Trump is not my president.
Trump is not my president
do homeless people live in your run-down geriatric-enhanced inner suburban street?
Let the (You)'s roll in, for Le Pen will
Trump actually is your president
not yet...
Im back candy asses
>George Soros did everything wrong
Um, that map isn't accurate.
Now he is..
Fack you
That's unfair bro, technically Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are part of Dumbfuckistan as well.
Yes he is, what else would you do? Suck off the queen of England's dick instead?
Keep us posted
You're right. Obama is. Trump will be your president in January.
Californian Trump supporter here
as long as you live in the us he is your president
deal with it like an adult instead of crying like a child
Not yet thats not how your system works. but he will be.
>tfw not in dumbfuckistan
As long as you kill yourself before January 20th, your statement will always be true.
Kill yourself before he takes office! It's genius.
Trump is not my president.
>but I wish he was
You're losing territory
I don't really care
I don't get this, isn't it kind of bigoted to equate the a commonly name for a muslim state "stan" at the end as primitive and out of touch? Doesn't it just prove our point.
He will be in January ;)
>Wisconsin blue
>Michigan blue
>Pennsylvania blue
I've got news for you
Kill Chicago and you have red Illinois. Pls do it
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year. But we all know you'll haul ass to Canada.
at this point trump is the president-elect weather you like it or not
hillary's campaign is over
hillary is not doing the work it takes to be ready to run a government in january right now
have you seen any source on secret meetings going on while she builds her cabinet list?
any sign she's hiring 400 west wing staff?
has she shown any indication that she has plans to contest the results or even come out of the house except some facebook posts with old staff?
she conceded
it was even kinda graceful
its over
let her get some rest
trump is meeting and speaking with world leaders now and the markets are up with the good news
to change course would be to toy with the full faith and credit of the united states in the eyes of the world
but VA went blue
Why dumbfuckistan? Why not dumbfucksburg, or dumbfucksville, or dumbfuckstown?
Are you implying that countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, et cetera, are shitty places to live?
I am from Pakistan (moved here when I was 7 after nearby school was bombed by a radical). It is a beautiful place to live. Fuck you!
LOL. Your libarts womyns study degree teach you that?
>Insult people for having different opinions.
>Talk down to them for having different opinions.
>Scream at them for the slightest misstep all while mocking their culture and identity.
>Patronisingly and insultingly talk about how your city is superior and their regions are nothing but stupid useless flyover country dragging the country down, despite being where most of your food comes from.
>Stereotype them constantly in media as being retards who are all either meanspirited bigots, or retarded small-town folks who are inbred and think the earth is flat.
>Dismiss all their concerns about their livelihood rudely or snidely because all you care about is ensuring a man in a woman's dress who constitutes 0.3% of the population at most can go into whatever bathroom it wants.
>Be surprised when they don't vote for your candidate.
>Insult them for that, talk down to them, scream at them.
I can't wait for the next few years if libs continue like this, the map is going to get even redder as only the cities go for them.
>1 post by this ID
Well, for everyone else
What do you think about secession?
well uh technically nah
Actually most the territory in the blue states is RED.
The vast majority of it.
Cities should not be in the same political group as rural folk.
Neither party benefits.
Push secession bruh.
You are completely right. He isn't...yet.
Where do you live? Are you using a proxy?
Wait til January.
>Pennsylvania, Wisonsin, and Michigan are HURRR FUCKING REDNECKS!!! Now
What's it like to live there
Oh thank you, I had just made some fresh (shitty) OC and I was trying to see if there was ab AnCap thread to post it in, but I think this will do better.
Have a (you). Also, do you plan to still shitpost instead of spending Thanksgiving with your families?
Cities can't exist without rurals.
They would starve and die.
They would have no raw materials for their factories.
No, he's your President-Elect.
We can trade and not be in the same political union.
yes because all the parasites in the urban centers are so cultured and educated.
Sounds good until they breed like rabbits and need Lebensraum.
It's basically impossible to need more food than we already make. The population could double literally tomorrow and we'd still be fine.
Secession is the answer - good for them, good for rural.
i enjoyed this picture, enjoyed reading it, and saved it as well.
So why don't you move back to your -stan, Ahmed?
You are free to leave.
Pls be my ai gf