Tfw too intelligent to bring white children into this world

>30, white male
>based catholic white wife of 30
>Trump voters
>theist but not religious
>attend church with wife every now and then
>see the world as fucked for the west, but I fight for it as I can
>not willing to bring a mini me into this world
>wife is good with not having kids too
so we're never going to have kids.
am I wrong about this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Same desu

>but not religious
>but also catholic

>>based catholic white wife of 30
you have 30 wives?

You're a hedonistic fool and you will deeply regret your decision

Spend time with some kids and realize that you've had your youth and it's time to give the gift of life to the next generation.

You can't be a man child your entire life just because you are afraid. You are making excuses because you can't imagine sacrificing your world of shallow pleasures like videogames and food and bullshit

You should not have one kid. you should have three or more. You should sacrifice whatever it takes to make it happen.

You're gonna regret it dearly in 10 years.

There is a loli in heaven waiting to be born and she's already sick of your bs.

I'm not religious, but I believe in god.
My wife is Catholic.

No goy you are absolutely right


It's far worse than you realize...

The kids will be taken from you by the state via the divorce courts and you will be sent to jail.

There is now a whole generation of people who were from divorce families, it's leading them to shun marriage due to the negative experiences they had and sparing the anguish of putting their offspring through it.

Men are retreating into escapism as there is nothing left for them. Fix the problem of gov't interference in child rearing and indoctrination in schools, and maybe men will be incentivized to have kids.

same boat. wife is 28, i'm 29. though we're more like nihilists.

creating children and raising them in this world seems like a bad idea to both of us.

>heretic leading a pure Catholic woman away from the church

Can't wait to see you burn on judgement day

You are a nihilist not an intellectual.
You do not care about the white race stop talking about it.
A white liberal that preaches bullshit but has 3 kids is more of a contributor to whites than you will ever be.

Yes. We must breed an army of white children. We will be overrun and white will go extinct. Do your part faggot.

I've spent time around children and I'm weirded out by them. I don't like the idea that I'm unleashing a human on the world. I don't even really like the idea that I'm responsible for my own self. How many people have I influenced? No matter my intention, what if their actions caused harm?

I am 34 having my first kid. I never planned it I was going to work dead end jobs and sharpest for the rest of my life.
I am terrified because I have no job skills at all. I have been working the night counter at a hotel for 12 years because I can play WoW at night but hopeful.

>we're never going to have kids.
I had these same thoughts... But also it's bad to think that as a result, it will help encourage making the opening scene from Idiocracy into a reality

You are wrong about this OP.
To deny one of your own into this world is to deny one for your own. If you know what I mean.
You aren't doing any favours for yourself or for anyone by not having any kids.
The less children whites have, the more "enrichment" is introduced to society.
Please, OP, have as many kids as you can. Don't be sold out by the idea you can't afford children. Don't be sold out by the idea you are bringing children into a corrupt and doomed world. This is what (((they))) want us to belive.
You have a wife, you have a based religion.
Do your part. Turn against the tide.

Struggling with this as well.

I've run out of all the excuses. At this point it is a selfish preservation of my freedom as an individual. My schedule will have to revolve around a child, and I'm not ready for that.

>tfw too intelligent to bring white children into this world
Many things reach a threshold in which their magnitude becomes great enough that it goes in reverse. 'Progressives' for instance.

So the world will get worse and you didn't do your part to stand against it. Whatever vaunted principles you've fooled yourself into having the result is quite the same as someone who suicides. You are admitting that we'd be better off dead. Or better off never born.

Yep, can't have too few catholics.

Mexibro is right on this one OP

Like having kids is going to give his life meaning. There is no meaning and everything is pointless. In the grand scheme of things you and your measly life mean nothing and nothing you do means anything.

All you can do is pass the time till you die and bio degrade into nothingness. Enjoy.

yeah well, you win some you lose some


>not to

Spotted the redditfag

fuck off under a bus

Have a kid mate. You will regret it if you don't, thats why your posting on here asking for permission to not do it. It is fucked, this world, but at least have a chat with the missus about it, she will give more hoots than you.

Don't have kids if you don't want them.

Guess what nigger? People like you are exactly why the west is fucked. Didn't you see Idiocracy? Shitskins are outbreeding us by leaps and bounds because they don't give a fuck. Quit your whining and get down to business, you limp-dicked faggot.

Thats not intelligence. That's cowardice...youre too much of a bitch to raise kids the right way. Youd rather throw your hands up and pretend youre watching the world fall apart from the outside. Youre as fucking responsible as anyone else for the state of this planet. Do your part and raise some soldiers for the years to come.


Life is better than it has ever been, and your children's lives will be especially so if you and your wife are intelligent and moral. You're overthinking it, have a few kids it's fucking magical, fatherhood is an amazing experience.

Plus from what I've seen in others it seems easy to go crazy when you get to 50+ with no kids, even if you have a wife.

this desu but without the holier than thou attitude

he is completely right

there's no need to fight the natural flow of things. your intelligence isn't the one speaking

>pass the time till you die and bio degrade into nothingness

im white and im proud haha

even if you want to have children now i seriously recommend against it, unless you want yo bring severely autistic kids.

don't do it. your wife and your "best by" date is gone.

I know a guy who raised an army of kids. Every single one is successful and married. He is the strictest but most loving dude you will ever meet, when religion is done right it makes you and your family successful.

Finding a wife that won't challenge you or discredit you in front of your kids though is near impossible now. Thanks feminism.

This post

Yes I agree with OP! Honestly, life is just so much better without children! Especially for white males like myself!
Although, if I did ever decide to have kids, it would probably be with a Hispanic or Asian woman. Don't you think mixed children are better in every way! Haha, I sure think so.

Have kids faggot!

Not having kids is retarded. Most practically, you need someone to take care of you when you're 80.

It's your duty to uphold your race, you think your life is lounging around and having a life of pleasure?
Cya in the lake of fire budy.

first of all. When a a man and a woman concieve a child its above all an inheritor. you have to have something worth being in the world to have a child. its not about what you want to ahve children or not. its about continuing your project after your death.

bluepilled have kids because thats where they are in their life at that moment.

redpilled have inheritor because their project takes longer than a human life to happen.

look at empire of the past, big company our days, secret societys etc... children are to continue a project. even the jews know this.

time to redpill Sup Forums about childrens.

Im not set on race mixing. i guess if its made to have Higher IQ its good.

He's protecting his potential son/daughter from becoming a participant in an ever more degenerate world.
If that isn't good parenting, I don't know what is.

>its about continuing your project after your death.
>bluepilled have kids because thats where they are in their life at that moment.
>redpilled have inheritor because their project takes longer than a human life to happen

Your wife intends on divorcing your ass and is most probably having an affair. Being open about never having kids is a pretty sure sign that she doesn't plan on sticking around.

Same, I refuse to bring kids into this world. If I can't make myself happy, why could I have happy children? I look at the universe around me and this world we live in seems so pointless. If I don't pass my genes on, who cares? All the stars will burn out in 100 trillion years and all the striving by countless generations will be for naught.

this posts gets me thinking

32 and thinking about vasectomy . it's not that i hate kids i actually love it but to have the state dictate the family value is something i deeply regret having to be forced into so i will gladly pass on this chance , no luck for my gene i guess my free will is more important.

Maybe someday people will realize forcing people into irrelevant contraption is a recipe for disaster.

You need others to fight our fight when we can't anymore.

Protecting? Give me a fucking break you need to learn that by not exposing your children to such things in life they become a clueless mess.

>to have the state dictate the family value is something i deeply regret having to be forced into
Leave Canada if you can m8, the place is TOXIC for young men

to be a nihilist like you must be a pain in the ass.

there is no purpose for human life. And thats what make us need to guive it some. you see the weird position where human are ? there is no sens in the univers but if i want a can create some and live my life according to it. then i'll really feel happy.

That is somewhat related to memetic btw.

>Producing children for the sake of having them fight.
Absolutely shameful.

>they become a clueless mess.
Good thing they don't exist then, isn't it.

>All the stars will burn out in 100 trillion years

Heat death is a lie.

We are accelerating meaning energy is still flowing into the universe, that energy is still converting to matter at an exponential rate. In pleb terms the big bang never stopped but kept getting bigger, we will never see evidence of it (apart from accelerating) because we are moving as fast (accelerating away) as the light can reach us from outside our local galaxy cluster (our visible universe).

they made a movie about this called Idiocracy.

>nihilist like you

You're only half right. I'm not a moral nihilist and I do believe you can create a garden of meaning in the desert we live in. As I said though, I'm not a happy person and I won't consider having children unless I can change that. I don't want to pass on my outlook to kids who will grow up feeling empty like me and take drugs to numb their existential dread. I'm straight-edge but I've seen so many unhappy people literally kill themselves over that sense of emptiness.

With jokes of men like yourself I can understand your stance on this touchy subject, it's ok really it is :-)

>t. 15 y.o. nihilist
Quit bandying about slippery terms like "meaning" and "the grand scheme of things" and just kill urself my man. It's what Nietzsche would have wanted :^)

Do you believe that you are innocent before God?

>I'm straight-edge
take some LSD you idiot. You don't know shit about life.

It's a mortal sin to have any sexual act that is not open to having children.

I don't think it's a touchy subject. If you'd like to discuss further, I'm perfectly open to it.

I don't know why this picture is so funny, but goddamn.

>not having kids

weak bait

Enjoy your Muslims.

a movie for truly enlightened gentle sirs

if you dont feel like having children its good. children should be concieved if they have predestination. create a destiny for them before having them and its all good. i plan of rebuilding my family legacy.
somewhere around 1800 my ancestor got fucked by his brothers and left for america to start at zero. it didnt went as planned but here i am in 2016 continuing his project.


Not a scientist, I was just going by this old infographic from Michael S. Turner.

Yes our sole purpose to exist is to reproduce.

By not doing this you are even stupider than a sub-70 IQ welfare leech with 5 kids.

I'm just selfish and children and a wife will take away time and money for video games.

if you don't like the first 5 minutes of the movie you're a stick in the mud fagtron

Yes! YES! You're a good go- err, guy by abstaining from bringing more white children into this world!

i feel you.
you're gonna grow old though. who is going to take care of you? no kids, no grand kids, while everyone else around you has that.
maybe you should commit suicide along with your wife.
you don't wanna be a wrinkly old fuck now do you?

nah man. have some kids. fight it out. It'll be fun!


Wtf I hate marriage and children now

argentina is the whitest country

If I'm in such a shitty state that I need someone to take care of me and can't live independently then it's time to kill myself.

>Am I wrong about this?
I mean, you're the reason civilization is failing... So yes.

back to

this, take whatever you think is a safe dose, then double it, but make sure you're not around your normie cuck friends because they will totally fucking ruin the experience

I love this meme way too much
>tfw too intelligent to brush my teeth regularly
>tfw too intelligent to get good grades
>tfw too intelligent to get an internship
>tfw too intelligent to drive

What's their end game? Wouldn't they want more white people since they're productive and pay taxes? What do they stand to gain from our genocide?

wouldn't the Jews want a large population of middle-class whites to fuel consumerism and dilute the labor force so labor is cheaper and employers can be more selective with their workforces

Thank you for not procreating goyim

you literally don't have to brush your teeth again until you eat
>jumping through hoops to prove you read and understand the material
internships are basically slavery
driving is super dangerous

>he didn't like the scene with U.P.G.R.A.Y.E.D.D. the pimp

Do your sworn duty to God and multiply. Otherwise, Muhammad wins

>What's their end game?

Kek doesn't exist.
You are fools.
Trump will die in office.

Also please be my AI gf :)

Its good you realize that your retard genes should not be passed on.

I am against eugenics because people tend to sort themselves out.

Kek is real
Meme Magic is Real

>Posts on a Mongolian throat singing imageboard

>You don't know shit about life (reality).
>bombards his brain with chemicals that makes him hallucinate.

Made me think fampai

God is real

>You are making excuses because you can't imagine sacrificing your world of shallow pleasures like videogames and food and bullshit
these only get more fun once you're sharing them with your kids

how childish, the solution to all that "we're doomed" bullshit is to have children and raise them right

our entire purpose is to set the foundations for them to build upon

It's different with your own children desu

>My schedule will have to revolve around a child, and I'm not ready for that.
It's not that hard senpai (shit, our parents managed it)

But it helps a lot if you stop thinking short-term. Babies are a lot of work but they grow up and then you start getting your free time back (later, you get extra time once you teach them to cook dinner, do laundry, etc)

what if I told you the reason the world is so shit is because people like you, generation after generation, choose not to procreate. If your reason for not procreating is because shitskin overpopulation makes people miserable, maybe you should neck yourself and give up. Darkies don't think this deeply about this stuff THEY. JUST. KEEP. BREEDING.
and the only people who can provide an offset to this force; people who can sustainably continue Western Civilization are abstinent, conceded dorks.

(You) @ 0:54

Glad you two voted Trump at least. Maybe send your princess my way and I'll finish the job, prick.

tfw too inteligent to fill in captchas the first time

>so we're never going to have kids.
>am I wrong about this?
Yes and it might invalidate your marriage according to the church

>theist but not religious

Deist is what you are mate

Start a business, make a website, don't be discouraged. Don't be afraid to try and fail again and again. We're all gonna make it brah.