No room on desk for a second monitor

>No room on desk for a second monitor
>No room in room for a bigger desk

Post a picture of your desk

Unless you're using a nightstand as a desk I don't understand how you don't have room. Clean the trash off your desk.

vertical monitor stand

>tfw desk cluttered with useless junk and too lazy to clean it up

such is the life of a low test low energy manchild


>huge desk
>two monitors
>still not enough room for my mouse because my sensitivity is so low and my keyboard gets in the way whenever I swipe left
>tilting my keyboard kinda helps but hurts my left wrist

>tfw cant have a triple monitor setup cause room is too filled already


Memeboard and memeouse scrubbed to prevent bullying

>Have three monitors
>Mommy won't let me have them all on at once because "its bad for ur eyes"

my desk is too thin for this, the monitors would be hitting me in the face

>needing 2 monitors

Are you me?

Razer mouse and keyboard?
Also what the fuck is that photo?

Get one of these bad boys


>Also what the fuck is that photo?
I took it on snapchat to scrub, didn't realise it would absolutely destroy the picture quality in the process

>maximizing your browser
You can't be in that desperate need of screen space then senpai.

Make it less obvious that it's razer junk lmao

Nobody needs a second desk.

My desk has been broken for 10 years.

Apparently nobody needs to be literate either.

plenty of fucking room you retard, might no be flat on your eyes but you will need to have it on an angle


what video game is this thread about?

>tfw can't have a computer in my room because I never even had a room


The game where we show OP how to move out of mommy's basement into a room where he can have a bigger desk.

hang it on your wall

>unironically using razer
lol what a faggot

You should probably neck yourself

Why would anyone use Razer even ironically?

>Can't get a bigger desk because the spot's in between 2 doors
>No other side of the room to put my desk in
I feel your pain user, I do.

a second monitor of reasonable size is not fitting on that desk

can't say I didn't see it coming

im in a student apartment

tfw no desk

You knew exactly what you were doing when you made this post.

Go on


Someone tell me which is the best L shaped desk I can buy. pls.

>Virgin Media

Alri lad


i hate having no Sky Sports lad, it hurts

>He doesn't pay £30 a month for it

Poor as well, I see.

>not having a maximized browser on every monitor

>Razer fag
>cant think more than 2 sec to add a second monitor
>is probably a NVIDIA fanboy as well and play LOL


>can't into basic sentences
>uses newfag youtuber memes

>move modem
>remove retarded large mousepad
>move monitor to the left
wow incredibly hard

the modem is wired to the wall, it's already half hanging off the table as it is

the mousepad is not in the way of potential monitor space