>wins by 2,000,000 votes
>isn't president
explain this shit.
>wins by 2,000,000 votes
>isn't president
explain this shit.
>implying the snake didnt commit any voter fraud
when the greeks came up with democracy there weren't even 2,000,000 voters (and the system was much more different)
you need balkanization
>3 million illegal immigrants voted
Electoral College. Look it up you dumb fuck.
off to the abyss you foul beast.
why dont we just nuke the south and midwest. i mean they're just inbred pieces of shit.
You have to win by state
Not win a lot in one state (Cuckifornia)
Sorry Hillfaggot
Thanks to the electoral college intelligent people get fucked by the "american heartland" aka hicks who cant let go of old culture based around shoveling rocks out of the ground and burning them.
>>wins by 2,000,000 votes from illegal aliens and dead people
It's the states, not the people who decide he president
A. She most likely committed voter fraud
B. The US is a republic, not a democracy
Hate the player not the game, nigger
>is american
>doesn't understand american electoral college
>electoral college has been used every election for literally hundreds of years
>now all of a sudden want to change that because you didnt win
explain this shit
2 million illegals voted in this country!
she could win the popular vote by a billion
California doesn't get to pick the president just because they have a larger population.
>deletes 30k emails
>isn't in prison
explain this shit
Electoral college.
If you want to secede - or else let us secede - we're more than happy to oblige.
Day of the rake soon.
She sucks
actually hitler
>a woman
>running a country
We dodged a bullet.
electoral college decides
not popular vote
We have explained this every hour to you, since the election.
Find a cure for your Alzheimer's. Then I'll show you the 2,000,000 threads you've already made.
>10% of Mexico's population is in the US
>Mostly in states they can vote in with just proof of residency
>Most of those votes where in those states
That's why we have an electoral college, so states like California now entirely Democrat controlled with open illegal immigration welcomed by officials can't dictate the rest of the countries leadership.
As with everything in the (original) Constitution, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison explained it in the Federalist.
You might be thinking to yourself, "boy, I feel dumb! I don't remember learning anything about this basic, elementary primer for our entire system of government, but I do remember who Martin Luther King was!"
Well, you communist cuck, that's because Jews have brainwashed you and you are totally incapable of independent thought and research as a result.
Enjoy your impotent rage.
US population: 318.9 million (2014)
total voter turnout ~123 million
can we really say that since onnly 62m voted hillary that our entire country wants her?
Trump will win. again.
non-citizen votes are invalid.
>loses game of chess
>b-but I had more pieces on the board!
Congratulations she won the game that no one was playing.
Ask your shit teacher, faggot.
You know what's funny? George Soros, that slimy Jewish cocksucker, thought the opposite would happen. Trump would win the popular vote and Clinton would win the electoral college. Clinton's own staff suspected this would happen as well. They were already planning on dealing with the fallout.
But then reality struck and they got fucked. Now the same libshits who would've laughed and sneered down their noses at us for losing are rioting in the streets and crying rivers of bitch tears because they lost. They lost badly. It wasn't even close.
I wish I could've been in the room when Soros realized that not only was he wrong yet again, but he was wrong in the most ironic way possible, and a guy who talks to Alex Jones is now POTUS.
Ooooh, how embarrassing for you...
the terms of the election were agreed upon. she got fucking played, hard
electoral college, look it up
That's actually pretty balanced desu
savage digits for savage truth
Women only get paid 77% of their votes
She lost by over 20 million
>Loses by 2,000,000 votes
Lmao what a fucking loser
>Electoral College as part of the rules for 200+ years
>Even my dumb ass remembers it from social studies
Why is this even being discussed?
>3,000,000 illegals pushed to vote by her campaign
>1,000,000 of them still vote for Trump
Because they're the producer states, retard.
Canada needs Balkanization too.
To suggest that so many different people can be governed by one governing body is utterly foolish and does not work. There is more than an 'American Culture' or a 'Canadian Culture.' Someone from Alberta is way different than someone from British Columbia is way different than someone from Newfoundland. The USA equivalent would be something along the lines of someone from Montana is way different than someone from Washington State is way different than someone from Massachusetts.
It is this reason why the EU will never work, and why a World Government will never work. It won't stop people from trying to get these institutions to work, but they will never work. People are just too different.
The election was like a 7 game World Series where Team A won one game by 15 runs, but Team B won 4 games by a small margin and thus won the World Series.
At least the leaf gets it.
illegals can vote now?
not officially
but some states issue them drivers licenses and such
>gets a straight flush
>doesn't win at blackjack
Why are people fucking complaining about this shit? The candidates obviously agree to the rules when they run and run their campaign in order to win electoral votes, not the popular vote. Trump won the electoral votes, therefore he wins the presidency. What's so hard to understand?
Not legally but I do wonder how many ended up voting in California because of the "motor voter" law which automatically registers people who sign up for drivers licenses to vote (California gives drivers licenses to illegals).
Women and shitskins shouldnt be allowed to vote so she's lucky she didn't lose by 30 million.
Take the L bitchboi and move on.
No, that means mexicans are dragging CA the fuck down.
it's not like states ask for your birth certificate when you register to vote so yeah.
Now does that involve a lot of extra steps for someone who might be concerned about the gov finding out they're here? Sure. But with some prodding from "community activists" they might accomplish something.
California is like 11% of the whole countrys population. And i would say 80% of this state voted for her. You take this god forsaken state away and the dems would NEVER win. California is the great (cancerous) equalizer.
Because she's a low energy bitch.
Jill Stein will become president in 2020 and she will finally put a ban to anime.
It takes more than a bunch of spics in CA to win an election in FIFTY STATES
If popular vote was all that mattered in the world, China would have total control over the UN. China would literally control the world and nobody would get a say.
Now do you understand?
The electoral college gives small states a voice.
Territories became states specifically for the benefit of having a voice in Congress.
Without the electoral college territories would have no reason to become states,and states would have no reason to remain in the Union that they get no say in.
It prevents tyranny of the majority to some degree.
The electoral college is a good thing.
Without it civil war is an inevitably.
Secession and decentralization is the future of humanity.
People with fundamental ideological differences should go their own ways and have the system they'd prefer. Living in a system in which two sides continuously try to subjugate the other to rules and dictates that the other side morally objects to is nonsensical - it's masochistic and self-destructive. Who is benefited when a Los Angeles native votes for a man to subject a rural man from Kentucky to laws and regulations the Kentucky native objects to? Who is benefited when the Kentucky man does the same in return to the Californian? Not a soul.
Secession is freedom. Unity is oppression.
I love my waifu more than anything.
>wins by a measure that doesn't determine the outcome
>isn't president
this is so mind boggling you guys
Easy. Now fuck off CTR.
Because you'll starve.
They have to go back.
She's going to win.
We're not a direct democracy you retard.
>2 million more votes
>still loses
This is why you don't hire a woman to run things. She had every advantage possible, votes, money, information gathering, organization and still fucked it up. I hope her campaign strategist is having suicidal thoughts, because lord knows he deserves it.
Whites win even when outnumbered
I was pleasantly surprised when Trump won, but losing the popular vote by 2 millions definitely takes the edge off his win.
ever taken a class on politics?
Fuck Leftists
fuck that
You didn't put me in the screenshot you cunt
Trump is a joke, but, thanks for not electing the bitch everyone.
Love to foreignersplain a stupid American.
You see, friend - the popular vote is akin to mob rule. If the population density of one state gets to dictate the executive branch for the entire country then that's mob rule and leads to complacent and corrupt Democrat presidents.
A parliamentary democracy doesn't even work on a national popular vote. What matters is winning local seats. In the USA, what matters is winning states.
The electoral college is a fantastic system that ensures all Americans get a say on who runs the country.
It's not the country's fault that retards in a safe blue state don't vote third party.