how does pol feel about a tranny sharing the same views as the majority of people here?
How does pol feel about a tranny sharing the same views as the majority of people here?
if I could pass as well as her, I would 100% get on HRT and go female mode
shit sucks
He's a fucking degenerate.
kill yourself
Just goes to show that even the people that SJWs claim to speak for think they're fucking retarded.
this so much
Instead of the rope, this one will die in his sleep with a comfy pillow over his face. That's the best I can do.
>how does pol feel about a tranny sharing the same views as the majority of people here?
feels funny desu
in my pants
That's cool. I don't really care. Depends if he'd try to get me fired for calling him a he. If not I honestly do not give a fuck, it's a mental illness that the GOVERNMENT won't treat, so I can't blame the victims. It's the same as getting mad at an anorexic for being anorexic in a country that says anorexia is healthy and anyone who tells them to eat something should go to jail for hate crimes. Anorexic is just a victim.
Also this.
I'd fuck him in the ass and stroke his feminine penis as lovingly as my own.
i'm having a hard time here. on one hand, idgaf about his opinion because he's a degenerate. on the other hand idgaf about his opinion because he's a woman
this desu
A really good looking trap desu. And she's smart.
>inb4 she
The leaf gets it. SJWs were a large reason why Clinton lost, and now they're showing their true colors by rioting and whining
Who the fuck respects a man who chooses to be a cocksucker? Die in a fire.
>that barbie curve
>no thigh fat
>those knees
who cares
I mean, who wouldn't throat him.
>that voice
>those hands
What hideous trash...
Nobody cares. Just stfu about being a tranny and you'll be fine. This applies to any other form of attention whoring as well.
he's a degenerate who shares fluids and politics with PJW
>want to choke fuck
what's wrong with his knees?
we don't need tranny allies or other degenerates claiming to be sympathetic to our views
Nothing gay about getting your dick sucked.
What happens if I fuck a tranny that I don't realise is a tranny and they come out as a tranny after?
Do I get to sue?
Cry rape?
Would I be gay then?
Inside out penises feel better than vaginas.
meh if i was 20 years younger and had mroe $$$ i would go trans.
would date one with no dick for sure
Is Blair White the real 3D Tay?
there is nothing gay about liking traps. if you (like me) are attracted to the feminine features, it is completely heterosexual. yes, they have penises, but who doesnt? you can relate to what they are feeling better when they masturbate because you can do it the same way, thus, its more enjoyable to watch. a lot of people think theyre men in makeup and wigs, but they're not, theyre women with penises and the perfect feminine features that i am attracted to. obviously no one that likes traps is not turned on by the actual penis, but what is around it.
I'd suck his/her/it's dick, and I ain't even gay.
If you commit murder, you're a murderer.
Thanks for your SHOCKING confession.
The brotherhood will see you in the back room for reprogramming.
Fuck this faggot
Honestly I would too
Fucking hell I feel degenerate for wanting to
I'm 27 and would look damn good as a tranny
>literal faggot
>this is nu-pol
Old man here. Do you guys have any proof that this is a dude? God damn.. I SAY GOD DAMN!
And has man hands.
And is mentally ill.
But whatever, take your advice from a guy who would seriously contemplate cutting their dick off.
link to pre-transition Blair video?
He outright mentions being a tranny in his vids many times
Not suprising mang(ina)
>not having an odd fascination with traps
And I thought you cucknadians were more open minded.
GO JEB 2020
Does this person sound like a guy? Maybe it's just a ruse?
I want nothing more than to kneel in front of and worship her perfect feet after she walked 10 miles in a day during a July New York City sightseeing tour.
I have sacrifice anything and everything to smell those soles afterwards
if you dont find this arousing you are clearly gay
She's hot.
She's so cute. Look at her. Look.
Gross, a tranny! That's it, I'm with her now!
I think Trannies should be killed.
You will never be balls deep in that, why live pol ;_;
I'm just jealous that she's prettier than I am...
It could have kept quiet. It didn't.
Even worse, it gave encouragement to the mentally ill of its own ilk, sending the message that they too can get the same look.
They can't.
These people must be brutally suppressed insofar as they don't infect the minds of youth.
t. blaire white
I've fucked a few traps before and I don't regret it, most of it was actually really hot. I could never fuck a guy though because I'm not attracted to masculinity at all.
I'm also extremely happy that Trump won. Fuck SJWs.
>tfw a fucking man can make a better girl than actual ones
Isis breathes air. Do *you* breathe air, too?
When you fuck trannies no matter how hygenic they are, there is always a slight smell and sometimes a streak of brown on the condom
its pretty fucking messed up this guy makes a way better chick than most of the women I know under the age of 25
what the fuck happened
>implying we share all the views
>he is still a faggot that need to be put down
>tranny decides to spout right wing dogma for attention
>"yeah you know im not like those OTHER trannies xD"
This is really painful
>sharing the same views as the majority of people here
Tell that freak to jump off a bridge.
>they have penises, but who doesn't
I'd fuck Blaire with no hesitation, she's quite natural with only a slight weirdness which adds to her hotness. Her views are just icing on the cake. Most other trans fags just look like straight up abominations who seem to have transitioned just to be special.
I support personal freedoms. It does not matter to me if he wishes to cut his penis off as long as he does not force this on me.
It's just another way the jews kill the white race
This is just as bad
Serious question, is Milo - the subject in the video mtf ftm????i seriously cant tell
traps try to represent the ideal ultrafeminine woman. And since they are men, they know what a man wants from a woman. submissiveness and soft femininity. Pretty dresses, heels, hair, the works, every feminine ideal is what a trap wants to be.
While Women are so concerned with being "equal" to men, that they have lost the classical female traits of submissiveness and femininity. Most women wear jeans these days, for instance. It seems like a negligible detail, but it's there.
If you weren't such a fucking reddit newfag you would already know the answer to that stupid cuck.
>when a dude can do makeup better than most women
holy shit. kILL YOURSELF.
Since we're on the subject, can we confirm whether or not Kayla is a trap? Please tell me it isn't so
Besides what said:
Jawline and cheekbones
>that voice
Well you tried.
I agree with this user completely
It's true
Some trannies are ok. I don't mind them if they actually make an effort to pass off as a female. I'd fuck blair
she has videos of her rekking people who get triggered by pronouns
You're a raging faggot, user
Most trannies are completely mentally ill and so far gone in degeneracy and liberalism. I haven't heard much of Blair but she at least realizes what she is isn't natural, from what I understand she's not for fucking pushing an agenda to normalize trannies.
It's a disorder that needs fixing and it's something rare and many of the degenerate progressive trannies are soulless people that would do anything to be the most special of snowflakes so they dress up as women and become narcissists and they were not "born this way".
Saged and hidden. This board is for discussion politics, not stopping the discussion to demand attention or analyze people or defame the board.
Feels good man. Blaire is pretty hot. Even for a Tranny.
>Most women wear jeans these days, for instance. It seems like a negligible detail, but it's there.
Maybe in your area, around here they wear sweatpants or spanx, 5 dollar flipflops and a sloppy ponytail
>yes, they have penises, but who doesnt?
spot the tranny
He takes hormones to bring out feminine features while most young women take birth control which is a hormone treatment that suppreses their femininity.
lol kek here u go m8
to see the rise of sex gynoids
>hang in there
right, easy