Easy jobs at (((Microsoft))) for anyone who wants them


Inside source says they are planning to fire a shitload of white male engineers for a targetted replacement of black females engineers.

>be a white male engineer
>claim to identify as a black female engineer
>show up to interview
>if they so much as mention race/gender, you get to sue the shit out of them using their own rules
>managers have a massive incentive to just say "whatever" and hire you anyways so they can have that stat on their statsheet
>you will get easy raises as the system is only comparing your performance to a bunch of useless niggers
>when the niggers chimp, it's a hostile working environment and microsoft will have to fire them, or you get to sue the shit out of them

The more of us that do this, the more niggers get shut out of the system too. I mean, would you hire a smart white boy or a fucking nigger if the reward is the same and whitey will actually increase your performance and not fill your life with their nigger problems.


>still using POOOS

GNU/Linux is my best friend now

>Create your own tech start-up
>Hire all the white males that (((Microsoft))) fires

Suddenly Linux gets the boost it needs because the competition an heroes

Same with college applications with any race EXCEPT NATIVE AMERICAN.
If you say you're a nog, they legally can't question your selection. This will help a lot getting into universities that don't require in-person interviews.

Id like to see statistics on their hiring diversity numbers x windows releases. Every human on earth prefers Windows 7 over everything else (I had so many normies bring me thier laptops to revert it back to Windows 7). Im pretty sure windows 7 was post-windows 7, could be an easy way to show normies the cancer of racist and sexist hiring policies over objective skill and qualification

Gates prefers Windows 10

>planning to fire a shitload of white male engineers for a targetted replacement of black females engineers

How is this legal?

>Every human on earth prefers Windows 7 over everything else
fug off aussie. Do you even Sup Forums?

>How is this legal?

White people have no protection under the law

jobs are for suckers

Bill gates drinks the poo poo water
Don't trust him

>Shaun "I'm totally black! My dad got cucked!" King

investment capital, let alone a sustainable client base, is hard to find :(((



is she single

I was fpbp, all my computers run GNU/Loonix, i meant of the MS ecosystem

That's Microsoft, not Tumblr
They need quotas filled and actual nigs to parade around in pictures, not a mentally ill white man

This wont work

They will just say "sorry we have decided not to extend an offer"

What happened with Windows ME?


The managers don't fucking care, they just want their diversity bonus and to have performance stats that are not garbage.

They will gladly hire you, unless they are cucks who *do* care, in which case they will chimp out at the interview and it's horribly illegal for them to do that, like, you won't have to work again for a good long time after the lawsuit.

You realize they won't actually put you down as a black female right?

Is this a prelude to automatization?

>fire all good workers
>keep some doing what is needed
>hire anybody for image of progressism
>pay them the minimum
>'hehe jokes on them, now their products will be shit and they'll be broke'
>machines/AI + minimun of real required workers keep thsings going
>nothing changes, just add more numbers to the technoserf class that will be living on UBI and will waste their money on the shit they produce
>'b-but muh degree!'


Tchoo ! Tchoo ! All aboard the diversity train !

>"Oh sure, let's fire all the capable people to be more progressive and get a fat bonus due to AA"
>Some time later shit hits the fan
>"Where did we go wrong? Why aren't the skilled programmers returning?"

The market for software engineers is so good right now that if Microsoft starts firing people they will find a job by the end of the day.

They will be shooting their heads off if they actually go through with this.

Tell that to the recent grad that still hasn't gotten his entry level posistion :^)

You must just suck then

I had a job lined up before I graduated.

>Diversity goals
>no asians


Whites and asians are the only demographics you see in tech companies

You need niggers to add diversity

What the fuck are you talking about?

Microsoft jobs are 90% development, what AI is going to develop software for you??

RIP microsoft

you identify as one, they are required to

It's so funny since asians actually come to this country poor as fuck, work hard, succeed (IQ higher than 45) then they get told, that they're not really a minority, that their chances of entering university or getting hired are lowered just like a white person in the name of 'equality'. More diversity means more retards

White males are not a protected class under the law unless over age of 40.
Protected class equal all women, all non-whites, all old people and disabled peopled.

How come Asians can do it but every other ethnicity can't?