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Video Games #3632
Video Games
Character gets a timemachine
Bayonetta 1+2 runs full speed 1080p 60 fps on PC
How does he do it?
Late night screenshot thread
NieR Automata runs 900p on PS4
Do you ever pause the game and ask yourself "what am I doing with my life"?
This one and DS3. Which game is better?
Which one do you choose?
What's next? Are they done with Dark Souls? Have they talked about their next game?
Serious Sam thread
That friend who keeps inviting you to play
Main message of the game is religion (western) is evil mmmkay
Post dead video games, whether it be from shut down servers and the like
*blocks ur path*
The great debate
What's the best MMORPG on the market? Which one has the most players?
How to ruin a game in one level
You can't open doors when enemies are nearby
>4 fucking days to start ultimate shitposting of year
Difference between Sup Forums and /vg/?
So, it's been a while since I played Diablo III and now my brother and I want to play a arpg with a similar feel
AGDQ 2017 thread. Discuss strats and games
What anime would you want turned into a game Sup Forums?
Final boss is the same size as you
Black or White?
Why are this thing and the Xim4 so stupidly expensive?
The last boss you fought says that he's going to go to your house irl and fuck you up. How fucked are you?
Final Fantasy
Are these guys relevant anymore?
You don't say
Is it worth starting now?
You have to make a crossover fighter and it's done in traditional style, not Smash style...
Wow, looks like user decided to come out of his cave!
Why is Doomguy so fucking slow in this game?
Even looking past nostalgia Runescape is a 10/10 game with tons of content...
Name 1 game
AGDQ 2017
Do you see yourself playing vidya above the age of 50?
Anybody play granblue fantasy here? Is it worth getting into at all?
I cannot beat this boss. I've probably tried 40 times
What is the "appeal" of this character?
...with an extensive crafting system
If Sup Forums hates indie pixel games then why does it love Rabi-Ribi?
Why is this so fun?
3x3 Thread
Why is this the only good stealth game to date?
Raining in game
Game breaks 4th wall
AGDQ 2017
What went wrong?
Who was right?
Why game devs listen to ppl crying on reddit?
A nu cheeki breeki
Game takes place in Britain
Does aggressive display of navel objectify women?
Low poly models
Why do desert levels fucking suck?
Best Borderlands playable character and why?
How do we fix snipers in vidya?
Nintendo Power Thread
Dark souls 1 after anor londo
Currenlty Overrated
I dont like PC gaming
Is this game worth grabbing on Steam? I'm a big SW fan at least in regards to old EU shit...
Is it good?
MGS4 comes out
ITT: vidya character you'd introduce to your parents
Real-talk; why have a hugely disproportionate number of MtF transwomen appeared in the videogame industry during the...
That game/genre of games you wanted to get into but couldnt
Favorite game that features a Jetpack?
What makes a good fighting game, Sup Forums?
Absolute mad man
I just beat DOOM, what are some similar games I should give a try? Because I loved playing this one
Is it weird to wear a swimsuit while playing games?
Roast this game
So I'm picking this game up after Sup Forums told me to years ago. Really enjoying it so far...
AGDQ 2017
ITT: games that should not be as good as they are
Any OG Xbox lovers out there? Recently re-acquired my favorites of old and having a great time
Which one to play?
What does Sup Forums think of Maximilian and Yovideogames?
That game that ruined vidya for you because nothing else has come close
Multiplayer Achievements
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
What are some good games that also have good nude mods?
Who is your favorite final boss fight in vidya?
2017 GOTY
Nobody has found the final secret
You are going to buy his game right? You want the Yakuza series to become a staple in the West, right?
Resident evil
Post lod
AGDQ 2017
Childhood is hating Jack Thompson. Adulthood is realizing that even if he was wrong about many things...
This is your card game tonight
What went right?
Name one good game or else
Japanese games are better than American games
What went wrong?
Videogames are a art form
That one friend that keeps asking to play coop with you
So after completing Nier and while waiting for Automata, I want to try Drakengard 3
List of boards that have invaded Sup Forums, from least tolerable to most tolerable
Tfw to intelligent too play anything but CK2
Its a 'pick up a random item/pill that messes up your entire run' episode
Just beat this game, anyone wanna talk about it?
Version 1.7.0 of the Wii U emulator Cemu (released publicly in a week) will support increased internal resolutions
So when you go back to past Lucis and Altissia does Noctis still have all his memories from the future? He must right...
People here seriously believe the Switch wont be a WiiU 2
Looking back was it really THAT bad?
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone is coming to Steam and PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store in the Americas...
Anyone else find themselves going to stores that sell games, and helping customers out...
Why is it that Marvel can make a gorillion dollars from movies but they can't make a AAA game?
AGDQ 2017
ITT: Japanese covers of Western Games
Anyone else incredibly sick of seeing this faggot get play of the game every fucking game...
Etrian Odyssey
Tfw I will never ever get Bloodborne for PC and it looks like the best Souls game by far
Xenoblade X running at 4K on CEMU (Wii U Emulator)
ZDoom is dead. What do?
What about vanilla WoW makes people so social?
Overconfidence is a slow and insdious killer
Is this accurate?
Killing Floor 2
Arcade Stick focused Console
ITT describe a game with a clickbait article title
Demo out tomorrow
Enemy team calls you a hacker
AGDQ 2017
Playing widow
Is she the best designed character of 2017?
How did such an amazing game like this get made by people from a third world country?
E3 2017
AGDQ 2016
AGDQ 2017
FFXV Thread
Plot twists
Do we like funhaus?
When are we getting a sequel to Tokyo Jungle?
ITT: worst castlemania ever
Is there a more bullshit mob in bloodborne than this asshole?
Why is everyone so hype about the Switch...
It's time to VOTE! The voting will end on January 16, so get your submissions in before the end of the week
Guess That Game
The creator of this game died yesterday
Predictions for the game industry?
Complete shit in PTR
Stop playing human in multi-race RPGs
Dark Souls 2 = GOAT
ITT: Things you missed that completely changed a game
AGDQ 2017
Did the entire fucking League of Legends community migrate to Overwatch?
/lit/ here
How do we go from this
If you played Roblox as a kid, you very likely have the Headrow hat on your old account...
Upgrade one of your abilities
Just play Guilty Gear instead of SFV you dumbass
Star Citizen funding passes $141M mark
What if Overwatch is actually bad and everyone just pretends to like it?
This the holy square of 10/10 2D platformers
What are some video games with lolis?
Are choose-one-of-our-premade-adventure games worth their weight in salt?
Hey, Sup Forums. I've been working with the marketing and development team at Nintendo of America for about 4 years now...
AGDQ 2017
Nier Replicant International Release
Do you have a gaming channel yet?
Game Maker Thread
What did she mean by this?
What games have the biggest plotholes?
Alright Sup Forums, give an A B C D or F grading to each of these consoles
Did this shit have a short run? The price jumped from 30 to 45 over night
Can someone red pill me on Dragon's Dogma...
Is this the best monster in Runescape?
What are some good western games?
What does Sup Forums think of Resident Evil 4?
Will we ever get a good game with yu yu hakusho characters localized...
Any vidya out there that can let me play as a raccoon, eat garbage, and get into fights with house pets?
What are some good current multiplayer games?
WHY is the community of pic related so bad?
Did you really think it's over, you silly old bear?
ITT: Tragedies of 343 industries' handling of Halo
Does Sup Forums like Serious Sam?
Filename thread
Why do so many people watch this guys stream he has no charisma at all he is just so bland
So somebody decided to retranslate and fix ar tonelico 2...
Resubbing to FFXIV after about a year because reasons...
Dragons crown
AGDQ 2017
AGDQ 2017
Geralt vs Snake
4 games and he never fucks Ciel, top kek what a beta faggot
Oooooooooooooooowhoo!!! Oooooooooooowhoo
Why Do Game Devs Comment on Politics
What if you went to the arcade and had to do a set with this guy?
Cringe Thread
Duke Nukem Forever released
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
It's inferior to 1, we all know that, there's no point in having that discussion...
Brad did literally nothing wrong
Risk of Rain thread. Last thread got archived
"All Star Battle" or "Eyes of Heaven", which one should I buy?
Casualizing and dumbing shit down is always a mistake
Just got my copy of Firewatch. What am I in for, Sup Forums?
ITT Characters and/or stages that are inevitable for Smash 5
What's the first thought that enters your mind when you see this pic?
Crowd source games
AGDQ 2017
It has been almost two years since it was released, Bloodborne is no longer a system seller. The PS4 is doing fine...
Looking for metroidvania type games on steam hit me up with suggestions Sup Forums
What did they mean by this
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Why is this game so mediocre compared to Asylum and City?
What game made you say "no more" to RNG?
So Beyond Good & Evil 2 is happening
Is this the best Final Fantasy game? I think it might be for me. I just finished it and fuck, it was good
What game has your favourite art style in it?
AGDQ 2017
Any games that allow me to be an edgelord?
Moar? OwO
Who here /never upgrade/?
Is he the worst parent in all of video games?
Hardest games you played as a kid
How does one enjoy Baldur's Gate if they have never played an older RPG before?
Who else is looking forward to Outlast 2?
I can't wait for [game that has been out in Japan for months] to come out!
Upcoming games 2017 Q1
What video games let me use EXPLOSION magic?
I am a former employee of Rockstar Support
Tenchu Reboot
So why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet user?
Disgaea thread
Injustice 2 AMA (about the game)
Who would win in a fight? Geralt or Snake?
It's time to admit that 3D movement with a keyboard is terrible
Is there anything more insufferable in gaming than pandering and virtue signaling?
AGDQ 2017
What are your honest opinions on Shigeru Miyamoto?
Woah... so this is the power.... of a $265 million budget
"For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'"
If a console game can be perfectly emulated and maybe even run better on PC can it then be considered a PC game
Buy uncharted 4 PS4 bundle
Name One (1) good game coming out in 2017
Hands behind your back, Mister!
Is there a game where i can commit genocide?
Daily reminder that using the following is cringy and autistic
Post overpowered characters
Honey Select
What is the boat of video games?
Is battlefield 1 a good game?
Thoughts on Spirit Tracks?
What game let's play as a cute dainty small girl(boy)?
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
Online jitters
Meanwhile on Metacritic: "Dead Rising 4 has the best core gameplay the series has ever seen."
There will never be another good Warioware game
Cute character canonically has a crush on MC
You will die in your lifetime
Have you ever completed a game, like a real "100%" ?
Ask an Overwatch booster anything
Riddle me this Sup Forums, if TF2 truly is better than Overwatch, then why isn't it more successful?
How do we fix mgs4?
Darkest Dungeon
Now that the dust has settled can we admit that it's not that bad? Anti(reddit)birth fanboys not welcomed
Buyer's remorse thread
You only have one condom, which one do you choose?
You will never play witcher 3 for the first time ever again
Why are the mods so fucking useless?
Which of these two would win in a fight?
Mass effect: andromeda thread
What's his name again?
Buddha is the bad guy
Brother, may you pass the controller?
Just bought this. What am I in for?
Just finished pick related
This is an intergalactic bounty hunter
Year 2552
I can't believe i just bought this
AGDQ 2017!
Hey kid, wanna solve some cases?
Is it better than the first game?
What are some games?
Fallout 3
So... This wasn't supposed to be hard, right?
DSP Kills you
Battle station thread
Comfy is a buzzword stop using it for video games
What is the End of Evangelion of video games?
AGDQ 2017
You only have one condom, which one do you choose?
Anyone here ever own a Neo Geo?
Which one is better, bros?
Push-to-talk game
Is it difficult to join PC gaming? I have some questions
Does Sup Forums play dota ?
Why is Sup Forums too autistic to realize that normal people play games because they're fun?
1>2>3>4 games
What would make the greatest video game ever?
Why is this allowed?
Tfw no Justice League game
It is such a quiet thing... to fall. But far more terrible is to not reply to kotor 2 threads
Would you like Zarya more if she looked like this?
Why is it literally impossible to make a decent vidya based movie?
Annoying vidya characters
You're going to buy Kat's new game, aren't you user? You don't want her to starve in the sewer, right?
Any tips for playing this for the first time?
What games would you play with your little sister if she liked video games?
Stop playing
What's Sup Forums thoughts on God of War series?
What is Game Freaks meaning with these types of characters appearing in Pokemon now?
Is it too late to get into the Dragon Quest series?
Switch Presentation Schedule
18-year old game still produces better moments than anything we've seen in SFV
Are you thankful to Sup Forums for getting you into Senran Kagura?
What went wrong?
Where the fuck do I buy one of these? Out of stock everywhere
Little details which trigger you in video games
Who is the best Sword Art Online
Does each level of Protean add on to the previous one, or are they all distinct effects like the Animalism discipline?
No room on desk for a second monitor
Why does Sup Forums always get triggered by Yukari?
Friendly reminder that if you plan on playing red mage you are a literal fedora tipper
I got a lot of things to do but this game is eating up all my time
Sunless Sea/Fallen London thread
A Fucking Dollar
So which boss was the more enjoyable between the two of pic related?
But why would someone remake the worst sonic game?
Oh right that existed
Chris chan was selling these for 30 a piece, even opening up his own successful etsy shop
Telltale Scooby Doo
Play pyromancer
Be me
Which Persona 5 girl will you date?
Favorite thing to eat while gaming?
AGDQ 2017
Is it the best of the genre?
Have you already forgotten about this?
Ed Edd and Eddy MMO Discussion
Who was in the wrong here?
It's either going to be Valenwood with walking trees
I don't understand why you play these games
Stalker, I'm Cheeki Breeki
How is this game still so good?
Is he the greatest vidya villain to ever exist?
What games have high resolution feet?
Twd games
What exactly is holding back vidya?
Cute! CUTE!
PS3 Games
Jesus fucking CHRIST
Who cares about this shit?
Uncharted's movie script is done! Are you guys hyped to see Uncharted on the big screen?
FFXI thread
What if Nintendo princesses actually wanted to be "kidnapped" by the "villain", huh?
Trails of Cold Steel
I just finished Persona 3 and 4 and am looking to play another Megaten game which one would you recommend? guys are playing the new season right?
Im the best gta main
Lego video games
Hey Sup Forums. Gamedev here. I've lost my love for the game...
coconut gun
Awakened Daimon's boss fight
Let's play DEFCON
Bloodborne is Bullshit
Reminder to play games with a straight poster or you'll end up like this
Shitty laptop FPS
Wouldn't it be cool to see a TellTale Final Destination game?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why are Crowd soruced games always a disapointment?
Yoko Taro on 2B butt controversy
I think this evening is over
Agdq 2017
Lets talk about this:
FFXV Thread
What's the best order for playing Fire Emblem Fates?
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Well Sup Forums?
Any comfy games like Animal Crossing on PC where I can just sort of chill in a village and hang with my bros?
The next LGBTP character in Overwatch will be DVA
Can love exist between a human and a robot?
Rainbow Six Siege Improvements
Do you agree Sup Forums?
AGDQ 2017
Name a better sports game than NBA Street Vol. 2
Post objective rankings; no opinions allowed
What is/was your favorite character or way to play Skyrim?
Tfw after several generations of bloody conflicts, civil wars...
Can you come up with a better game idea than me?
It's been 10 years since it came out
Why haven't you hacked yours?
What I had to do was watch Sonic the Hedgehog...cartoon. And, and listen to what Sonic says at the end of it...
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Beta/Interesting stuff thread
Hey do you guys like dragons
Installing this right now, has anyone actually played far cry primal on Sup Forums?
How do I politely refuse family sharing to a friend?
What the fuck was their problem?
Now that the dust has settled, what am I in for?
You'll never get to hug Link
With all these youtubers getting sponsored by LootFucks and getting their own discount codes, is it possible that...
What are some games that people think are really deep, but actually aren't?
Can we just make something clear here?
This is with out a doubt,the hardest boss in the Series
To save our mother Earth from any alien attack!
Why are leafs the worst when it comes to anything video game related?
What's the correct choice here?
Boss is just a large version of a common enemy
Is the Paper Mario series dead?
Survival horror game
ITT: casual filters
Metroid 5's development
Am I just crazy or is this game like really bad? I just finished it and it's so mediocre compared to the original
Really makes you think if overwatch fanbase is actually as cancerous as it is...
Graphics that make you go, "Ooo"
The perfect console doesn't exis-
Perfect girls don't exi-
"comfy" is a buzzwor-
Low level joins Nightmare game
AGDQ thread
Outside of vidya, what other medium do you consume?
What's simulate the hardships of having a job
This thing has been out for more than a year and I think it's finely time for a new revision
Name ONE (1) game that doesnt have skeletons
LGBTA characters
Will 2Butts fuck 9Shota?
What the fuck happened
How do you feel about yuri in video games? Do you think it will continue to grow as a trend...
I might be a bit late, but I just finished this game yesterday...
Seinfeld for PlayStation 1 thread
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Why can't Sup Forums produce quality content anymore
How many passwords and keycodes from games have you memorized and won't forget until you get hit by Alzheimer's?
Play a game
Webm thread, this needs a name
It's up
I really want to buy Escape from Tarkov, but don't know which edition
AGDQ thread
Will you preorder?
Free EA acess trial
I've basically cleared out my backlog but then that means I don't really have anything to play either
I'm a weeaboo and I'm proud
Post video game frogs
ITT overrated garbage
What's the best N64 game?
Everyday is great at your Junes!
WHY is Japan going to save videogames again?
Worth picking this up for cheap?
Screenshot thread?
Why are fit gamers so rare? How do improve this to make the desirability of gamers increased?
Post your most played games and hours
Can we have a serious discussion about gamers and health?
I may have noticed something lore-wise about Dark Souls 2 that I wanted to share...
Neogaf sjw's and rage
Dad is a Metal Gear fan
Is Inti-Creates just not capable of making a great modern 3D game? MN9 and now this
So, we're getting Hyrule Warriors 2 for the Switch, right?
What are your predictions for E3 2017 Sup Forums?
ITT: AGDQ 2017
Will Deliverance deliver?
Senran Kagura Deep Crimson is fucking unplayable...
Is Dward Fortress just a meme game for autists or is it actually fun if you invest enough time in it...
Who is the most attractive non-human game character?
This game didn't deserve to fail desu
What are some huge red flags in video games? I can think of:
Oh boy
Got my sweater, leg warmers, coffee, butter cookies
Will it be shit?
Is Bloody Roar furry?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...