Doggos vs Flaffurs

Cat feces are fucking potent and can cause schizophrenia. That's why the cat lady in nearly every city is bat shit insane.

The true redpill

>Cats don't belong in our home
Then why do housecats live 3-4 times as long as outdoor cats?

Why is Sup Forums filled with so many ailurophobes?

Toxoplasmosis can cause thos in ONLY some cases and only if you smear the shit directly to your face aka a degenerate. I have tested myself and don't have toxoplasma, it's actually pretty fucking rare

I think those cat ladies were crazy even before the cats

I had a frog like that, he ate mice

Also, my own cat waits for me and only me daily and it's not food related, she has all the food she needs for 1 whole week, she actually wants my company so I kinda disagree with you on this.

But yeah it's not like they would call an ambulance on you if you fell and broke your head, they are not social animals like a dog is but they still have a basic sense of packs.

I have one of these

Pretty cool little guy but he spooks easy, plus peoples reactions the first time they see him are great

his name is Iggy

Because outdoor cats face predators, disease, and risk being run over by cars.

They do better outside IMO. When they live outside they act according to their natural instincts, they breed and hunt extremely well.

An animal that is so suited to live outside doesn't really seem like a domesticated pet to me.

Both. I've had two cats, and they were fucking saints. I've had a lot more dogs, many of them were kinda meh-ish, but I realize that a perfect dog > perfect cat.
Never did have much luck with dogs, though.