Economic growth - why do we play this game?

The book taught me to always get everything on paper if I don't want to get fucked and never get anything on paper if I want to fuck someone up. Just get him drunk, shake hands and make a verbal deal.

>going against the grain

Enjoy being bombed Poland.

>Asians, Russians and Muslims have their own banking systems
What? You think russian banks are as important as the Anglosaxon dominated world? Everybody models himself after the Anglosaxons, because they dominate so much, it's almost a necessity

>Everybody models himself after the Anglosaxons
Chinese and Arabs don't give two fucks about your model. They have their own. That's why you have to murder Muslim rulers instead of defeating them economically. You know your system is worse than Muslim banking so you drop the rules of civilized discussion and start bombing the shit out of them. Who is the real savage here? Democracy my ass.

the moment that the west gets dictated by economic bullshit is the moment we said goodbye

Chink's banks are practically nationalized, this is what Le Pen wants to do. Arabs might be an alternative, you're right here, but I don't know how they operate. Do they charge interest? If not, then I doubt this system would last globally, although in the face of the calvinist Anglosaxon banking system, many people would welcome this as an alternative

Can we adopt Muslim banking system while at the same time throwing Muslims out of Europe?
Their banking system allows investing but simple interest is a huge no-no.

By the way, PiS wants PKO polish bank to dominate polish market and both murrican and german agencies shit on us for that. Not to mention the german and us owned media in Poland.

>but simple interest is a huge no-no
Then I doubt it would last, read the article I gave you, very interesting

>both murrican and german agencies shit on us for that
Do you know how important german or american banks are in Poland?

Italians, French, Dutch - they dominate so much, they make Germans look tiny