Why do fat women say this
Why do fat women say this
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bombshells are beautiful?
Who cares what fat cunts say
I saw a replica of the Fat Man at a museum. It was a very sexy piece of ordnance. That museum had a lot of bombs, they're pretty hot. Not as hot as the Blackbird they had, I almost creamed my pants touching that beautiful aircraft.
>I'd be a bombshell
I'm sure if you dropped her from low orbit, she'd have the same effects on her target.
When your first gut roll is bigger then your tits you should just shoot yourself.
Men are fatter than women
the irony being a bombshell is referenced for bring slender with curves. if I had to equate her body to armerment I say she's C4 putty
desperate to be coveted since its the primary drive women know but too lazy to do anything to satisfy it
Look at these slutty twins in their skimpy outfits.
Fat girls are so gross, haha.
Kansas Cosmosphere
>Implying you shouldn't kill yourself once you can refer to a roll as the "first one"
You're fucking retarded.
A man at the same body fat as a woman is still more physically sound and healthier.
However the quote from the ages they talk about is:
women are for duty
boys are for pleasure and
goats are for ecstasy.
So you would you rather fuck a goat or an obese women?
Low test betas are not welcome in Trump's america
>there's always that indent in the middle
yeah underneath all that fat you could survive a bomb :^)
why does the belly cinch in two its so awful
Imagine. You survive a nuclear bomb. All you have left is uncooked popcorn. A fat lady is going to provide a lot more cooking oil for you corn than a thin one.
I can kinda explain this. I remember there was a fat fetishist who painted a lot, and people like to use him to show what was considered beautiful, even though he wasn't the norm.
>a man at the same body fat as a woman is still more physically sound and healthier
No, women rely on body fat more.
Fun fact: you can make both soap and biodiesel from human fat.
Thanks to these fatties our war rigs will not lack for fuel, nor our warboys for hygiene.
spare the dog, lard woman
The Greeks were pretty damn redpilled, so no she'd be considered the whale that she is.
they jelly
Would explain why all those ancient Greeks preferred young men
they're in denial
viva el trump
the marble probably weighs less than she does
>japanese education
How dis make u feel whiteboi?
One of these is not like the other.
Probably because they were highly sexed and did not want to risk pregnancy. Young boys would be an easy alternative. They are stories of boys being put in tubs of oil pre-coitus.
A good book to read to get a perspective on man on man/boy action is:
I know a fat lass and she fucking stinks. Funny thing is, through law of entropy her lack of personality and vagina versus that of an ugly man with a penis and a lack of personality, she will get laid first and more often.
They're retarded
Reminds me of that webm of some african eating the asshole of a cow or donkey.
Am I the only one who would smash?
Honestly, like I want to vomit.
Sigh. So tired of all this fatasses constantly whinging about ancient times - it is ALL horseshit. If you take the fat women from art in any era, no matter how fat, their hip to waist ratio was STILL 0.8 across cultures, across nations.
tfw no belly gf
why is life so cruel?
More like get crushed, but yes. Yes you are.
Kill yourself.
delusion is easier than discipline
More like the Paleolithic era, then it would be accurate.
Nope. I grew up in a very fat Republican state, so I acquired a thing for fatties.
How to negotiate terms:
Highest of test
Meh. Sara Aikawa is way sexier.
No one really knows what these figurines were for. I think they were signs to say the lady was pregnant and therefore unavailable to other tribesmen.
Alternatively that the lady was available to get pregnant.
your people know a lot about nuclear bombs huh?
She's well-fed.
This is why women need to stop eating like men. If you're not knocked up stop eating for 6 people at every meal. eat fucking salads and vegetables and limit or cut out everything else. Its not that hard. Women did it for centuries.
You're wrong dear statue, you would be a bombshell even in modern times.
Your beauty is timeless.
W-What? No, I'm not talking to you, WHALE!
Did you actually look at the chart you posted?
The guy clearly got fat before the woman did, based on percentages.
I've changed my mind nigger, you can have em.
You live in America. Fatties are everywhere.