Why can't Drumpftardbabies understand this simple concept?
jimmy carter is the new leader of the alt right
>I dont understand the difference between a republic and a democracy: the post
>1 leaf = 0 persons
Why can't Canadians understand this simple concept?
because they do understand it,
you just think it's relevant.
>1 person 1 vote
>non citizen = 0 vote
>non citizens voted anyway in the millions
You are trying too hard.
Why can't Killary supporters understand this simple concept?
why don't shills realise that everyone agreed to the electoral college beforehand and as such stfu you nigger.
sage shill slide thread.
politically incorrect - thinks Hillary should have won.
sorry pal, he checks out
Pls be my leaf gf
WTF I hate every other presidential election in the United States now.
The states choose the president -- period.
Read the fucking United States constitution, leaf.
Because direct democracies are for broke dick retards.
>0 replies every time
It's only fair that hillary wins
Once the electoral fraud gets uncovered, Hillary will be president.
>why isn't your entire government system based off platitudes reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Haven't you heard the famous Canadian proverb, "If you get more votes than your enemies, they win?"
the bitch lost get over it
If you think a president is chosen by the popular vote thank a teacher.
>losing this hard
damn, hillary
Why are you responding to someone who is 100% insincere?
>Once the electoral fraud gets uncovered
her 2 million gap will be gone
Did the rioters fuck off yet or are they still happening ?
Trump won 30 of 50 states
Shills btfo
Stfu baby
we'll see, nigger
someone please put a [citation needed] next to the vote count on the wiki page
Shut up, We don't even work that way HERE you dumbfuck.
Our directly elected representatives are in the house and senate. The president is NOT directly elected. Why can't leafs understand this simple concept?
It's almost as if this was designed to be a loose affiliation of semiautonomous states.
>jimmy carter is the new leader of the alt right
This is actually perfect.
This isn't a pure democracy of mob rule.
The rules of the game are electoral votes by winning states, just because you get a few extra million votes in California means nothing more than having one vote more than the opposition.
'bitching about the rules after the game is over'
Typical L E A F behavior.
Because that isn't the American system you autistic memer
CTR out fucking skilled
Why can't the mentally hill understand democracy?
Sore losers much?
There is no fraud in the electoral college.
There is fraud in the vote tally for Shillnigger though.
You looney liberal cucks emboldened our electoral voters by throwing threats at them non-stop. Now they want Trump even more.
Will post this in every
>muh popular vote
thread I see
oh fellow leaf, why are you making me look me bad?
Fuck off TRS
also, Trump already is the President. Shill won't be anything but senile and decrepit in her cookie cutter mansion while jewma abedin yams out her rank vagina.
nice try leaf
If it were decided on the popular vote then democrats would win literally every election
>what are superdelegates
It's just another system invented by men to keep women down. Just like the electoral college.
fucking libtards I swear to god
>unironically giving childish derogatory nicknames to people you don't like or agree with
Grow up you fucking baby.
Plz explain, I'm confused
Why do you support the sexist democratic party that keep down white women? Hillary won agaist obama.
>not accounting for voter fraud
>3 million illegal votes for Hillary
She's still down a million even with the shitty fake numbers you posted, how will you ever survive?
>What is federalism?
Fucking liberals I swear.
>superdelegates all prefered hillary to bernie
>somehow still sexist
Are you gonna tell me having 50% women in power "Because it's 2016" is women inequality? Give me bait, troll.
didn't the email leaks reveal them committing voter fraud with bussing, voting 7 times a day?
also at least 3 million illegals voted for cliton
>welfare redneck flyover states
"simple concept" = gimmick for the sake of a gimmick
>1 negro = 3/5 person
Why can't libtards understand this simple concept?
I don't give two shits that a bunch of faggots from L.A. and N.Y. don't get how the electoral process in this country works.
Leaf trolling is high tier.
OP is very aware Parliament doesn't work anywhere near this way but shitposts and gets his (You)s.
.... Except if he isn't aware.
tfw Donald is literally playing 3D chess
>tfw you still remember when it was 50M:49M Trump when 98% of the votes were counted the day after the election
>still rummaging up votes two weeks later
>tfw 2% of the population = 26 million people
>tfw america has a population of 1.3 billion
lol a leaf
You're an ignorant leaf and haven't the faintest idea about a representative republic so I'll explain it to you. Out of the over 3100 counties in the U.S., Clinton only won 57. This means that the 57 hive mind areas, 1%, would get to pick who governs the entire country. That ain't how we do shit here.
Absentee ballots, and also those percentages are estimates using a method that is flawed but good enough most of the time.
Will you cucks have an armed march on Washington if they steal this from him? Can I come?
How many more shit threads you gonna post? Its not even relevant anymore.
absentee ballots are cast before the election.
My team didn't win we need to change the rules!
if they don't matter how'd they wind up blowing you hillcucks the fuck out? hmmm really makes u think
In 2000, Gore lost the EC while getting the popular vote. As a typical libshit marxist-hypnotized East LA white kid, I was salty af and cursed the electoral college.
Now, 16 years later, I credit the college with saving our country from a horde of terrorists and retarded mestizo monkeys seeking amnesty from a corrupt gibsmedat welfare government. It's amazing how you change over the course of your 20s.
My team didn't win we need to change the rules! REEEEEEEEEEEE
based oklahoma
this is still true even with the electoral college.
The only thing questionable about the electoral college is the all-or-nothing mentality.
I voted trump but my state cucked blue which means my vote actually literally didn't count.
>just think of all the republicans voting in blue areas if the pop vote mattered
still btfo
alright lads, I guess we can stop farming now and just live off of welfare!
>arteries and tumors
Pretty much everyone I know thinks Trump's win is awesome and hilarious. Everyone smiles and laughs here when we talk about the election.
Winning with a smaller percentage of the popular vote is a good thing. It shows the efficiency of his campaign. He did more with less than your candidate who was too busy sick in bed to campaign. Both candidates consented to an election where the deciding factor is the electoral college. If she won the electoral college and not the popular vote you'd be praising the system. That makes you the crybaby.
>this is still true even with the electoral college.
WRONG. Those 4 states only add up to 151 votes.
Check them niggers
You could always try to get your state to assign electoral votes by congressional district like Nebraska and Maine.
this. trump was ahead of scheduled and under budget with money and the vote count.
Hillary accepted defeat time for you to do the Same
Fucking BOOM.
Never thought of it like this. Amazing.
Trump won't finish his term.
Let me try that again, check my get hilldogs
It's over for Trump, GET
This get is too spicy for you