Tell me why Romney would make a poor choice as Secretary of State.
>clean background
>better than rudy
Romney as Secretary of State
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He's literally a #NeverTrump. Appointing him to a government position would be a betrayal
He's a nevertrump nigger. Also a Mormon. Tulsi Gabbard would be my first choice, then Webb. Rudy a distant third just because he was a team player during pussygate.
So was Nikki but she is now the UN ambassador. Also it just shows that Trump doesn't hold grudges.
Would need too many bike pedals to get Mormon submarine propelled across Atlantic for meetings
>implying being mormon is bad
Romney is perfectly qualified for SoS
He's a neocon shithead, he would push for something retarded like war with Russia or more sanctions. Trump knows better than this.
>He's literally a #NeverTrump
Nope. his condemnation of Trump was a left-handed form of support.
He was promoting Trump as an outsider, which clearly is/was a lie.
>why Romney would make a poor choice as Secretary of State
He's a "true believer" who thinks we live in the End Times, and it's America's job to support Israel in the final days.
If Trump knows better then why did he meet with Romney? Also Romney will have to have the same views as Trump and will have to listen to Trump.
It's pretty much confirmed he was the one to leak the pussy tape
Be patient with his past mistakes. Romney WILL guide us by KEK's will
Piece of shit that has profited by bankrupting decent American companies.
>Bain Capital
We need Israel as an ally in the middle east.
Trump doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, he doesn't understand world affairs or politics or economics. That's why we need Romney as SOS. He will stand up to China and Putin like he stood up to this lib media hack here:
fuck off, faggot
Never Trump and also when he ran (and I use that term loosely) for president he didn't do shit! We need an aggressive diplomat for secretary of state, not a limp dicked wet rag that wants the job just because. We had that with Clinton and she sucked.
nice argument
What for?
> inb4 le Iran Shia boogeyman
Shias are like 10% of all Muslims
Israel's Saudi pal is funding ISIS and Al Qaeda
thats how you get wars...
>trusting the other muslim countries
I'd pick Mark Cuban over romney. We need a skilled negotiator as sos. Someone whos done deals at the highwat level and is comfortable in high stakes negotiation. Someone who's gonna fight for the US.
> sucking Saudi dick like Romney and the rest of neocucks
> arming the religious leader of 90% of Muslims including ISIS
>mark cuban
he is dumber than trump
we need the saudis for oil though
This is why your (((smart))) guy Romney lost.
No you don't. You get wars by countries thinking they can fuck with you. Bush jr told Putin to quit fucking around in Georgia and he did. Putin has aggressively defied Obama and now we are in proxy wars in Ukraine and Syria. A strong leader will by nature makes countries think twice about war.
You must be so mad she lost. How did it feel?