance of homosexuals can't be a part of a country's nationalism.
Why do nationalits movements view homosexuality as a problem that needs to be stamped out?
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stop being a fag about it
Because it's fucking disgusting, user. No one wants to be around that degeneracy.
cause if you care about your nation you want more babies. more homos = less babies. plus it's a vile act imo and homos are pretty annoying people.
Any countries that aren't overpopulated Should view homosexuality as a direct problem.
How else are gdp's supposed to grow, if not by a large and charismatic youth?
>these gays are giving me a greater chance at getting with a woman even though im a complete splergelord
ITS ALMOST AS IF..........
closet homosexual confirmed
Because gays are really fucking annoying.
Nah bro, we'd rather kill them than convert them, but that's against the law.
>not being homosexual
It's not a problem if they aren't complete fags.
Over time, the general negative view that society takes again homosexuality will stamp it out in a nationalistic society. People slowly realize the nuclear family is the best and correct way forward.
the family is every person's duty and a homosexual family doesn't exist
Emasculated males that don't reproduce. What's their to like?
equal parts projection and intimidation
Anyone who puts sexuality as their main identifying trait has nothing to contribute to society. Treating it as okay is the same as endorsing more degeneracy
I personally think they should be sterilized. It'll correct this fag epidemic that is running amok.
Sauce ?
Because faggots are spreading disease.
They are the demographic that is keeping HIV and AIDS alive in the US. Without the faggots butt fucking each other and bug chasing, the HIV would have been wiped out decades ago.
They also do this with other STDs too. Those fucking degenerates need to be gassed.
>that pic
Would you Sup Forums?
degeneracy is bad for society, and faggotry is one of the worst degeneracies
Only to other gay dudes. I can see why you'd be worried, though....
+ they're frequently pedophiles
Can't brainwash adults that easily, you need more kids to have such movements gain traction.
Why do ya think they focus so hysterically on abortion and pedophilia too?
ah come on, it's easy.
import blacks and mudslimes and ban abortions :DDDD
The problem are closeted fags that have wives, the fag goes out and gets pozzed, then the wife gets pozzed then the Chad she was cucking her fag husband also gets pozzed...
Same reason environmentalists hate coal.
Because they are more loyal to their own "movement" than they are to their country.
Nigger, I'm married. You can keep filthy sluts, too.
Hahaha. Recently, a ban on blood donations from gays have been lifted. Enjoy your AIDS.
That problem can be fixed by making homosexuality less taboo.