>dead niggers
>could be finally be of some use as fertilizer
>they cut down precious trees for coffins to dig human shit in the ground
Nathaniel Wood
Eli Rogers
A fucking leaf
Dylan Cox
Where's the wolf pack when you need it, come in Germany get your shit together.
Blake Reed
Healthy young immigrant goes to human trafficker, gets promised gibsmedats and white women, tries to cross the mediterranean on a paddle boat, doesn't float good and sinks- DEAD. Many such cases!
Joseph Fisher
Ian Wood
Fuck off, we're full (of Chinese).
Aiden White
>Kill all that come, and they will stop coming.
Jose Cox
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>Poseidon prevents 5000 rapes
huh, guess there are two sides to every story
David Clark
should people in europe live a shittier life so others can live a better life?