>Jill finds prove Russia messed with computers in WI
And she drops case in PA because no voter fraud... CTR go fuck off. no one believes your blatant lies.
Jill Press Conference
>It's not the machines in PA, it was the ones in WI in Outagamie county
Look we found the code in the WI machines the election is copromise mr Judge
We need to Check PA too
>crazy leftist yells at Russia
Good news, OP. Nobody normal is going to care.
Jill Stein is doing some next level 5D Chess man.
S hillary fuckin has already rigger in 22,000 fresh votes for herself....
Pol don't be fooled Hillary is evil and will do whatever it takes....
>if i act like i don't know how to use the site people won't think i'm a larping faggot
we discuss this already absentee ballots
The machines in WI that have no Internet connection? Please go larp somewhere else
I saw you post this in the other thread under a Puerto Rican flag faggot. Fake and gay.
none of you know how to trace things, which is the only way of "knowing" who did something.
imagine if you walked through seventeen buildings, all privately owned to get to a place, and your footsteps inside those buildings were only proof of you if you could trace them back to where you lived.
Now you ask the questions:
*Did you start out from where you lived?
*maybe someone else started out there?
*how can you be identified with just a footprint?
*how can you tell if it was you and not just someone wearing your shoes?
tracing is just hunch based investigation when you are dealing with governments, and nobody will ever jump on it other than someone who is trying to prove something that is false.
If you have the technology, the ability, to go to all of those buildings, the huge resources and skills that it takes, you would not be doing dumb shit like "asking" for a recount, you would of been fixing them from day one, which leads us back to the FACT that George Soros owns the voting machines in a lot of those counties.
It's all just a sham