No more lies. Embrace it.
This is a white nationalist board
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this your first day? Be serious with me now.
It was when it was /new/ but those days are long gone. Even then it was a edgy as fuck and not serious.
It's over time to go to eightchan.
Isn't the model/actor on the right a homo?
hitler was pretty /fa/
>hugo boss
Kill all the subhumans.
I have seen a few cucks being shocked by WNism
fuck off Sup Forums was always WN
Not true. Sup Forums is a board of peace and diversity, everything "hateful" posted on here is pure satire. We love and respect all of our fellow users, regardless of their race or religion.
>Sup Forums is one person
Why are /leftypol/ such faggots?
new wallpaper, thanks!
Sup Forums is a board of peace
I'm actually a Jew so no....
I just like your frog memes.
Also if repeatingz Hillary will win on the recount
Sup Forums is considered a "racist" board by fucking everyone who isn't from Sup Forums, your crusade is pointless
kill most jews
>Jews can't support White self determination
Are you trying to make me antisemitic or something. Fuck off cuck
He's just here to troll with his lucky digits.
Kek is in this thread
I fucking hate kike shills
(((Their))) time is waining and (((they))) know it.
Would you cheat on your loli, Sup Forums?
Guys, we're being raided by racists from stormfront that ate trying to associate us with the Klansman Richard Spencer and the Nazi alt right. Please remember that this is a civic nationalist board and remember to support redpilled new right thinkers such as Cernovich, PJW and shoe0nhead.
THIS is what men really want.
this is so fucking stupid omg
Say what you will about the nazis but their uniforms, particularly the SS, were spectacular.