Any second now

Any second now

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Further reading:

America will somehow take lots of the blame here, even though Saddam built the thing in the wrong damn spot.

Break the damn for Kek.


What else is new

I brok the dam

>Within four days, both the EU and US experts predict, a wave between six - 36 feet (two - eight metres) high would reach Baghdad, 250 miles (400 kilometres) away.

>The UN predicted last year that in any flooding scenario, up to four million people will be left homeless, and aid will take up to two weeks to reach those in need if airports, electricity grids and roads are knocked out. Iraq’s oil refineries and up to two thirds of its wheat fields would also be affected.

>four million people will be left homeless

>2/3 of its wheat fields would be affected

Not a good thing. Ready for more rapefugees?


that was a very glorious read. I hope it breaks in 2017 and Trump says who fucking cares.

The damn will break. Paise Kek.

Well you invaded in the wrong spot m8

I see what you mean.

*I* broke the damn.

If LaBaghdadi happens to be in the area of happening and dam breaks then kek will have solely destroyed ISIS.

Or not...

I really wish the dam would break, but I hate that all it would bring would be more waves of rapefugees.


The dam will break and Germany will take all of the refugees

Dam will break within a few hours.
As is confirmed by my digits.

The dam is damned.


Memes and Kekism(autism) aside, it has been prophetized that it will break. It WILL break and very soon.


Nah, it would the shorten the rapefugees by 1.5 million. Neptune is having none of this shit.



Now stop getting my hopes up......this is too good to be true

Praise Yam, the Canaanite god of rivers.


you are like little babies

watch this

Kek wants us to be patient. It is coming. PRAISE KEK.

This crisis would further radicalize right-wing politics and take over Europe very quickly. Is it a bad thing or not it's up to you to decide.

Ive noticed something about gets.

Small gets never get anything, however large gets (like the 777+ trump will win and the fuck communists that killed Castro)

Kek wills it with only a large get

How do we meme this into reality? Do we call out ISIS on social media calling them pussies for not pulling the plug? Lets get this going.

It won't happen

>Dirtshits killed
>another wave of rapefugees will push the right into power in Europe
>or it just gets worse and is somehow blamed on Trump's racism

This is quite the gamble for removing kebab


We currently the Kurds control it, so we'd have to convince them that blowing it up would remove Arab, and give them independence.


(((They))) will break it and blame it on the Russian hackers

Careful, too much rolling will displease Kek. The damn will break when it is time.

No, I broke the dam

Last two digits = Number of days until it breaks

Haha Kek wills It Brother!

How difficult is it to blow up a huge dam like this one?

Spring Break (huehuehue) can't come soon enough!

>Completed in 1984, the dam sits on a foundation of soluble rock. To keep it stable, hundreds of employees have to work around the clock, pumping a cement mixture into the earth below. Without continuous maintenance, the rock beneath would wash away, causing the dam to sink and then break apart.

Ironically a flooding of the city was one reason why people were afraid of an invasion of Iraq back in 2003.

Considering the structural integrity of this particular one, not very.

have a good bath I guess?

Now we're getting somewhere.

Praise Yam! Break the dam!

the dam will break
his will breaks it

>doesnt happen


Pretty hard I'd imagine. You'd need to get past security, drive multiple truck bombs onto it and hopefully do enough structural damage it collapses. No way you could manage to do an explosive demolition, just truck bomb and hope for the best.

For the love of Olllllaahuakber

The dam bursts next week. Kek's will be done.


>injecting logic and facts into a happening thread


Can you guys not meme the death of millions of people?

My birthday is February 23rd, and on this day the middle east will have a great new wave pool...Kek's will be done.


>Agen in I'd
I must roll again


Here's some OC offerings for Kek.
Time for it to break now



Impossible. The dam is basically a huge lump of soil/clay/rock. Even if you fly a plane into that dam it wouldn't break. It's not a arch dam like pic related.

I remind you guys that our mighty army is defending the dam, while our very trusted construction workers are doing the best they can to renovate it


I gotcha covered senpai



red top red roof

Jet fuel can melt concrete beams.



not today friendo :^)


dam will break.

What would it take for terrorists to bring down the dam?

You just have to hit a vulnerable point. Or just use some thermite

Literally nothing. They would have to keep everybody out of the area, that's the only job. Nature will do the rest of the job.

Something tells me that ISIS will say that American black ops destroyed the dam, and people will believe it.

It will not break.

digits confirm it wont break

The dam will break when the queen dies.
Green amphibian wills it


It is the will of KEK. The meme magic is merely channeled through our digits, but we aren't the ones to decide waht happens, KEK does.

Have You seen an old movie Force 10 from Navaronne?

Anyway. Pack the "gallery" full of c-4 & cast boosters and watch the circus begin......

It won't break only on one condition and it's to keep pumping concrete to fill the voids created by water. There is no permament solution. The dam was DESIGNED TO BE A DISASTER.

If the italians are slow enough, then the water will fill all the voids and vacuums and will cause additioal pressure to the dam structure. Just like in the movies.


So close.


So the wave will be traveling at 2.5 mph?
People can literally walk away from the carnage.

>don't get digits on first try
>keep rerolling until someone gets them
>then claim it to be the will of a frog deity
have I got this right?

The dam is actually about to fucking break right now guys

Isn't it?

Yes, it definitely will, just watch it.

You can't meme magic a broken dam. Let me show you.
The dam will break and millions of sandniggers will die.
See? No gets. that means it won't happen.


Oh ye of little faith

The water, when travelling, holds enormous kinetic energy, ready to devour the whole land. Just look at Japanese tsunami 2011.

thou art of little faith