Constant chase after progress destroy us.
Why the fuck do we need to constantly grow? Why do we care about GDP so much? Why can't we stop for a moment and just keep what we have already? You can't grow forever without stealing resources from other nations. Forced growth will eventually lead to war. Not to mention that bankers punish people who refuse to grow and make their countries miserable. Why are they punishing nations that refuse to grow? At some point you need to destroy shit and rebuild it just keep the artificial growth going.
Economic growth - why do we play this game?
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No serious discussion allowed on/pol/ huh?
our whole economy is based on constant growth
no growth, or even slow growth = total collapse of economy
Sure, but this only an agreement between bankers. Without them people wouldn't give a fuck and conginue with thrir lives.
You're right, nature is cyclical, perpetual (exponential) growth unsustainable. Shorting stocks is not allowed in 401k's which forces the stock market to go forever up. The whole thing is a game of musical chairs. No one's losing while the music's playing.
Should I invest in houses or gold?
KapusciĆski was a secret agent and he wrote what was good for commies, this is why he ridiculed Haile Selassie
>Why the fuck do we need to constantly grow?
To have low unemployment and social peace
>Why do we care about GDP so much?
We shouldn't, we should include environment and quality of investments
>bankers punish people who refuse to grow and make their countries miserable
This is a matter of a monetary/banking system. The problem is that Anglosaxons rule the world with their calvinist attitude towards the economy and society. Catholics have a more humane approach towards the economy, like the jesuits in South America
>Anglosaxons rule the world with their calvinist attitude towards the economy and society
Asians, Russians and Muslims have their own banking systems. We are fucked because we suck US/EU dicks.
Let's focus on making our lives better instead of growing just to make our owners happy.
Good book. I loved the idea of the minister of the pen. Policy turns out a bit shit? Blame the scribe!
>implying "we" have any say in the matter
The book taught me to always get everything on paper if I don't want to get fucked and never get anything on paper if I want to fuck someone up. Just get him drunk, shake hands and make a verbal deal.
>going against the grain
Enjoy being bombed Poland.
>Asians, Russians and Muslims have their own banking systems
What? You think russian banks are as important as the Anglosaxon dominated world? Everybody models himself after the Anglosaxons, because they dominate so much, it's almost a necessity
>Everybody models himself after the Anglosaxons
Chinese and Arabs don't give two fucks about your model. They have their own. That's why you have to murder Muslim rulers instead of defeating them economically. You know your system is worse than Muslim banking so you drop the rules of civilized discussion and start bombing the shit out of them. Who is the real savage here? Democracy my ass.
the moment that the west gets dictated by economic bullshit is the moment we said goodbye
Chink's banks are practically nationalized, this is what Le Pen wants to do. Arabs might be an alternative, you're right here, but I don't know how they operate. Do they charge interest? If not, then I doubt this system would last globally, although in the face of the calvinist Anglosaxon banking system, many people would welcome this as an alternative
Can we adopt Muslim banking system while at the same time throwing Muslims out of Europe?
Their banking system allows investing but simple interest is a huge no-no.
By the way, PiS wants PKO polish bank to dominate polish market and both murrican and german agencies shit on us for that. Not to mention the german and us owned media in Poland.
>but simple interest is a huge no-no
Then I doubt it would last, read the article I gave you, very interesting
>both murrican and german agencies shit on us for that
Do you know how important german or american banks are in Poland?
Italians, French, Dutch - they dominate so much, they make Germans look tiny
Growth attracts investors and companies to "join" you in your growth. Thats the only reason we need or want constant growth, no matter what the cost might be.
you are sturggling with your own mind, with ideas planted by someone other
no, gdp dont mean shit compared to other things, but it has been made really important by the media, so they can use you as they like
the muslim banking meme lmao tier. Giving loans without interest is fucking stupid. That's why the Jews are all in finance. They are not so fucking stupid.
If I give someone $1,000 I would never say "but yeah just pay it back to me whenever, no interest". People may hate interest and finance but it is a necessity for a nation to grow and prosper economically. It also makes fucking sense. That's why the Middle East and Saudi are such shithole's and in America we are about to have self driving cars and Virtual reality.
I understand my own nation is fucked up financially right now but that is because of the federal reserve, we just keep printing money we don't have.
Can't we attract them with deregulation of market, low costs of investments and novel technology that can't leave our country without our permission?
>People may hate interest and finance but it is a necessity for a nation to grow and prosper economically.
Where are the proofs?
Lol here we go with the whole "we're jealous of muslim banking system so that's why we went to war with them". Are you actually that autistic? You really think if someone asked to borrow money and I give it to them, that I don't deserve interest back when they eventually pay me back, seeing that I gave them money they don't have?
If that's the case than just give me a loan right now. All the money you can loan, loan it to me. I'll pay you back in 6 months and I'll be 20x richer than you.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!
I already gave them to you Ahmed, or are the differences between the third world Middle East and the super power of America really that hard to understand?
If you are so awesome then why are you blowing Saudis as hard as you can?
Dubai is richer tgan any US city and it was built for the money you gave us.