about fucking time
About fucking time
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n the closest race ever in Great Lake State history, the Michigan Secretary of State gave President-elect Donald Trump a 10,704 vote win over Hillary Clinton. The call comes after the state’s 83 county clerks on Tuesday submitted, posted and certified voting results by each county.
How can someone ask for a recount after this
Maybe we can get Alex Jones to donate some water filters to Flint now
Well that's bad news for the libcucks pushing the recount narrative now isn't it, they basically performed a recount already and verified it, vote by vote, I bet they cover this in media.
Hillary won the popular vote and therefore should be president.
Pls be my Kangaroo GF
I must be retarded but I thought it was already won.
What the fuck were they doing? Trying to fudge numbers?
Which means that Trump still wins even if WI and PA were to flip blue in recounts
(((computer "experts"))) BTFO
the fact he won MI,WI,PA and FL is remarkable
>hillary won california by a larger margin than trump won texas
>this means hillary is the real president because reasons
Have another (You).
So does this mean that Trump finally won the popular vote?
Some states have an automatic recount condition, if it meets that condition the state recounts all votes without being asked to.
Pls be my Kangaroo GF
Plz be my Kangaroo GF
I always imagine someone crying hysterically, snot running down their nose, when I read these posts.
Pls be my Kangaroo GF
michiganders are retarded when it comes to counting military absentee ballots and early voting ballots or smth
also they probably hire detroit niggers to count votes so that doesnt help much
shilling Yahoo called MI for Trump but still won't update their fucking map!
Hillary won the contest they weren't having.
If President was decided by popular vote Trump takes an entirely different advertising and campaigning strategy and wins popular vote but loses what would've been the electoral college.
>I bet they cover this in media
Shut up Darwin
roo kanga gf pls
306 electoral votes yasssss
Would you please be my kangaroo girlfriend?
>3 million votes by illegal immigrants
illegal immigrants dont deserve voting rights and therefore their votes don't count
they dont want to give him the 306 EV
So basically this?
So what you're saying is Trump is a liar and he cannot be trusted?
slaaay king slaaay
Hillary will be President when Madonna sucks 60 million dicks.
Fucking delete this!!
Who cares she won the popular vote and the peoples vote. Russian hacked the voting booth.
Are you retarded? It means he won Michigan's 16 electoral votes bringing the final tally to 306-232.
If you have any confusion about how the election system works in the United States, read Article 2 of the United States Constitution.
how do you get that from his post?
keeps counting those illegal votes ctr. Your tears get saltier with each one
Big Three-Hundo Don
please do. I'm itching to see alot of dead liberals in the areas marked blue
We were so close to getting MN.
Trump should have gotten 333 electorals were it not for the 5 states She stole
Which 5 states?
We can try again next time
The blood orgy rises
>getting MN.
Michigan bro here.
Thought this place would never flip.
It felt awesome!
Hillary is a Satanic Pedophile and murderer who should be executed.
He won it weeks ago in the debates when he said NAFTA 78 times.
not 5 states but if he flipped MN + VA + NH it would equal 333
Michiganders unite in victory
WICKET Sup Forums
Trump will never win Minnesota. 2016 was the perfect storm; The midwest will be less favorable to Trump in 2020 because he will not be running against a Clinton. Trump will likely be a one term president, assuming he even finishes one term.
Waiting for that 999 get
>Trump will never
we shall see
>Won thanks to millions of illegal migrants, double voters and dead people
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
Trump won't run in 2020, he'll be 74.
Reagan and Bernie did.
thanks doc
Straya pls
Ronald reagen stopped wen he was 77
trump is literally our generations Ronald reagen
what a shitty state to live in
Trump 2020.
Just like Bernie Sanders was this year
Map is really, really wrong.
And Trump looks healthier than Reagen did
The united states will be so uncucked by then I dont think donald will see a reason to. It will take the libtards 50 years to even attempt to undo what the don will do. Even if he doesnt run the right will enjoy an easy victory
The right has won
Because he's got the right vision for his country and the world at large.
Anyone else think it's a little strange how Trump was leading in the popular vote when he broke 270? And how Hillary's lead has been steadily increasing since election day? And how the last state to finish was Michigan, home of Detroit?
Ignore these shitposters. Trust me, I'm not like those other guys, if anything, I'll be the one in the pouch ;)
Not so fast goyim!
>thinking they have a say in how our government should work
Ain't gonna happen. It's been too long and everybody already accepts him as President Elect.
It's over, CTR, Trump is King.
Trump is incredible virile for his age.
probably is on test boosters + good genes
ur a fag m8
what an ignorant statement.
Pls be my kangaroo gf
I really, really like this image
no he would have campaigned in NY and California along with other major metropolitan areas. Areas he didn't this time. Has nothing to do with lying.