This is what they actually believe
This is what they actually believe
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That nigger will be 80 in 2020. No way he runs again.
Liberals once again comparing reality to fantasy.
They're children that never grew up.
>White people are evil so lets vote for an old white commie jew
Deusion. Simple as that.
Also, Sanders will die soon from either a stroke or a car crash. Can't have mr. Social capitalism getting in the way again in 2020.
Stfu child
return of the jedi
lets just say money and semen is not the only thing hes been sucking out of young people, that nigga will live to be 150
Why not just put 2024? Putting 2020 just makes you look like a faggot for posting this.
How the hell can anyone still like Sanders? To me he is worse than Hillary, at least she is open about being a complete shill. Bernie would've voted for the Iraq War had Obama been the one proposing it, throughout his whole record he shows he values party over policy. The fact that he voted to send thousands of troops back into Iraq when Obama's name was over it is proof enough of that.
Can a force ghost function as president?
>not based Kanye
Why do dumbasses even still like Sanders after he sold out to Hillary
It's clear he's either a massive cuck or a plant. Immediately started shilling for the wall street candidate.
Empire Strikes Back was objectively the best of the trilogy. So they got it right.
it triggers me because South Park has all this shit about Trump supporters being the people who wanted a re-hashed Star Wars. It's fucking retarded and the Sanders people proved them wrong.
>Implying The Empire Strikes Back isn't the best of the trilogy
The South Park guys just got it so fucking wrong this year.
Their finger was completely off the pulse.
Berniecucks will never learn.
>so few niggers
>Empire strikes back is unquestionably the best one
Let them believe it.
why are progs only capable of thinking in terms of Harry Potter/Star Wars?
Also Empire Strikes back was the best Star Wars movie
Isn't it obvious? The random niglet undergrads taking over his rally were proof enough. He's practically THE meme cuck at this point.
Dead people vote democrat all the time, it's not implausible.
I just watched that for 45 minutes and nothing happened.
empire strikes back was the only good star wars movie though
it's like how every show in the '80s and '90s made fun of '70s Elvis.
Shit is so pleb.
sanders is shit and so are regressives
>post is 5 minutes old
Because they are normie memes. They give young people an identity, much like posting on Sup Forums gives us all a sense of identity. But everybody knows Harry Potter and Star Wars, so the (((big websites))) choose those cultural touchstones instead of anime and waifus like we have.
Jews are not white.
>three socialists in a row
what's the jackpot?
No, you just missed the point entirely
fucking retard
>implying Sanders won't be dead by then
>implying Trump won't win in 2020 anyway
Ten feet higher.
could make sense yoda dies in return of the jedi
It was tho
Sanders is already slow in the head. He can do a good speech, but if anything happens to throw him off you can see it takes a few seconds for him to reorient himself. Hence how he got cucked by Black Lives Matter when they took the stage from him - he couldn't process what was going on.
>implying it wasnt Bush as a new hope, Obama as the empire, and Trump as return of jedar
Return of the Jedi is shit and Empire Strikes Back is better.
Frankly, all the canididates this time were old as fuck. I voted for Trump but realistically he's gonna be 75 at the end of his first term, if he got a second he would be 79 at the end, because of that I don't think it's likely he will get a second term. I don't mind because he's clearly going to get a lot done, even in the first year.
Yoda dies in RotJ, so Sander's chances aren't looking good.
if trump is anyone in star wars it would be someone like han solo or jabba the hut
was jabba even a bad guy?
No he isn't. He will be blocked by the rest of his party. He's basically an independent who rode Republican coattails to the White House.
At least a spooky skellington didn't pop out of the top of it. I would have pissed myself desu
Kek, salty faggot detected. He's going to steamroll through, everyone, across the world, is already bending the knee.
the force awakens
So Trump is the best movie in the trilogy?
>they think there will be a year 2020
>that scene when bernie has to cut open Chris Christie and live inside his body for warmth
Kek wills it
>Empire is the best
>Jedi is the worst
Pretty much
>there are voting-age people in this country whose whole worldview is influenced by game of thrones, star wars, and harry potter.
Everyone knows The Empire Strikes back is the best Star Wars movie, and one of the best movies ever made.
>Obama blue ending
>one person controls everyone behind the curtains
>Trump red ending
>destroy the entire system
>Sanders green ending
>everyone becomes equal
Hmm... really makes you think...
khazars are European and yiddish is a germanic language
>implying Boinie won't be dead by then
Send this to Neil Degrass Tyson.
I hear he's a big fan of logical arguments.
hahaha no
the DNC will select a black women from Mexico to run against Trump in 2020.
My body is ready.
Episode III is underrated as fuck and anyone who disagrees is a fucking retard.
You didn't get doubles, but you got 68 twice, and 86 twice, right before three 9's. I'm proud of you.
I'm still mad.
funny enough the one with the least Lucas involvement.
i kekd
I'm sure you will enjoy this one better.
Holy kek
>you will never wake up to her leaning over you
Trump will do so well sanders becomes republican.
OH shit you just made my day, one of my favorite comedians!
So Trump is the best by far? What the fuck is this image trying to tell me if not that?
Is star wars something you have to watch as a kid to appreciate it? Because I watched them last year for the first time, as a grown ass man, and I thought they all were fucking garbage.
fuckin 10/10
On another note can we pick up the pace guys. I want to go to bed but have to wait for the big get
I actually liked some of his stuff, then he started preaching the whole "women are oppressed and that is why they aren't in science" narrative.
Think about how much of cuck you'd have to be to look up to Bernie as the saviour of America.
Fucking losers.
>Bernie alive in 2020
Uh uh honey
>Ywn catch a kiss from her aunt
Trump is one of the best movies of all time according to IMDB.
Bernie was also a spineless coward that rolled over when it was revealed that they conspired against him
He's a typical Jew rat
>The Empire
He dragged the GOP kicking and screaming into a win after barging in from the outside, I don't get it.
Yeah but Obama is #4 on that list.
I thought Brianna Wu (John Walker Flynt) was supposed to be Batman
>the hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now
where have you been for the last 8 years
Obama was the Joker, or at least that was what the meme was.
Bernie wont be alive by 2020
>tfw mummy Marine will never tuck you into bed after a quick handjob
Watch democucks undo everything Trump's done in 2024/2025.
>He's black
>"Dark" Knight
You fuckers missed the joke completely.
British humour/10