It seems like one hell of a challenge.
How do we fix The Rust Belt?
legalize techno raves
Let people live there tax free if they keep things neat and tidy
Looks pretty comfy, to be honest with you.
My city got gentrified and now everything fun is replaced with shitty winebars and generic McDonald's beige apartments for yuppies to live in for a year and then go to SF or Portland. The whole city is unbearable and full of cunts, now. If it's not entitled yuppies it's slovenly, cargo short-clad filth from the suburbs.
Coal liquefaction factories to bankrupt the gulf arabs.
Some of the old factories have to go. Tear it down and return the land to nature.
See that can be salvage and rebuild from there.
Fixing anything is 10% ideas/90% effort. The real question that should be asked is "who is fixing the Rust Belt?"
And right now, the only group of people who took that up to the task will control the White House.
remove rust
How do we fix the rust belt?
>Stop using meth.
>Realize education has value.
>Get an engineering degree or other skilled trade certification.
>Understand that factory jobs ARE NOT COMING BACK.
>Move to where the jobs are, which is probably not where you are.
>Don't vote for Trump...oh, wait, you already fucked yourselves.
If all you have to offer is condemnation, why should they then look to you for leadership?
as trump says, you could make manufacturing profitable in the US again. Which is a total pipe dream. In order to be competitive with China we would need to remove minn wage, castrate labor unions, and remove shit tons of regulations, even the good ones. Otherwise all costs will be passed onto the consumer and american cars these days aren't worth shit to begin with
A much more realistic option:
-allow cops to actually police those shitholes. nobody invests in businesses when they're at risk of being stabbed.
-following through on Trump's energy policy, invest in coal or gas businesses in the area.
-line up every union teacher and hang them. fix the education system so it works for students, not teachers.
-stop electing democrats
The first step is to clean off loose rust and flaking paint and then apply a rust-inhibitive primer. You don't need to get down to bare, shiny metal—just clean off the flakes and powdery surface rust that prevent paint from adhering. However, badly rusted areas need more prep work and possibly a special primer.
Store fronts are muh bitch.
>be competitive with China
I'll take tariffs for 800 Alex.
I was going to write a long-winded response, but this puts it correct. Tariffs will accomplish the task if Trump wants the jobs back.
>forms a tough black coating
isnt that what it already has now?
Coca-cola works well on rust.
Could also turn it into a fallout themed themepark.
and what do you think all of those chinese workers are going to build once that tariff wall goes up? EU stuff? russian stuff? UK stuff? Indian stuff?
Bomb it
>chinese workers
>not realizing they're slave laborers
They will continue stealing intellectual property and marketing it to other countries. They will go out of business once they see our manufacturing quality take a shit all over theirs.
Believe me, it's fixing itself. You leave it alone. You could help by planting some more native trees or something.
We start by sending all the niggers back to the south.
fuvck niggers
Why do I give a flying fuck about some Chinaman in China making low quality garbage?
>Northwest Passage Opened.
>Expand St. Lawrence Seaway so modern container ships could sail into Great Lakes. Cost: hundreds of billions.
>Build Great Recycling and Northern Development (GRAND) Canal of North America
Cost: hundreds of billions of dollar.
Sign me up fäm.
>democrats are the answer
Or maybe it's time to stop and try something different
macroeconomics isn't that simple. you'll just be paying 35% more for your shoes.
>tfw you live a few minutes away from Gary, Indiana
A small nuke would do wonders. I live West of the city, so I would not get the fallout.
Basic income aside, I do think robots are going to make infrastructure look good again. Actually, without very much regulation it might be much easier to build experimental housing. There's currently too much red tape to do any kind of lateral thinking with building, but maybe Trump will get rid of it. That creates more risk--a house that could potentially fall on you--but also more reward (much less money to spend on making sure your "house" is considered a house)
Eliminate niggers
Pull out of china completly
Sadly the factories will move down south not back up because of snow and the fact the old factories are all degraded now.
Is this A leppo?
Only if I keep buying Chinese crap.
make them brew beer and grow weed
basic income is gay, people would just stop working
I really hope Trump turns out to be a pleasant surprise.
which will be even more expensive.
This is the kind of solution that ought to be advocated. Make the Midwest more competitive rather than blow up the entire global trade order. There are other ideas as well, but we both know that ideas are cheap. Organization is everything.
Automatization is killing off the need for chink slaves
Up to a threshold, Americans will tolerate an increase in prices. As long as that threshold is below a certain point, the solution is politically practical.
which will drive up demand for domestic goods meaning that more will need to be produced meaning that more factories will need to be made and more workers will need to be hired which means that people will be able to afford that stuff.
free tb303s and tr808s for everyone
Scrap it and make new rust.
The same way we created it in the first place.
We must return to that place where we were able to build a thriving, middle-class, industrial sector.
This might require the destruction of the upper-class elites. Think French Reign of Terror.
Take the power back. It belongs in the hands of the people, not the special interests and elites.
>why doesn't everyone just become an engineer
autism, the post
Move the unemployed retards somewhere with jobs. They are actually retarded or they would have left long ago.
automation and reduced shipping costs will buffer most of that
civil war
we can open new factories selling them arms
Pretty much all Hillary wanted to do. But kind of late for that. Well at least cousin fuckers get keep their coal jobs and set back the US in its world standing. They are also probably gonna loose their healthcare.
what are you doing here Jonah Goldberg? NRO will fire you
Protectionism is not enough, you're just doing glorified hand-holding.
I say we should aim for the blue-collar equivalent of Silicon Valley, i.e boost the skills of the workers through extensive and intensive training.
We can't compete on pay, which narrows it down to a skill contest.
user i don't know if someone told you but its not the 1960s anymore. Machines are kind of more advance now, advance enough to do that shit if factories are ever brought back.
You still need someone to guard the machines from the ferals and someone to clean the toilets that the guards use.
>if you don't sweet talk to me then im gonna go for the Epson that is gonna fuck me in the ass.
You right cousin fucker, Trump is gonna bring all those coal jobs back. Its gonna be just like your mammy and pappy said it was back in them old days. Dont worry about silly things like global economy and automation. Those things those dang liberals anyway.
It can get better but it can never go back to the way it was.
Also I'd build a ton of new housing and cap the prices on all of it. Make it fixed and livable on the wages the workers are paid.
If wages are swallowed up by rent & utilities, there's no disposable income to send into the economy.
Drastic measures are needed to revitalize the area.
I can see the argument that a lot of people won't be able to stand the social cost of being on basic income, wearing the clothes you can afford with it would be incredibly ghetto, so a lot of people would work even if they could survive without it. I still oppose it on moral grounds.
Wow. That's the last thing that would work.
Lots of hard work will be needed. Tons of clean money that can't be stolen my thieves.
Basic income will do nothing. Get a job, lazy shit.
I cant tell if you are being sarcastic. But im sure those rural people are at least smart enough to clean toilets. I think so at least.
I said ferals not rurals.
learn the difference, it could save your life.
remove nigger
Vinegar works well. Helped me remove a hitch I left in all winter.
Some years back, I went to DEMF in Detroit... There were parties all over the place, including broke down, abandoned shitholes... It was pretty awesome, to be honest.
Do they smell different?
uncuck oil, gas, and mining
really that simple
you'll be rich as fuck in no time - just look at ND
>more workers will need to be hired
not necessarily
jobs right?
The Rust Belt can never be what it was. It will literally need extensive, expensive intervention just to get it back on its feet.
They call it movement now. They run everything.
I liked DEMF better.
>cousin fucker
lol most of the rust belt isn't even in the south you moron. are you black by any chance?
>cap the prices on all of it
good luck fucking the economy
Fuck no
feral detection is a skill you hone by years of observation and real world field experience.
While China plows ahead with green technology and eventually makes it all obsolete?
detroitfag reporting
its like that almost every weekend
unfortunately demf is not only no longer free, but extremely expensive and has sucked for the past 3 years. also its called movement now. (more like jewvment, amirite?)
I doubt the rust belt would be happy with shitty janitor and security jobs
It's a matter of time before the japs automate this btw
t. automation engineer
First off, don't hate the player, hate the game. Anybody can bitch about why women won't fuck them, but all the more reason why women shouldn't do anything them.
Second, I'm pretty sure China and Mexico are much more concerned about keeping their people employed than you are...especially because tariffs may actually work to take their jobs away....
Legalize slavery.
When you choice is a janitor or a muddy ditch, you choose the janitor.
That's a laugh. It's already fucking ruined. There's no way but up.
Like I said, high rent kills disposable income and so does private debt.
there's also the choice to move or get new skills and change what they work with, but they don't want this, they want factory jobs
When I was in the scene, I was partying a lot in Miami... Met friends from all over the world through WMC and we all decided to meet up in Detroit. Needless to say, it was certainly a different environment. Had a blast, though. Nothing like listening to techno in dark rooms.
yes, which is why its foolish to try and fight for jobs that robots and filthy slaves do
american goods will still be much more expensive than 35% taxed chink stuff.
chinks get paid pennies an hour. americans get minn wage, labor unions, high corp. taxes, regulations out the ass.
Even assuming China can't compete, Vietnam, India, Taiwan etc. will just take their place, driving up prices
Democrats everyone, they never learn.
A person living day-to-day on wages isn't going to spend jackshit on anything. In the end, they end up drowning in debt.
If you add up this phenomenon a fuckton times over, you're looking at an entire population in massive debt.
Zero economic growth.
All this accumulated private debt must be dealt with.
>Even assuming China can't compete, Vietnam, India, Taiwan etc. will just take their place, driving up prices
Tariffs don't work like this. Don't get me wrong, there are problems with Tariffs. The Ottoman Empire was destroyed by Tariffs (bet you didn't know this.) But in terms of creating jobs, Tariffs will create jobs.
For fuck's sake, we have an entire economics school named after us that involves Tariffs.
What's a leppo?
Detroit was fun... Stayed downtown next to the Joe Louis fist... Aside from the music, my favorite part of the trip was playing keno while eating deep dish pizza.
put a high tarrif on imports like steel aluminum and cars. cut industry red tape and convert green credits into industry stimulus
We still need to tackle private debt, and utility & rent payments relative to income.
The fucking Canadians are going to ruin it again, aren't they?
It's really strange to think about it, but in 19th century, Midwest have relative much better transportation link to world economy than modern day. With arrival of container ships all those transportation advantages have disappeared.
Melting arctic sea ice and expanded St. Lawrence Seaway will restore that lost competitive advantage. This will not only lift up America Midwest but help our Canadian friends up north.
GRAND canal is absolutely critical for this plan to work. By damming Hudson Bay and send excess fresh water south, we can begin regulate the water level in Great Lakes and sell excessive water to Great Plains which is in danger of using up all of its water in Ogallala aquifer. That will prevent most productive farmland in the world from becoming ruined.
Exactly. There is a whole wide world of things that can be done. But that requires work and sacrifice to implement solutions. Discovering solutions is the easiest part and merely the first step.