Seriously, Sup Forums
You wake up as a nigger, what do?
Seriously, Sup Forums
You wake up as a nigger, what do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Convert to Hinduism and wait on reincarnation,
Buy an old soviet warhead from some bulgarian arms dealer and remotely detonate it in the middle of compton while i watch niggers get vaporized and then proceed to kill myself since i am a nigger.
ayo imma be a rapper mayne
yknow we wuz kangs naw sayin?
being black is duh bomb mayne
i fuck white bitches
and make your mommies pregnant
Become a cop.
Bullet to the head
Çuck some white boi xD
>You wake up as a nigger, what do?
Move to Africa, become Kang.
Rob a store
Fuck a whore
Blame whitey for your crimes
Do some time
This doesn't seem like a likely scenario.
If in the event that this happens again, I'll do what I did the last time. Go back to sleep.
random nigwalk
Not sure, give us some insight, brazilhue
fuck white chicks with my bbc
do nigger things since I have lost all higher level cognitive functions
Get a job
Make an example of myself
Teach other niggers
Impregnate white whores
Get a good bloody government job and maybe a free ride through college.
Probably this unfortunately
Kill other niggers, then kill self
What is CORE?
Play in the nba
Make millions
Get free admission into Harvard.
Work my way up the Conservative ladder run for President in 2032 invite Obama and call him a nigger on inauguration morning.
Go on the biggest and grandest Red Pill tie-raid live for 2 days straight til I pass out on my desk.
Wake up God Emperor.
Make Africa Great Aga-.
Make Africa Great.
Make shitty monkey music
Make millions.
I'd kill myself with a bullet to the head.
South Africa actually used to be pretty good before the niggers ruined it of course.
You treat them equal, they turn your country which you worked hard to build into a shithole.
Rape and plunder and get away with it.
Become a sassy reverend and roll in jesus bucks
Not necessarily always in the same order.
Use my newfound lack of privilege to make fun of SJWs, feminists, etc.
smack my lips and say this
this but i would also try to make a career in rap during my time in prison
I would fuck ghetto hoodrats and experience one taboo i would never do as white person
Made me think of a get rich scheme:
>Buy 4 nigglets.
>Buy growth hormone to ensure they're all 6'6"+
>Put them on strict basketball training program from an early age, don't bother with most school
>At least one will probably get into the NBA
>Milk them for millions
How would that not work honestly?
house niggaz
You forgot the part where you need to buy a tutor for their one year of college.
Those niggers aren't becoming ncaa eligible by themselves.
I've never heard of the NCAA. It's for college basketball players? Do you really need it for the NBA?
Like the BOPE for the Civil Police of Rio
lay down some sick beat what wit to steal me a bike by
do i have full cognitive recollection of who i am and full mental abilities.
infiltrate black lives matters, then plaster proof of the SOros shit all over social media, i would end white genocide from within.
You're honestly more privileged than most of your kind think, so i'd just do mediocre in school and land a sick job easy life if you just don't give into herd mentality and become a thug
Start a youtube channel.
For blacks, if you can pass high school you're basically part of the elite.
pretty much and with policies making nigs more easy to hire it makes it easier for them to get jobs without doing anything remotely excellent
I'd live like he would have wanted me to.
go get a degree, get out of the ghetto, don't get a bitch pregnant, start a business, succeed. the same damn shit I do now because there's nothing preventing it.
Be a normal working member of society not a gibmedat or didndu. basically be the diamond in the diarrhea dumpster that is now my race.
Go back to bed
Take complete advantage of society's welfare, employment and educational benefits, knock up a dozen naive kardashian white women and run around being a complete fuck up who eschews personal responsibility because I'm a fucking nigger and society not only allows this but encourages it.
>life on easy mode
rape white leftist women
infiltrate and destroy BLM from within
kill myself
dumb phone poster
Smack my lips and bitch about white privilege since white guilt whites will give me free shit and their women will ride my dick
kill as many other niggers as I can in one mass shooting spree- take the record away from white people- literally damn the entire race to hell forever
Elite Squad and shocking Elite Squad 2 are great movies. based Capitão Nascimento
Start looking for cucks, who need a bull.
>duh bomb
I think we all know where this is going.
Try to be a decent membet of society by working hard and studying harder.
colect welfare
>and then you suddenly realize that no matter how hard you try you'll never understand the world
this tbqh