please tell me and reassure me they won't do a recount
Please tell me and reassure me they won't do a recount
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How much is that worth, really?
Like is conceding officially saying you no longer want to be president, or is it just saying you are no long actively campaigning and not subject to FEC regulations?
She conceded. We beat them despite electoral fraud. GG NO RE
remember this is all shill talk
(((CNN))) said so goyum
Why is every fucking Canadian such a faggot? If you want Hillary so bad you can have her. She is done in the U.S. Screencap this fag. She will never be in public office again.
>cal will try to leave
>they will recount
>they will try to kill him
>they will try to kill you
>they wont kill me
have u ever played hearthstone u stupid piece of shit when u concede u lose
good day sir
why the fuck do canadians even care?
I doubt it.
We all know Clinton did lots of shifty shit.
The last thing she wants is a recount because people will be taking a lot closer look at the votes.
>Hillary conceded
>Obama already assured the nation Trump is the 45th president
>Trump i'm sure already knows some secret information
>Trump already filling up his cabinets and has plans laid out
>World leader already acknowledged his candidacy
>only retards still think a recount will happen
Our biggest trade partner and only nation bordering us. US elections are almost as important if not more important to us than our own federal elections.
Also check my sweet leaf get.
There will not be a recount, however this will be used as an excuse for violent activity funded by George Soros and his allies. The purpose of this violence is not to overthrow the government, but merely to force Trump to be as moderate as possible and to change as little as possible in the hopes of maintaining the status quo throughout his presidency.
it wont mater even if they do those 3 states wont change the end outcome and the democrats will get into more trouble if they do
just as the investigation into trump winning in newyork showed election fraud AND voter fraud only on the democrats side and prompted a investigation into other cities which showed in 4 other cases that hillary didnt win that sanders had won
they threw out sanders ballots and added for no reason hillary votes. people that conducted the counts testified that that is what happened
I hope there's a recount.
I want Hillary to lose twice.
>So much denial
The Thread.
World isn't a game, son.
They will, but they will lose anyway.
Sleep tight user. We'll get ANOTHER Trump victory soon.
Praise Kek.
if they did they would find out how hard clinton rigged the election
Can you provide me with a link about this? Thank you.
like 3 weeks later
>oh my god can you believe this, the election was rigged against hillary
>I bet it was the russians
There was no rigging so it wouldn't mean shit. However, I'm not entirely convinced ((they)) won't use this as an excuse to rig the machines for the recount. We all were skeptical about rigging during the election so they held off until we no longer were skeptical to do it.
That sounds like the most likely case. They are probably going to keep rioting until well after he's inaugurated in hopes that he uses the National Guard to quell them and some protesters get killed so they can morally justify any further escalations on their part.
I found out some co-workers took time off work to protest Trump here. I reported them and now a team coordinator role has opened up, I will be applying.
Trump won by enough margins in the important states they wouldn't be able to rig it even if they really wanted to.
Concession doesn't mean shit, tho. It's a pretty bad argument and it isn't even Hillary's call to make (at least not only hers) to ask for a recount.
trying to change the rules AFTER you lose is something toddlers try to do.
another possibility is that this is entirely a distraction from something else that is more important.
Why are you so scared of a recount?
Is it because you understand that such a blatant discrepancy between paper and electronic votes is an obvious sign of voter fraud or is there some other reason?
waste of a get
stage 3
The just completed the count in Michigan, and Trump wins.
Why these faggots think there will be a different outcome is beyond me.
I hope there is a recount so we can have another laugh at leftists getting BTFO.
These are more vote from the states who already voted democrat with a high population like California
No difference really
>World isn't a game, son.
Indeed. It's a stage.
The Republican party has been screaming about this for years. No one seemed to care in the past two elections though. It was just a crazy conspiracy theory, as I recall. Swamp gas!
God damnit im tired of these recount shit threads.
>The Republican party has been screaming about this for years.
Well they should be happy that someone is finally going to look into it...
why would it matter,the last decent republican we had for president was george w bush,trump is gonna run this country more like a democrat then a bad the only thing the majority of his supporters cared about was his wall that he isnt even gonna build
And social media gave a stage to every single idiot. The media followed as a result.
They just finished up the recount in Michigan a few hours ago. Trump won by ~11000 votes. Guess fucking what? There was absolutely 0 evidence of any fraud on paper or electronic ballots.
All these shills and Jill Stein can fuck off with their concern trolling. All it's doing is further undermining Trump's legitimacy and continuing to split this nation apart, when we should be focused on coming together this Thanksgiving.
I have never laughed so hard in my entire life, thank you.
If a recount does happen Trump will win the popular vote.
Also, this is fucking Michigan. All counties were paper ballot and Trump still won handily.
There will be no recount. Trump is victorious.
Kek wills it!
A recount will uncover literally millions of fraudulent votes and probably accelerate the adoption of nation-wide mandatory voter photo ID at every level, which will shatter the power of the shitskin hordes over our destiny.
Chill the fuck out, we won a resounding victory.
wtf I hate democracy now
notice she hasn't filed a motion for a recount?
She knows good and well a recount would result in an investigation and the massive voter fraud by the Dems be brought to life.
There is no way she says another word about it. The shills that are posting here however are a sign that soros is pissed. Expect the worst from that asshole.
A recount means that will also be able to look into all the election fraud...
>3 Million illegals voted for her
>1 Million dead people voted
>people got caught throwing out absentee ballots
>there were all kinds of voting machines that wouldn't let you vote for Trump
A recount will bring down the system and Trump will win even bigger...